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Royals @ White Sox 9/6/2005


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QUOTE(jphat007 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:23 AM)
I was talking to the other guy. I'm not mad at Ozzie or Duque. Duque had a QS. He had given up 1 run in 6 innings. You let him stay out there. I get pissed at free passes. Especially in front of Sweeney. That's why i was much more pissed at Cotts. I don't care what he's done this year. He's been great in his situations. But i'm talkin about tonight.


I understand getting pissed at a free pass, but it's not like Cotts threw 4 straight pitches over the batter's head. Rather, he hit Guiel with an inside fastball. It happens...especially for someone who has never had pinpoint control.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 08:25 PM)
All I know is this is 4 straight starts where Duque has allowed a run in his last inning.


Chances are thats true of most pitchers. Thats the reason they get taken out. Especially if they have only given up 1 run in the previous 6 innings.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 08:21 PM)
It's not the panic, it's the fact that Ozzie continues to make the same mistake with Duque in his starts.  When everyone but the manager thinks the pitcher should be pulled, it makes you scratch your head.


I can't think of anyone in the game of baseball who would take Duque out after 6 innings of 1 run ball.

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QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:31 AM)
Any team for that matter, s*** I was wondering why he took Viz out hes made a complete turn around from the beginning of the season, how stupid I am.


Matt Stairs is more feared by Ozzie than almost any other hitter in baseball. Seriously, he almost always makes a pitching change late in the game if Stairs is coming up. However, this is Marte's fault, not Ozzie's this inning.

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QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 09:31 PM)
Any team for that matter, s*** I was wondering why he took Viz out hes made a complete turn around from the beginning of the season, how stupid I am.


Well yeah, but good teams will keep fighting because they believe they can win almost any game. Bad teams tend to quit unless they catch a break.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:33 AM)
Pullling a Fathom, but does this have shades of KC tying the game, and us being short men in the pen....


I seriously want to know how I'm the only one who seems extremely pissed right now at this overall managing. We have a few more guys in the pen though.

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