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The only good thing you see is Jimenez benched??


wow your an idiot... why are you happy that the only guy actually HITTING on this team is benched?


Your a straight waste if you are happy about that

Chill out. That's his opinion, what's wrong with it? You disagree, fine. Don't personally attack him though.


I also agree with WSF, Jimenez has been out hustled by Graffanino, and should remain on the bench.



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The only good thing you see is Jimenez benched??


wow your an idiot... why are you happy that the only guy actually HITTING on this team is benched?


Your a straight waste if you are happy about that

i have been guilty of calling someone names, but with reasons and they were made public. if you have a prob with wsf, state it! if not, then calling someone an idiot for an opinion is sure bs.

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The only good thing you see is Jimenez benched??


wow your an idiot... why are you happy that the only guy actually HITTING on this team is benched?


Your a straight waste if you are happy about that

Two things....first of all....you might want to point out what you are talking about. I'm sure I said what you called me out on....but I really have no idea. Second....I'm probably not the only one that was happy about Jimenez being benched. The dips*** missed a pop-up. If you miss the pop-up that he missed....you deserve to be benched. He was.


Regardless, Jimenez is one of the reasons we are losing right now. This lazy-f*** has not exactly helped us. Continuing to lay on the ground after you miss a ball is UNACCEPTABLE, period. If you do that....then you deserve to be released. This is the MLB, not Little League. I think someone forgot to tell him that.


If you haven't noticed....we are much more successful against lefties with Val in the lineup and not Jimenez. Something tells me that isn't coincidental. This team plays better with Jose out there, and plays worse with DJ out there.


The only guy actually hitting? In case you didn't notice....this past game, where Jimenez was benched....we scored 8 runs. 8 runs from a struggling offense is incredible.


Something tells me he ain't the only guy hitting.


Take off the rose-colored glasses and look and see that we are losing. If you are losing....it doesn't matter if a guy is hitting 60 or 70 homers. It just doesn't. Winning is the most important thing....not if a guy is hitting.

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He is pointing out that another human being, among many, can not spell the word you're.  It is really pathetic.

You're, your.... passed, past ..... then, than. I see these words interchanged for each other a lot in here (that reminds me ... here, hear also). Some are typos or just occasional lapses, but some happen with quite regularity from the same sourses.

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You're, your.... passed, past ..... then, than.  I see these words interchanged for each other a lot in here (that reminds me ... here, hear also). Some are typos or just occasional lapses, but some happen with quite regularity from the same sourses.

hahahaha I get it.

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Hey, no need for personal attacks...

agreed -


and I will add that witesoxfan is one of the most intelligent and well informed of Sox fans, whose opinions I trust very much


a new poster who comes on to personally attack a long time poster - that is curious -


ok my suggestion is defend or criticise any player you wish, but please do not call out by posters by name in the thread title or make such attack-type comments on a poster in the text of the post - we all disagree at one point or another on various players, coachs, managers, etc., and player comments would probably fit better on the other (Pale Hose) side of this forum anyway, not the off topic board

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I'd like to add a thought to this discussion. As you are reading posts thatmay disagree with you, keep in mind that it is very easy to misconstrue someone's meaning because you do not have the benefit of hearing voice level and inflections, look them in the eye or read their body language. In this forum all you have is the typed word and some clickable smilies. You may read a post that makes you mad. I suggest you take the time to consider if you are assuming that the poster is tearing your head off. Stop, consider that you might be doing this and read the post again. I know this usually works for me. And if I'm not sure, I give the poster the benefit of the doubt.

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