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Carl Everett


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I've been told that I'm unique with my sense of humor and my analogies. Sometimes people are complimenting me and sometimes ..... well you get the idea. I live in Pittsburgh, at least until May 14 I do. I call Pittsburgh "a poor mans San Fransisco". Come here some day, the hills and vistas are magnificent, until you look closer and see a badly decaying rust belt city. Albert Belle and Carl Everett, the same surly countenance but lets say Belle is SF to Everetts Pittsburgh. By now Steff you are probably saying " shut up already SI". But I say why give a simple explanation when a more complicated one will do?  :bang Oh yes, and I still don't want Everett. Sorry if that's more than you bargained for but moving is making me neurotic.  :huh:

Honestly.. I didn't understand a word you said :huh:



LOL... :D :P :lol: ;)


Where are you moving to?

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I've been told that I'm unique with my sense of humor and my analogies. Sometimes people are complimenting me and sometimes ..... well you get the idea. I live in Pittsburgh, at least until May 14 I do. I call Pittsburgh "a poor mans San Fransisco". Come here some day, the hills and vistas are magnificent, until you look closer and see a badly decaying rust belt city. Albert Belle and Carl Everett, the same surly countenance but lets say Belle is SF to Everetts Pittsburgh. By now Steff you are probably saying " shut up already SI". But I say why give a simple explanation when a more complicated one will do?  :bang Oh yes, and I still don't want Everett. Sorry if that's more than you bargained for but moving is making me neurotic.  :huh:

I have been to both Pittsburgh and SF. One thing they have in common is both suck for driving.

Hills, traffic, and crooked ass streets that are not marked well.

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The old baseball rule for GM's was you never trade a good pitcher for a hitter because good pitching beats good hitting. Of course Garland hasn't been pitching good lately, but he has shown he can. He has talent. Everett may be good, but I am not sure we need him. Trading for another OF guy is going to cause some rethinking of what we do and when we do it with guys like Borchard. Texas wants pitching and we have it, but do they really have what we need for now and the future?

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I have been to both Pittsburgh and SF. One thing they have in common is both suck for driving.

Hills, traffic, and crooked ass streets that are not marked well.

You can't even begin to realize how glad I am to be getting out of Pittsburgh. About all it has going for it now is great hospitals and universities. I took advantage of both. That and getting rid of Kordell. If the Sox tank, don't look forward to football season. Not with that guy at QB.

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while i dont care for carls attitude at times... his bat well makes up for it... if he can behave himself in our clubhouse i would do this in  a freakin heartbeat..........jon (aka kip wells jr.) for carl straight up .. .hell yea..........where do we sign............ :headbang

So it's OK to have a prick on our roster as long as he's not taking the place of your beloved Aaron Miles? ;)

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Well.. we let you post here so obviously we're ok with some pricks...  ;)  :P

I see that you're as witty today as usual. ;)


Anyway, I decided to look up D'Angelo's stats for kicks, and I don't really understand WTF Michelle is talking about. She said something to the effect that Miles "couldn't do worse than Jimenez is doing". I'm too lazy to go back and find the exact quote, and if someone else said that (and not Michelle), my deepest apologies. However, I know that she'd want Miles up here if possible.


.308 avg, 3 HR, 10 RBI, 15 runs, .403 OBP, .542 SLG, 17 BB, 14 K, 3 errors


I don't know what planet Michelle lives on to think that those aren't VERY good and very acceptable numbers. :huh:

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I see that you're as witty today as usual.  ;)

I'm tryin!! This damn cold is kicking my ass!! I should be back to normal by the weekend. :cheers

I can relate to that!


It's like...upper 60's and partly cloudy today here in "sunny" So Cal. :rolleyes: :P

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I see that you're as witty today as usual.  ;)

I'm tryin!! This damn cold is kicking my ass!! I should be back to normal by the weekend. :cheers

I can relate to that!


It's like...upper 60's and partly cloudy today here in "sunny" So Cal. :rolleyes: :P

LOL.. not cold tempurature.. cold sick :lolhitting

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It's like...upper 60's and partly cloudy today here in "sunny" So Cal. :rolleyes:  :P

You want cold,it's snowing today for the 5th time in as many days.



SI you'll have to try a bit harder to keep me up to date on the Stiller vibe from Pittsburgh, what is Columbia a poor man's version of?

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It's like...upper 60's and partly cloudy today here in "sunny" So Cal. :rolleyes:  :P

You want cold,it's snowing today for the 5th time in as many days.



SI you'll have to try a bit harder to keep me up to date on the Stiller vibe from Pittsburgh, what is Columbia a poor man's version of?

Mathew there are ex Pittsburghers (Picksburghers in Pittsburghese) everywhere. I already know of two places in Columbia that cater to Steeler fans on NFL Sunday. Don't worry Mathew I'll keep you posted if you need me to. I also got my wife the original, Steeler, Pirate, Penguin and Panther fanatic. She'll want to stay in the loop. Columbia like many other mid sized and bigger sun belt metropolitan areas is home to more and more impoverished Yankees from the aging and dying rust belt. Many native southerners are none too happy about it, while they count our money. Columbia is the recent past, present and future of the country. The rust belt is dying a slow and painful death and nobody seems to notice or give a s***. It kind of ticks me off. Anyway Mathew, if Tommie gun stays healthy and they shore up a few defensive shortcoming the Stillers should be OK once again. You got to go Heinz Field some day. What an experience. Fans rooting for the opposition are putting life and limb in danger. I got lots of Stiller fan stories to tell you if we ever meet. Especially when Cleveland comes to town.

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Are they gonna start that rookie safety? We're dumpin' Flowers still I'm sure.


Any truth to the Cower and Kordell's sister rumour, or is that just nuts? Inquireing minds must know, have a good move, best of luck down there. :headbang

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I'm not sure I'd pick up a guy like Everett that has ANY kind reputation of being a clubhouse cancer. We have enough guys like that already. Everett's hot right now, but like many of you said, he's very injury prone. I wouldn't give up a guy with promising future like Garland for this old guy that won't stick around for long.


But as for Ponson, I really like this kid. I like his stuff and I believe he was one of the highest ranked prospects for the Orioles. I also heard that he was crowned a prince or knight or something like that a week ago.


And Jason, Kotsay for Lee is just too much wishful thinking. :nono :D

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I'm not too sure this is a bad idea. Now you are all backing Garland like he is Buehrle, when just a week ago most of you were saying he is trash and belongs in Charlotte.


And why have Borchard in center and Everett in left? I think Everett won a Gold Glove in 1999 with Houston. I know he is a great fielder. I remember the first time I went to Comiskey, he made a wicked nice catch of a Fordyce liner over his his head running back.



Plus, he is, in fact, a left-handed power hitter, who also swings from the right side. I wouldn't be against this trade.



For those who don't like this trade, what'd ou think of the Garland and Singleton for Erstad trade that almost happened a couple of winters ago? Would you hace accepted that? I would have.

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I'm not too sure this is a bad idea. Now you are all backing Garland like he is Buehrle, when just a week ago most of you were saying he is trash and belongs in Charlotte. 


And why have Borchard in center and Everett in left?  I think Everett won a Gold Glove in 1999 with Houston.  I know he is a great fielder.  I remember the first time I went to Comiskey, he made a wicked nice catch of a Fordyce liner over his his head running back.   



Plus, he is, in fact, a left-handed power hitter, who also swings from the right side.  I wouldn't be against this trade.



    For those who don't like this trade, what'd ou think of the Garland and Singleton for Erstad trade that almost happened a couple of winters ago?  Would you hace accepted that?  I would have.

You make some good points and ask some intriguing questions.


I did say it might help Garland to go to Charlotte for a while. I never said, nor believed, he was "trash". Sometimes, a trip to AAA allows a guy to get his head on straight while not being in spotlight of the majors.


As for Everett vs. Borchard in center or left, however that would play out would be fine.


I didn't like the Erstad trade, when it was first announced and was relieved when it didn't go through, though I was, and still would, waver on that one. The difference is that Erstad, though he does not have Everett's natural ability, he's damn close and he is a team player. That's the type of guy you want on your team. Not a loner or malcontent such as Everett seems to be. When I think of Everett, I am reminded of Tony Phillips.

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