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QUOTE(kevin57 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 03:28 AM)

This is progress, I guess.


Now, I can't wait until he criticizes some, any, aspect of the team, the manager, or club management.  Should I hold my breath?


Maybe he could make a joke how there were 30K at the game, but Joey Cora sent most of them home for no reason.

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QUOTE(kevin57 @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 10:28 PM)

This is progress, I guess.


Now, I can't wait until he criticizes some, any, aspect of the team, the manager, or club management.  Should I hold my breath?

Hawk criticized the team yesterday. He was talking about all the stupid mistakes (especially on the basepaths *chough*pods*cough*) that the team has been making lately. He said this is a bad time to start playing stupid baseball and that sooner or later it's going to come back to haunt you.

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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 10:34 PM)
Since people are talking attendance, did the Soxtalk & (I forget the other sox board name) outing ever happen?  If so, was there tension like "West Side Story" and "Beat It?"  Ooh, I can just imagine the dance off.



Tomorrow. Official thread is at the top of PHT.

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