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Jose Canseco .....


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You b**** and b**** about it... then say you don't give a rat's ass.  I believe you are the one who is kidding himself.

"b**** and b**** about it"?


If memory serves me correctly, I've brought up the inside joke issue 1 time.


I suggest you read what I say before you start posting rebuttles. Might help your cause just a bit.

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"b**** and b**** about it"?


If memory serves me correctly, I've brought up the inside joke issue 1 time.


I suggest you read what I say before you start posting rebuttles.  Might help your cause just a bit.

I read that garbage once, not going to bother again... and I'm done with this exchange.

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"b**** and b**** about it"?


If memory serves me correctly, I've brought up the inside joke issue 1 time.


I suggest you read what I say before you start posting rebuttles.  Might help your cause just a bit.

I read that garbage once, not going to bother again... and I'm done with this exchange.

Yes...since my comments in this thread did not involve you in any way, shape or form, maybe it's best if you STFU. I agree.

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Clujer.. I'd just like to take a minute to address your claim here, maybe explain it a bit.


First of all.. I did NOT break the KW news here for this exact reason. Some people on here are f***ING ASSHOLES (feel free to include yourself in that group... or not). Michelle did, and bless her brass balls for doing so. So first.. get the facts straight BEFORE you make stupid ass ASSumptions and post bull s***.


Second, I would never EVER in a million years tell anyone but my husband who tells me thing about the Sox. Most of the time he's either there with me anyway, or reading my emails. There's a little thing called integrity that I hold high when it relates to such matters. Perhaps you don't have the same type of relationship with your friends, but it's something that I value. So no.. you'll never get a source out of me (and likely not Michelle either). I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's the way it is. If you don't like the things we post, then don't respond to them. You said you could care less... but you sure did stink up the joint with this thread.

If you can't respect my loyalty to my friends then don't bother reading or posting to or about me. It's pretty simple.

The "KW news" isn't news. It's rumor/speculation. Until something actually happens, it's nothing more than that.


And I don't expect you to name names when it comes to your "source(s)". All I ask is that when you "know something", you give specific details, and perhaps the qualifications of the source -- not specifics about the source him/herself. There is a difference between the two.


"Stunk up the joint"? I've noticed that since I've joined this board, I've brought a little bit of life and added a different perspective to quite a few threads. Maybe I'm missing something, but is that a bad thing?


Loyalty is one thing -- vagueness for the sake of being vague is a complete other.

Clujer.. There was nothing more to be specific about. Michelle laid out the facts she was given and I simply stated that I had been told the same information. The facts were laid out there (KW messing with players, making lineups, the issue with Carlos, the cell phone calls, etc, etc..) What more did you want? As far as my stinking up the joint comment.. it was in regards specifically to THIS issue. You said you don't care yet you keep going on starting s*** with us...? :huh:

I can't recall ever being vague about this matter. Mainly because I had nothing to do with it's birth and only posted to agree that I had heard the same things Michelle posted. I guess I don't understand where your beef is. You're saying one thing one minute and another the next.

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"b**** and b**** about it"?


If memory serves me correctly, I've brought up the inside joke issue 1 time.


I suggest you read what I say before you start posting rebuttles.  Might help your cause just a bit.

I read that garbage once, not going to bother again... and I'm done with this exchange.

Yes...since my comments in this thread did not involve you in any way, shape or form, maybe it's best if you STFU. I agree.

And my comments to HSC had nothing to do with you either, yet you felt obligated not to "STFU" about it...?


Touche clujer... eh?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

CLUJO........ stop being such a big baby about this whole thing.....if i had not known better i would actually start to believe you are PALEHOSEDICKFACE george from wsi.....you sure do act like him.........i will not now and not ever reveal my sources .......simply just isnt gonna ever happen...those close to me and who attend games with me know a few of the sources cause they are standing there when i hear stuff... other than that i will never disclose their names and nor will those who attend games with me.........its a pact we keep............you do know what a pact is right ??????........anyhow what this all boils down to is this simply......IF YOU DONT f***IN LIKE SOMETHING YOU READ THEN EITHER COMMENT AND EXPECT BACKLASH OR SHUT THE f*** UP AND MOVE ON TO SOMETHING ELSE OK............ now i suggest we drop this subject and go onto more important things like whos gonna be our new gm????? any ideas??????????? :huh:

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Guest hotsoxchick1
MJ = KW.  Anyone else notice the similarities in the stories that have followed them as GM's?

yes.. an no mj for gm... just isnt gonna happen..............

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Guest hotsoxchick1

good thing it was a joke.. i remember when he tried baseball.. he sucked... i sure as hell dont want him to try to judge the talent we should be getting on the team...........

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