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Bill Hicks


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You are not telling me anything that I did not already know.




If anyone is unfamiliar with his incredible comedy, go to your favorite file-sharing program and grab a few samples, then run ( do NOT walk ) to your favorite record store and look for his work on Rhino Records.


He was truly the unsung hero of the "Angry Comedy Age" in the 80s. Sam Kinison made it, Denis Leary made it, even Dice Clay made it, and Hicks was better than ANY of them!

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We do not live in a meritocracy. Lots of talented people in all fields of endeavor never "make it". Look at any work bureaucracy. Those that learn how to kiss ass and "play the game" get promoted. KW anyone? Here in Pittsburgh where I live the state of journalism is beyond pathetic. The two best writers IMO toil for the left wing oriented free newspaper called the City Paper. It's Pittsburgh's version of the Chicago Reader. One thing you've done is made me curious about Hicks. I love comedy and now because of you I'm going to check him out.

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We do not live in a meritocracy. Lots of talented people in all fields of endeavor never "make it". Look at any work bureaucracy. Those that learn how to kiss ass and "play the game" get promoted. KW anyone? Here in Pittsburgh where I live the state of journalism is beyond pathetic. The two best writers IMO toil for the left wing oriented free newspaper called the City Paper. It's Pittsburgh's version of the Chicago Reader. One thing you've done is made me curious about Hicks. I love comedy and now because of you I'm going to check him out.

I wasn't really blaming anyone or saying that it was criminal that Hicks never hit it big, or that the others should not have.

I was just trying to say that I thought Bill Hicks was the best of that genre of comedy.


He wasn't for everyone, and he probably wasn't going to ever be huge, because he did a LOT of material on religion. He did his harshest stuff on the topic of religion.

The Bible Belt would have been all over him, and probably would have boycotted the places that he performed at.


You really should check him out - he was truly great.

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I just cannot, you know, believe in a war against drugs when they've got anti-drug commercials on TV all day long followed by "This Bud's For You."  I've got news for you, folks.  A-1, alcohol is a drug and B-2, and here's the rub, alcohol kills more people than crack, coke, and heroin...combined each year.


I was in Nashville, Tennesee last year. After the show I went to a Waffle House. I'm not proud of it, I was hungry. And I'm alone.  I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right?  Waitress walks over to me: " Hey, whatchoo readin' for?" Isn't that the weirdest f***ing question you've ever heard? Not what am I readING, but what am I reading *for*? Well, godammit, ya stumped me! Why do I read? Well... hmmm... I dunno... I guess I read for a lot of reasons, and the main one is so I don't end up being a f***ing waffle waitress.


And on the 7th day, God looked back on his creation and said "Look at my creation, perfect in every way.  Oh f***!  I left marijuana all over the place!  Now people will think I want them to smoke it!  Now I'm gonna have to create Republicans!


Although my favorite stuff is his sketch on the drug war and how that no matter how high he's been he's never looked at an egg and thought it was a brain. His stuff is gold. The guy is brilliant! A friend of mine for Hash Wednesday did the entire anti-drug war sketch that Bill Hicks made famous (it promotes legalization of weed)


:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang BILL HICKS

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I was in Columbia, South Carolina recently and I took a meal at a Waffle House. I was also engrossed in a book. The waitress didn't ask me why I was reading, but she did look at my book and then look at me kind of funny. The breakfast was great, even the juice was cold. I gave her a nice tip anyway.

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was truly the unsung hero of the "Angry Comedy Age" in the 80s. Sam Kinison made it, Denis Leary made it, even Dice Clay made it, and Hicks was better than ANY of them


Agreed. He has to be seen...getting 'Totally Bill Hicks" from eMule is a start ;)


You also gotta remember that although he wasn't exactly mainstream (taking shots at religion in the heart of Bible Belt in the 80's and talking about teenage girls' private parts and beastiality, running over LA riotees and dropping babies from airplanes along many other things wasn't exactly easy back then or even now...) and had died at only 32, he was rocking the mike down south since he was about 14. Sam Kinisson didn't have Bill's brains, fearlessness or performative flair; he pretty much sold out to the "workin' man"-misogynist demographic, he was ok I guess. Dice was utter s*** so he doesn't matter, and Leary as good as his No Cure For Cancer is, "borrowed" a lot of ideas from Hicks, as did both Dennis Miller and Bill Maher. s*** even Chris Rock's routine is replete with Hicks influences, though to be fair Rock is a great stand up comedien in his own right. I would say he is a cross between Eddie Izzard and George Carlin.


"Now, not all drugs are good...some are great."

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