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"Seasons Over" "Sox Are Done" "First Round &a

Controlled Chaos

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So what is it? What makes a fan do it? How can someone be a die hard fan, but constantly preach and predict negativity. Why do some fans always predict the worst outcome. I've thought about this a lot. I'd say probably half the board members have this attitude, as well as a number, of my family and friends.


"Seasons Over" "Sox Are Done" "First Round and Out" are just some of the things I've heard and read.


It's a lot easier to deal with losing if you put it in your head that we've already lost. If you say 'we're gonna lose' and then we do lose.... you don't feel as bad cause you were mentally prepared for the loss. Hell, you might even feel good because you predicted it. Why else do fans of a team go around saying: "I told you so...I knew we were going to lose that one." Well wuppty f***in do....you predicted your favorite team to lose and they did...how is that in any way good??


Now what happens if you're one of these pessimistic souls and the team wins. Well you feel good then too, cause deep down you truely are a fan. Who really cares if you said they sucked 20 minutes ago. They won!! Everyone is happy, but deep down you know you are happy about something you couldn't even let yourself believe in.


This attitude reeks of weakness. You can't go through life preparing youself for the worst. I say you jump in with both feet. I've always been an all or nothing guy. Yeah, it hurts more when things don't go your way, but you take solace in the fact that you never wavered and you took the bad with the good. A guarded fan is a passionless fan.


I'm not saying you can't be critical or that you can't be concerned. In fact, as a fellow die hard fan, I demand it. However, predicting losses or predicting that we won't make the playoffs or predicting we won't make it out of the first round is a mentally weak thing to do. Predicting the game is over in the top of the first when the sox are down 1-0 nothing is a weak thing to do. The simple fact is, this team is capable of winning every single game they play. At the start of every game, they have just as much a chance of winning as anyone. So why sell your self short of sharing that belief with them. Why try to soften the blow? Victory tastes so much sweeter if you don't. Believing you can win is part of the joy in winning.


In the words of George S. Patton: "Americans love a winner, and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost, and will never lose a war: Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.”


Let's see the American attitude in the white sox fan. Don't prepare yourself for losing...prepare yourself for winning. Prepare yourself for the greatest end to a Sox baseball season in over 80 years. LETS GO SOX!

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QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:09 AM)
It's just emotions.  We might disagree,  but I believe EVERYBODY here is a Sox fan and simply wants to see the team do something that none of us have ever seen in our lifetimes,  which is to win a World Series.


I honestly have to say that there are some posters that I seriously doubt this is the case.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 09:21 AM)
I honestly have to say that there are some posters that I seriously doubt this is the case.


That's BS. Look at the history of this club. Hasn't won a WS since 1917 and the Sox have been to the playoffs sparingly and they have been to the WS even more sparingly since 1917 with consistent LOSING results.

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That's BS. Look at the history of this club. Hasn't won a WS since 1917 and the Sox have been to the playoffs sparingly and they have been to the WS even more sparingly since 1917 with consistent LOSING results.


What does all of that have to do with this years team?



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In my opinion we as Sox fans have two choices. (A) We can just give up on a team that has a 7 game division lead, the best record in the AL, and one of the best pitching staffs in baseball. We can say forget these guys, they have no chance to do anything in the playoffs anyways, so why bother. Or (B) We can do what any real fan would do, and forget about the fact that the Sox couldn't pick anyone up via a trade, get out to U.S. Cellular Field, and cheer on our favorite team. Cheer like crazy, make U.S. Cellular a true home field advantage, and make this team feel like we believe in them.



This team is not done!!! They have some players, that if they can get hot and play up to their potential offensively, can make this season something special in the postseason. If you think this team is dead in the water, then you're crazy. At the beginning of this season, the Sox could have beat ANYONE! I feel that they can get back to that form before the postseason begins.


Guys, this is what we all want. We want to cheer a team that is going into the playoffs. We all want a winner. Well, you are looking at one. Personally, I am going to enjoy September and enjoy October as well. Once you make the playoffs, anything can happen. I truly believe this team still has a chance. How can we expect this team to bouce back, if we can't even do it as fans? Get over it, get on your feet, and cheer on your White Sox! Thats what I'm doing.

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:27 AM)
That's BS. Look at the history of this club. Hasn't won a WS since 1917 and the Sox have been to the playoffs sparingly and they have been to the WS even more sparingly since 1917 with consistent LOSING results.


No. I don't think it's BS at all. There are some here, and I'm not going to name any names, that spew so much vile negativaty that they cannot really be 'fans'. They are the type of person that loves being associated with an historically unsuccussful team so they b****, moan, whine, complain. They live for this. The Cubs are too obvious because of the lovable loser thing. Cub losing is cute and all warm and fuzzy. No, the Sox are perfect for this type of person.

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:27 AM)
That's BS. Look at the history of this club. Hasn't won a WS since 1917 and the Sox have been to the playoffs sparingly and they have been to the WS even more sparingly since 1917 with consistent LOSING results.

well if we start Joe Jackson in left field today, you've got a point.

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It's funny, cuz I thought it was September 1st. Don't we have another month to go?


I agree Chaos. All in or all out. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.




(Sorry, thought I was back in the cliche thread.)

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QUOTE(TheDybber @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:39 AM)
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Cliche or not...that's exactly the point I was trying to make.


What does predicting losses do for a fan? I don't give a s*** what the've done in the last 87 years...THIS YEAR.....RIGHT NOW...If you are a fan and want the sox to win a world series...what benefit is there in saying they're done and won't get through the first round. What's the reason for it....

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You can be a fan of a team without having blind optimism. A lot of the most optimistic posters on this site are disgusted with the team in the last month. Some of the same people saying the Sox are done are the same people who were buying their White Sox World Series replica rings 2 months ago. I honestly think some people really have felt all year that this team was going to collapse if improvements weren't made (myself, Milkman, SSI, etc.), while others say things like "the Sox are done" as a defense mechanism in case they don't make it.

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I am a die hard fan. I am going to my 11th game tonight. But, that being said, I am angry with this team right now and this board gives fans the opportunity to vent about what they do and don't like about the team.


I am sick of Ozzie's crappy third game lineups. I am sick of Uribe swinging at anything thrown no matter how far out of the strikezone the pitch is. I am sick of Damaso Marte. I am sick of Joe Crede's popups in the infield. I am sick of Paulie grounding into double plays. I am sick of Carl chasing every low and away pitch. I am sick of how we have abandoned our "smart ball" style.


Other than that, I love my White Sox.

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I think that everyone here, including myself, just needs to calm the f*** down. If someone told you that we would be sitting here September 1st, with a 7 game lead and the best record in the AL, I think everyone would be glad to take that. Yes I know we have been struggling the last month, but that doesnt give us any reason to just forget about the first 4 months of this season. We all knew that August would be a horrible month, and it was, but now it is September, and it is time to put August behind us and go out there and cheer on the best team in the AL.


LETS GO SOX!!!!! :gosox1: :gosox2: :gosoxretro: :gosox4: :gosox3:

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QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 03:56 PM)
We all knew that August would be a horrible month, and it was, but now it is September, and it is time to put August behind us and go out there and cheer on the best team in the AL.


LETS GO SOX!!!!! :gosox1:  :gosox2:  :gosoxretro:  :gosox4:  :gosox3:


Why did it have to be horrible, because we were playing good teams? If that's the case, then a playoff run isn't probable. Also, just cause you're playing good teams, it doesn't excuse the terrible execution, awful defense, and horrible managing.

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Look with our record and history it's not a monkey on our back, it's a giant gorilla. That's just the way it is. Unless and until the Sox actually win a World Series that's the way it's going to stay. This year has the potential to be especially tormenting because we were 24-7, 53-24, 62-29 once upon a time. The turnabout has been not pretty to look at. It does not inject the spirit with any sense of confidence but rather a sickening sense of de ja vu. Even the "hitless wonders" of a century ago were charging to the finish line, with a 19 game winning streak in August.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 03:52 PM)
I am a die hard fan. I am going to my 11th game tonight. But, that being said, I am angry with this team right now and this board gives fans the opportunity to vent about what they do and don't like about the team.


I am sick of Ozzie's crappy third game lineups. I am sick of Uribe swinging at anything thrown no matter how far out of the strikezone the pitch is. I am sick of Damaso Marte. I am sick of Joe Crede's popups in the infield. I am sick of Paulie grounding into double plays. I am sick of Carl chasing every low and away pitch. I am sick of how we have abandoned our "smart ball" style.


Other than that, I love my White Sox.


There's a big difference between having an opportunity to vent and saying the Sox are done. I'm all for venting. Venting is good, it saves your spleen. But, over the top Chicken Little crap is what I can't stand.

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QUOTE(Yossarian @ Sep 1, 2005 -> 10:59 AM)
Look with our record and history it's not a monkey on our back, it's a giant gorilla. That's just the way it is. Unless and until the Sox actually win a World Series that's the way it's going to stay. This year has the potential to be especially tormenting because we were 24-7, 53-24, 62-29 once upon a time. The turnabout has been not pretty to look at. It does not inject the spirit with any sense of confidence but rather a sickening sense of de ja vu. Even the "hitless wonders" of a century ago were charging to the finish line, with a 19 game winning streak in August.


So why predict losing.


and who's to say we don't finish with a winning streak..last I looked we play till October.

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The Patton quote doesn't really fit. If we're Americans and we love winners, then why the hell would any of us love the White Sox? They haven't won anything in any of our lifetimes.


We're fans because we love this team, not that they're winners. In fact, saying we love winners is like switching your allegiance every year to whoever wins.


Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. That's my take. I'm hoping they'll do something miraculous, but I'm preparing myself for the more likely scenario that they'll fall flat on their faces like they've done so many times before.

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