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Past playoff ticket experiences


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Tony has made me post a thread about this :P



We're talking about camping out the night before, or something along those lines and just wondering who's done it in the past.

What were your experiences like?

How early did you get there?

What's the sox policy on all this?



and a question no one can answer:




that is all.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 06:53 PM)
Tony has made me post a thread about this :P

We're talking about camping out the night before, or something along those lines and just wondering who's done it in the past.

What were your experiences like?

How early did you get there?

What's the sox policy on all this?

and a question no one can answer:




that is all.


Grinder Rule #75


Ixnay on talkin' about the ayoffsplay

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QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 05:53 PM)
Tony has made me post a thread about this :P

We're talking about camping out the night before, or something along those lines and just wondering who's done it in the past.

What were your experiences like?

How early did you get there?

What's the sox policy on all this?

and a question no one can answer:




that is all.


Searching through our archives, I found one thread which discussed receiving 2003 playoff tickets the 19th of September. I have to believe, if history is any indication, we'll find out within the week.


For your other questions, I've never known of anyone who's camped outside the park for White Sox tickets. Honestly, I wouldn't mind doing it myself if the weather was reasonable and no exams were scheduled the following day. If I recall correctly, tickets went on sale two years ago during a weekday--tuesday or wednesday I'd guess. Good thing about going to UIC is if I'd ever consider camping out I'd only have to travel 10 minutes to school.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 07:31 PM)
Good thing about going to UIC is if I'd ever consider camping out I'd only have to travel 10 minutes to school.



pffft, 2 hours is nothing




but yeah, hopefully it falls on a day where i don't have an exam that night.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 06:31 PM)
Searching through our archives, I found one thread which discussed receiving 2003 playoff tickets the 19th of September. I have to believe, if history is any indication, we'll find out within the week.


For your other questions, I've never known of anyone who's camped outside the park for White Sox tickets. Honestly, I wouldn't mind doing it myself if the weather was reasonable and no exams were scheduled the following day. If I recall correctly, tickets went on sale two years ago during a weekday--tuesday or wednesday I'd guess. Good thing about going to UIC is if I'd ever consider camping out I'd only have to travel 10 minutes to school.


You & me both man. GO FLAMES!!

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Way back in the olden days of 2000 ( :) ), I got ALCS tix online the Saturday morning they went on sale in about 5 minutes flat.


Of course, that was before EVERYONE had high speed connections, so I could go into the office and keep hitting the Ticketmaster site with 3 different computers until I got through. It probably also helped that I was gunning fort ALCS tix while all the locals were after the Divisional Series tix, because I knew I could only swing one trip in and I figured we'd dispatch those Mariners in short order... :crying

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 09:27 AM)
Way back in the olden days of 2000 ( :) ), I got ALCS tix online the Saturday morning they went on sale in about 5 minutes flat.


Of course, that was before EVERYONE had high speed connections, so I could go into the office and keep hitting the Ticketmaster site with 3 different computers until I got through.  It probably also helped that I was gunning fort ALCS tix while all the locals were after the Divisional Series tix, because I knew I could only swing one trip in and I figured we'd dispatch those Mariners in short order...  :crying

I got ALCS tickets in 2000 pretty easily as well and that was with a dial up (28800).

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In 2000, I remember being near the front of the line at the cell and only managed to get lower bowl, corner, back row seats. This was like 5 mins. after they went on sale. With the seats being taken out of the UD, my guess is there will be even less tix available this time around. There will probably only be a handful of lower deck seats and most of the UD seats available to the public. Season ticket owners and 10,000 'friends of mlb' have already bought up the rest.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 10:47 AM)

Oh, yeah, lopping off the top of the UD is going to mean we in the rabble (non-corporate, non-season ticket holders) are going to be competing for 8K fewer seats this time around


A bigger change, though, is the downsized seating. In 2000, the last time the Sox qualified for the postseason, the park accommodated 46,000 fans. But with about 8,000 upper-deck seats removed before last season, getting a ticket to the playoffs will be tougher for the public.
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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 10:53 AM)
Oh, yeah, lopping off the top of the UD is going to mean we in the rabble (non-corporate, non-season ticket holders) are going to be competing for 8K fewer seats this time around


I can understand the season ticket holders, they SHOULD have dibs. So many corporate tix is non sense.

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 10:57 AM)
I can understand the season ticket holders, they SHOULD have dibs. So many corporate tix is non sense.

I completely agree on the seasonal holders, and always have. If I lived back north i'd be right there with them (of course I'd have to sell a kidney or maybe just a kid to swing it :D ).

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QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 11:01 AM)
Why are you worried about this...??? :rolly


I've been to a few games this year last-minute where all they had was SRO (I think Elvis night was one, Boston maybe another). Which was fine with me, because we all stand the whole game anyway (no, not blabbing away, we watch).


But I've never been to a playoff game so who knows how many they'll load up on? I hope not too many--I like my concourse fairly passable.

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QUOTE(Misplaced_Sox @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 05:33 PM)
I have a question also:


So ALCS and World Series tickets go on sale all at the same time?  And you just buy them hoping your team of choice makes it that far?


Im confused


When the tickets go on sale for ticketmaster... is it just the first series?  Or all impeding series as well?



In 2000 the Divisional and Championship series' tickets went on sale simultaneously, IIRC. At least that is how I remember it. And, yes, you hope your team makes it that far, they sell tix to 7 ALDS games even though it could be over in 4, etc. Then you have to send them back for refunds which is a pain but eventually your money gets refunded.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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I did it in 2000.


Me and 4 friends got to the stadium at about 9:00 pm the night before tickets went on sale. We made camp outside the gate, with about 4 people ahead of us. At about 11:30, it started to rain and get pretty cold out. We did not prepare for rain. We took turns holding our place in line, while the others went in our van to dry off/get some sleep. At about 1:00 am, my friend Keith decided he couldn't take it anymore and went home. We continued alternating sitting in line and going to the van, by now all our clothes were soaking wet, and the playing cards we were using to pass the time were so drenched they wouldn't stand upright in your hand. About 3:00am, My friend Mike and I drove down to his parents' place and got dry blankets, tents and other supplies. We also stopped at Dunkin Donuts and got coffee and donuts for everyone. We got back to the stadium around 5:30am, and relieved the other two who were nearing death via hypothermia. We were all standing in line as the time drew near for the windows to open, and the nasty coffee from DD kicked in, and I made a mad dash for the port-o-john with about 10 minutes before sale time. I made it back, and we all got tickets(except Keith, we decided he could kiss our ass for bailing) in the Club level for all home games. We then went back for the other series' tickets, but for that we just showed up at the cell about 3 hours before tix went on sale and got as many as were allowed.


We're all set to camp out again this year, but we'll come better prepared this time......

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QUOTE(Misplaced_Sox @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 02:33 PM)
I have a question also:


So ALCS and World Series tickets go on sale all at the same time?  And you just buy them hoping your team of choice makes it that far?


Im confused


When the tickets go on sale for ticketmaster... is it just the first series?  Or all impeding series as well?



For season ticket holders yes. For individual games you basically buy for each series in advance. Often times they will wait and it will be pretty last minute when they release the season tickets for the next rounds. If they fail to advance or something happens, you get a full refund.


I'm hoping they play in Anaheim. Cause if so I got my seats for those games :)

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