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Guys.. any thoughts on the "powderpuff" football game gone wrong this past weekend?


Do you agree the senior girls should be prosecuted?

I'm kinda torn. What happened was insane, but on the other hand the Juniors PAID TO BE THERE. Where does their responsibility begin?

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all I'm saying is HUMAN FECES???? WHAT THE FFFFFFFFFFF?????????



did some girl just drop trow and start slinging?






I'm ok with the fighting, but I definitely draw the line at poop tossing....



not cool....not cool at all.

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Guys.. any thoughts on the "powderpuff" football game gone wrong this past weekend?


Do you agree the senior girls should be prosecuted?

I'm kinda torn. What happened was insane, but on the other hand the Juniors PAID TO BE THERE. Where does their responsibility begin?

Saw an interview with one of the juniors that escaped a beating and she read excerpts the "form" that they had to sign and nowhere on there did it say... "you might possibly be hit over the head with a bat, strangled with pig intestines, doused with uring, smeared by s***, forced to eat fish guts and or drink paint thinner.... "


IMO.. no prom for those identified on the video as the ones assulting. No graduation ceremonies either. Charged with A&B.. and the one with the baseball bat.. possibly attempted murder. If this had happened at the Dan Ryan Woods they'd already be sentencing them.

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at my high school some uppity yuppy soccer moms would come complaining, the kids would get off with community service, the school and not the kids OR THE PARENTS!!!!!! would be "held responsible"



I can't wait to teach high school..............................................

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Since they enjoy playing with s*** so much, they should make those suburban princesses clean the restrooms at the tollway rest stops for awhile.

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at my high school some uppity yuppy soccer moms would come complaining, the kids would get off with community service, the school and not the kids OR THE PARENTS!!!!!! would be "held responsible"



I can't wait to teach high school..............................................

Luckily this is getting national attention and they hopefuly wont get off with a slap on the wrist. I was a cheerleader.. we saw some minor "hazing" on the football team but it was nothing like this. And it was guys. Not that it makes it right.. but at least they were tough and knew upfront there would be no "beating". One time guys had to stand in their underwear in the snow and have cold water poured on them and stand there for 10 minutes.

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One unidentified senior told NBC5 that an apology had been offered and she thought that should be enough to settle the controversy.



My sweet Lord.....


I say jail time.


Actually these kids need to have suspended licenses til age 21 and a zero tolerance probation situation.(ooh rhymes...)


if one kid slips up again...THEN jail time. where were the parents during this whole thing? I hate parents, especially moms...worthless they are.

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Ah the suburbs, the land of success and civility. I love how school administrators try to distance themselves from this. Glenbrook North is probably in the top ten or 15 high schools in the state of Illinois in terms of student achievement. They're gonna have a hard time explaining this away however. I went back to school as an adult and got a degree and teaching certificate. Never got beyond subbing. When I see stuff like this I don't regret it for a minute.

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Ah the suburbs, the land of success and civility. I love how school administrators try to distance themselves from this. Glenbrook North is probably in the top ten or 15 high schools in the state of Illinois in terms of student achievement. They're gonna have a hard time explaining this away however. I went back to school as an adult and got a degree and teaching certificate. Never got beyond subbing. When I see stuff like this I don't regret it for a minute.

In the state..?? More like the nation. They have a 97% college acceptance. Which is why it's making such media waves. I went to St Xavier with a girl that graduated from there.. I had to work 2 jobs to pay for what the grants, scholarships, and loans didn't pay for. She barely went to class, lived on campus, and had a nice convertable BMW. F'ing b****.. I hope she's barefoot and pregnant and living on welfare right now! People who don't appreciate s*** should have to live without for 6 months before they can enter the "real world".

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There are a s*** load, hehe I like puns, of people to blame.


If any school officials were there, I blame them, if any parents aided and abedded these miscreants, they are to blame too.


It looked like they just met in some field...but there looked to be 100+ people at this "non school sanctioned" event.


no one wants to take responsibility anymore.


I say don't let the senior partake in the graduation. give 'em a diploma in the mail and tell them to take a hike.

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There are a s*** load, hehe I like puns, of people to blame.


If any school officials were there, I blame them, if any parents aided and abedded these miscreants, they are to blame too.


It looked like they just met in some field...but there looked to be 100+ people at this "non school sanctioned" event.


no one wants to take responsibility anymore.


I say don't let the senior partake in the graduation. give 'em a diploma in the mail and tell them to take a hike.

Let 'em graduate.......just fling s*** at them when they are getting their diplomas.

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just fling s*** at them when they are getting their diplomas.

Is anyone worried that some cub fan is scheming right now?


the next home game against KC isn't til august....but I'm afraid of some "fecal attack" on a player or something


freakin' monkeys...

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And who supplied the kegs of beer for them? The parents should be held 100% responsible for their kids actions. Even if the school wanted to stop this from happening every year, they wouldn't be able to do it without the parents being involved.

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And who supplied the kegs of beer for them? The parents should be held 100% responsible for their kids actions. Even if the school wanted to stop this from happening every year, they wouldn't be able to do it without the parents being involved.

With as many people as were there, and the history of the school I would bet alumni were the suppliers. No info, just a guess.

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And who supplied the kegs of beer for them? The parents should be held 100% responsible for their kids actions. Even if the school wanted to stop this from happening every year, they wouldn't be able to do it without the parents being involved.

They could have found a lot of people to buy them beer. At my high school, beer flowed freely whenever anybody wanted it pretty much at parties. And I know that their parents didn't get it for them because a lot of the parents were not drinkers at all so they didn't have booze in the house.


And I went to a mostly upper middle class white yuppie high school too. [Providence Catholic in New Lenox]

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They could have found a lot of people to buy them beer.  At my high school, beer flowed freely whenever anybody wanted it pretty much at parties.  And I know that their parents didn't get it for them because a lot of the parents were not drinkers at all so they didn't have booze in the house.


And I went to a mostly upper middle class white yuppie high school too. [Providence Catholic in New Lenox]

I went to Richards.. never an issue getting beer for parties. I got a fake ID in my junior year.

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If their is an issue getting beer in highschool then their is something weird about that school. Beer flowed at every party at my school. College is so tame compared to the s*** that went on in highschool, at least where I went.


Didn't go to a private school or anything, just a public school where most people were middle class or upper middle class.

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That's my point. The parents have no clue what their kids are doing and don't care. But now the parents want the school to be held responsible for the actions of their children, when they are the ones raising them to be like this. I don't think the problem here is that the kids did this, but that the parents allowed this to happen.

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I don't think the problem here is that the kids did this, but that the parents allowed this to happen


Hahahaha...are you for real, dawg? These are not "kids", these are 17-18yo adults and are regarded as such in most countries. I know in this society infantilization of adults is very popular, but bear with me, how about raising expectations of "kids" and giving hard working parents a break for a change? The high-minded "family values" talk is just that--rhetoric, gum-flapping if you will. Welcome to the real world.


I did a lot of stupid s*** myself (almost as mean spirited as that hazing) and parents were never much of a problem because as much as they can love you and can try to "discipline" you, they are basically helpless past a certain age. Every one of those f***ed up senior b****es knew what was "wrong" and what was "right".....but they went ahead anyway.


Maybe their acne medicine interacted with Cheerleader's Bulimia and beer in a certain way... and done f***ed up the testasterone/estrogen balance or something, triggering the rage outburst...Who cares....ugliest sight of all is female jocks running amock. If they get expelled from universities, I won't shed a tear.

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An 18 year old high school student is a child. They are children living with their parents. If the parent can't be responsible for the actions of their children and raise them to be responsible adults, then they shouldn't have had them. These are not hard working parents, they are people that put their own interests before raising their children. So far, the news reports say that the parents as well as the school knew about this and they let it happen. The parents need to stop it. If you claim that you have no control over your children, then you're a poor excuse for a parent and shouldn't have any.

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