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I just hope we can all get along when Manuel, Ward and Williams get canned. To me most importantly is anyone that is calling the games.


I know Manuel calls some of them, KW supposedly has called some of them and we all know how much I can't stand Ward's approach at the plate.

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oh wtf you know what i mean...........larry boy the veggie tale tells it all............ :fyou

How about :fyou


Just because I am a huge Veggie Tales fan, that means I'm "religious"? Don't jump to conclusions, my dear.


I enjoy VT because of its wholesome message that it sends to the youth of America. They preach values that everyone should strive for, and on top of that it's a very entertaining and hilarious cartoon.


And the Veggie in my avatar is Jr. Asparagus, not Larry Boy. :P

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Guest hotsoxchick1

whatever......lol veggie tales are just one of the many tools bible thumpers use to get inside the heads of the youth today...........what ever happened to the right to choose religion.......or lack thereof.......... :D

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Guest hotsoxchick1
What channel is this vegetales on?

jas its not on around here.. its a series of video tapes.........put out by the bible thumpers of america............

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whatever......lol veggie tales are just one of the many tools bible thumpers use to get inside the heads of the youth today...........what ever happened to the right to choose religion.......or lack thereof.......... :D

The way this country is going, a little more religion in the lives of kids may not be a bad thing.


And don't be narrow-minded. Veggie Tales preaches values that EVERYONE should have. Compassion, thankfulness, selflessness, kindness, honesty, forgiveness, and many others are all preached in Veggie Tales' many episodes.


You're right, screw them, that stuff isn't important. We should show our kids shows like South Park and Jerry Springer. They'll be much better people that way.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The way this country is going, a little more religion in the lives of kids may not be a bad thing.



unless your one of those kids being raped by a priest.......... ;)

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The way this country is going, a little more religion in the lives of kids may not be a bad thing.



unless your one of those kids being raped by a priest.......... ;)

Letting the actions of a few warp your opinion of the whole is sad.


By that logic, all Sox fans are bad because of the actions of the few morons that ran on the field earlier this season.



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Guest hotsoxchick1

the actions of a few dont warp my mind.. there is bad in every group as much as good..... i just dont like the fact that bible thumpers have to shove religion down the throats of america to get their point across.. if they were a bit more suttle in their approach then maybe more would attend services........one of my best friends is a minister.....and he doesnt shove that s*** down my throat each time we meet..... lord knows i may need it at times but God and i have our own understanding and i dont need to share it with anyone else but he and i............. :D

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the actions of a few dont warp my mind.. there is bad in every group as much as good..... i just dont like the fact that bible thumpers have to shove religion down the throats of america to get their point across

Last I checked, Big Idea (creators of Veggie Tales) don't conduct marches through playgrounds trying to recruit kids. They put out wholesome, creatively funny videos that people can choose to either buy or not buy. How is that "shoving religion down the throats of America to get their point across"?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Last I checked, Big Idea (creators of Veggie Tales) don't conduct marches through playgrounds trying to recruit kids.  They put out wholesome, creatively funny videos that people can choose to either buy or not buy.  How is that "shoving religion down the throats of America to get their point across"?

oh please.........who do you think that big idea creators is run under.... better check it out.. .then tell me its not a bunch of bible thumpers sending subliminal messages into the youth of america...............www.bigidea.com..............look at their affiliations.......

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oh please.........who do you think that big idea creators is run under.... better check it out.. .then tell me its not a bunch of bible thumpers sending subliminal messages into the youth of america...............www.bigidea.com..............look at their affiliations.......

Subliminal messages?


Someone's paranoid.


Oh, and for the record, I do not believe in God, so my pro-Veggie opinions are not biased. They are the opinions and observations of a 22 year old who has seen the world deteriorate big time since I was a kid.

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whatever......lol veggie tales are just one of the many tools bible thumpers use to get inside the heads of the youth today...........what ever happened to the right to choose religion.......or lack thereof.......... :D

Uh last time i checked, we all have those rights....

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I don't get it you guys... What is wrong with two friends sharing "a wink and a nod" on a message board. So it's a "public" board. BFD. The only reason I can that anyone would find that offensive is that they just feel jealous due to not being in on the inside joke. It happens all the time in real time. And, hey, if you want to know what the joke is.... there is always the option of politely asking.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
And, hey, if you want to know what the joke is.... there is always the option of politely asking.

i told him i would let him in on it.. but he didnt ask..........lol :huh: go figure

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I don't get it you guys... What is wrong with two friends sharing "a wink and a nod" on a message board.  So it's a "public" board.  BFD.  The only reason I can that anyone would find that offensive is that they just feel jealous due to not being in on the inside joke.  It happens all the time in real time.  And, hey, if you want to know what the joke is.... there is always the option of politely asking.

Don't flatter Michelle or Steff. I could care less about their inside jokes. If you would have been paying attention to what I've said so far, you would see that I have a problem with them saying stuff like "something's going to happen real soon but I don't want to make my source mad by saying what it is". A perfect example is the other day when we were talking about some of the behind the scenes stuff with KW. Someone said something along the lines of "if only you knew what was really going on", yet there was no SPECIFIC details that explained WTF she was talking about.


I don't give a rats ass about anyone's "inside jokes" on this board -- don't kid yourself, buddy.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

then dont b**** about it and just skip it over.. if it didnt bother you then why reply in the first place..... :huh: ....geez us, even you arent that petty..... are ya??????.......... ;)

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Don't flatter Michelle or Steff.  I could care less about their inside jokes.  If you would have been paying attention to what I've said so far, you would see that I have a problem with them saying stuff like "something's going to happen real soon but I don't want to make my source mad by saying what it is".  A perfect example is the other day when we were talking about some of the behind the scenes stuff with KW.  Someone said something along the lines of "if only you knew what was really going on", yet there was no SPECIFIC details that explained WTF she was talking about.


I don't give a rats ass about anyone's "inside jokes" on this board -- don't kid yourself, buddy.

Clujer.. I'd just like to take a minute to address your claim here, maybe explain it a bit.


First of all.. I did NOT break the KW news here for this exact reason. Some people on here are f***ING ASSHOLES (feel free to include yourself in that group... or not). Michelle did, and bless her brass balls for doing so. So first.. get the facts straight BEFORE you make stupid ass ASSumptions and post bull s***.


Second, I would never EVER in a million years tell anyone but my husband who tells me thing about the Sox. Most of the time he's either there with me anyway, or reading my emails. There's a little thing called integrity that I hold high when it relates to such matters. Perhaps you don't have the same type of relationship with your friends, but it's something that I value. So no.. you'll never get a source out of me (and likely not Michelle either). I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's the way it is. If you don't like the things we post, then don't respond to them. You said you could care less... but you sure did stink up the joint with this thread.

If you can't respect my loyalty to my friends then don't bother reading or posting to or about me. It's pretty simple.



Oh.. Happy Mother's Day everyone.

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Clujer.. I'd just like to take a minute to address your claim here, maybe explain it a bit.


First of all.. I did NOT break the KW news here for this exact reason. Some people on here are f***ING ASSHOLES (feel free to include yourself in that group... or not). Michelle did, and bless her brass balls for doing so. So first.. get the facts straight BEFORE you make stupid ass ASSumptions and post bull s***.


Second, I would never EVER in a million years tell anyone but my husband who tells me thing about the Sox. Most of the time he's either there with me anyway, or reading my emails. There's a little thing called integrity that I hold high when it relates to such matters. Perhaps you don't have the same type of relationship with your friends, but it's something that I value. So no.. you'll never get a source out of me (and likely not Michelle either). I'm sorry if you don't like it, but that's the way it is. If you don't like the things we post, then don't respond to them. You said you could care less... but you sure did stink up the joint with this thread.

If you can't respect my loyalty to my friends then don't bother reading or posting to or about me. It's pretty simple.

The "KW news" isn't news. It's rumor/speculation. Until something actually happens, it's nothing more than that.


And I don't expect you to name names when it comes to your "source(s)". All I ask is that when you "know something", you give specific details, and perhaps the qualifications of the source -- not specifics about the source him/herself. There is a difference between the two.


"Stunk up the joint"? I've noticed that since I've joined this board, I've brought a little bit of life and added a different perspective to quite a few threads. Maybe I'm missing something, but is that a bad thing?


Loyalty is one thing -- vagueness for the sake of being vague is a complete other.

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Don't flatter Michelle or Steff.  I could care less about their inside jokes.  If you would have been paying attention to what I've said so far, you would see that I have a problem with them saying stuff like "something's going to happen real soon but I don't want to make my source mad by saying what it is".  A perfect example is the other day when we were talking about some of the behind the scenes stuff with KW.  Someone said something along the lines of "if only you knew what was really going on", yet there was no SPECIFIC details that explained WTF she was talking about.


I don't give a rats ass about anyone's "inside jokes" on this board -- don't kid yourself, buddy.

You b**** and b**** about it... then say you don't give a rat's ass. I believe you are the one who is kidding himself.

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