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Would You Ban this Poster?


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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 11:26 AM)
It seems you did in the current case, if LV's "History...." amounts to nothing more than the sort of sentiments in the example post.  It cartainly can get tiresome to see the same negativity at times (often from the same solks), but the "other site's" decision to ban based on some doomsaying at the end of a month we all wanted to forget is treating dandruff by decapitation.  Give the rest of the board community enough credit that they can decide for themselves to ignore the psosts from specific posters they disagree with.


Uh, how is it that anybody could be "doomsaying" for an entire season when the Sox' record has been incredible?


And what is so "doomsday" about the sentiments in the sample post? The post concludes with the idea that we should not get ahead of ourselves here and worry first and foremost about winning the division--something KW or Ozzie will tell you any day.


Apparently the one line is the one about either getting it done this month or being out of it by October. I mean, duh--the way August was going, I'm not seeing the big mystery here.


And besides it's a moot point anyway! Now they're cruising in September, as they should be, the pitchers have been on, McCarthy has been a gem, everybody's hitting... things look good.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 12:32 PM)
And besides it's a moot point anyway! 




It was... until you brought it here. :bang



There are plenty of Sox boards around. Heck, you might not even end up liking this one (watch out for that Southsider guy.. he's an asshole :ph34r: ). And if you don't you'll find one you do like. In the mean time... you're right. They are cruising now. Let's enjoy it.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 11:26 AM)
It seems you did in the current case, if LV's "History...." amounts to nothing more than the sort of sentiments in the example post.  It cartainly can get tiresome to see the same negativity at times (often from the same solks), but the "other site's" decision to ban based on some doomsaying at the end of a month we all wanted to forget is treating dandruff by decapitation.  Give the rest of the board community enough credit that they can decide for themselves to ignore the psosts from specific posters they disagree with.


The mods have been making it pretty obvious for quite a while that they won't tolertate people coming in and crapping all over the board because the Sox lost a game.


I've seen more than one complaint about the board not being a place for people to rant and rave and proclaim the season over because the Sox lost 2 in a row.


Some people weren't taking the hints I guess...

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QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 12:31 PM)
Did you not attempt to compare them banning someone with posters here being banned for their past actions...?


Over there, I assume from observation, they keep track of posters they feel are, or might be issues, here... that doesn't happen. I did not mean to insinuate that they wake up one day and start banning people, which is what would be the case if someone got banned from here.

No, I referred only to past NEGATIVITY in their posts concerning the team's play. Iwritecode's post suggested that LV had a number of negative posts (about the team, not personal attacks or anything else), and that constituted the history that the mods thought was sufficient for a banning. You opined that there usually is a history proceeding such actions (and there is), and I suggested that if a history of simple negativity (no personal attacks, no attacks on players) became a ban-able offense here there would be plenty of casualties.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 11:37 AM)
No, I referred only to past NEGATIVITY in their posts concerning the team's play.  Iwritecode's post suggested that LV had a number of negative posts (about the team, not personal attacks or anything else), and that constituted the history that the mods thought was sufficient for a banning.  You opined that there usually is a history proceeding such actions (and there is), and I suggested that if a history of simple negativity (no personal attacks, no attacks on players) became a ban-able offense here there would be plenty of casualties.


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I'll give WSI credit. They don't have a filter that automatically changes the text "Soxtalk" into "that other place" within any post.


But of course, the point of that site has nothing to do with us. :rolly:











As a staff we generally like to be accountable and easy to access. If we don't email you or PM you back, chances are that we forgot, try again. The admins and mods don't try and act like they are better than anyone else here.



Of course, watch out for Steff. She's got fangs. :P

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 12:37 PM)
No, I referred only to past NEGATIVITY in their posts concerning the team's play.  Iwritecode's post suggested that LV had a number of negative posts (about the team, not personal attacks or anything else), and that constituted the history that the mods thought was sufficient for a banning.  You opined that there usually is a history proceeding such actions (and there is), and I suggested that if a history of simple negativity (no personal attacks, no attacks on players) became a ban-able offense here there would be plenty of casualties.




Misunderstanding then. Sorry bout that.


30 lashes for me. :whip Yea baby!! :lol:

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 10:26 AM)
It is impossible to remove, either surgically, psychologically, or through the arcane arts, the tiny grain of negativity that always resides in true Sox fans waiting to rear it's head at the appropriate times.


To paraphrase James Joyce, as Sox fans, we have an abiding sense of tragedy that sustains us through breif periods of joy.


Welcome aboard, LVSoxFan. :cheers

Buy the man a drink. :cheers I've been trying to say that, using many posts and many words, and didn't do it nearly as well as you just did. As for that other site. Many great features, but they've gone Stalinistic in their treatment of posters. The mods are encouraged to act like schoolyard bullies.
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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 09:18 AM)
I wasn't trying to wash dirty laundry, I was trying to get perspective from Sox fans at the one other place I know, and where I've lurked.


Also: I never mentioned the site by name.  Merely "another Sox site."


I've gotten enough feedback here and from others; I feel no remorse for what I posted.


As for those who've posted IMO it was a history of this with me, two things:


1) When the team is sucking, the team is sucking.  I certainly am not the only poster pointing this out.  Posting problems can be tiresome if you don't post solutions, which is exactly what I did.


2) What are we supposed to post during dark periods like that?  We go there to commiserate with other Sox fans.


3) A warning would have been nice, after a year participating there.


I feel your pain. I got banned there in Feb for posting an opinion about steroids that someone didn't agree with, after I had been a loyal poster for over four years. Oh well - it's their site. I've recently been reinstated, so hey, there's still hope for you....

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