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wtf is gong on???


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passapequa(sp?) ny...high school baseball team goes to florida for a tourney...a parent chaparoening takes the team , all but 2 under the legal age of 18 to a gentleman's club to watch strippers and drink..result is the coach and his assistants all lose their coaching and teaching jobs...


same weekend in las veges..another high school team...the head coach goes gambling..leaves the team in charge of his assistants..they hire strippers and bring in beer for the team..again almost every member under the age of 18...


you got the hazing incident here local where it was supervised by adults



who are the adults here

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passapequa(sp?) ny...high school baseball team goes to florida for a tourney...a parent chaparoening takes the team , all but 2 under the legal age of 18 to a gentleman's club to watch strippers and drink..result is the coach and his assistants all lose their coaching and teaching jobs...


same weekend in las veges..another high school team...the head coach goes gambling..leaves the team in charge of his assistants..they hire strippers and bring in beer for the team..again almost every member under the age of 18...


you got the hazing incident here local where it was supervised by adults



who are the adults here

Wow. I could almost see this if we were talking about college kids, but who thinks that they can get away with this kind of stuff?

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passapequa(sp?) ny...high school baseball team goes to florida for a tourney...a parent chaparoening takes the team , all but 2 under the legal age of 18 to a gentleman's club to watch strippers and drink..result is the coach and his assistants all lose their coaching and teaching jobs...


same weekend in las veges..another high school team...the head coach goes gambling..leaves the team in charge of his assistants..they hire strippers and bring in beer for the team..again almost every member under the age of 18...


you got the hazing incident here local where it was supervised by adults



who are the adults here

Wow. I could almost see this if we were talking about college kids, but who thinks that they can get away with this kind of stuff?

Adults who, when they were growing up, never suffered consequence for their actions. There is going to be alot more of this stuff surfacing with the liberalization and political correctness of America.

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Adults who, when they were growing up, never suffered consequence for their actions. There is going to be alot more of this stuff surfacing with the liberalization and political correctness of America.

When I was in high school, one of our head wrestling coaches got fired for getting booze for the cheerleaders down at state and then getting drunk with them and was found passed out in their hotel room with empty beer cans all around. It was a very conservative school too.


And CK, how is being politically correct have anything to do with this? In fact, most politically correct people would be against strippers and the degrading of women that goes on in American society.

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WTF is going on? You've got adults who don't want to act like adults in positions of authority over our youth. And in an attempt to "be cool" they are teaching kids that you don't have to follow the rules and just do what you want. That's wtf is going on.

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And CK, how is being politically correct have anything to do with this?  In fact, most politically correct people would be against strippers and the degrading of women that goes on in American society.

They're also the ones who misplace blame.

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They're also the ones who misplace blame.

Yep. This poliltically correct bulls*** is ruining America. Heaven forbid that someone that is down to earth offend someone that is different in some way shape or form by criticising them. Yet, the fringe element can criticize solid American values and that's considered being a good citizen. f*** 'em.

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Yep.  This poliltically correct bulls*** is ruining America. Heaven forbid that someone that is down to earth offend someone that is different in some way shape or form by criticising them.  Yet, the fringe element can criticize solid American values and that's considered being a good citizen.  f*** 'em.

Well, you say that the liberals are the ones that are destroying America. Have a look at this. Not to mention the fact that Joe Scarborough killed an intern in his office. I didn't hear any of you condemning Senator Santorum for his comments recently. (I even called Santorum's office and said that I was a constituent to b**** him out, hahaha)


When Doctor Laura got caught spreading her legs for some even-Hustler-won't-print-them photographs,

she insisted in her faux radio show "apology" that it was OK, because, "you're not really an adult until you reach 30." She was 29 when she spread her legs for that camera.


But we forgave her, because she's a harpy-b**** moralist who judges others.

We'll forgive Bill Bennett for his vices, too, because he's a Republican, like Laura.

We for gave Dan Burton for fathering a secret child out of wedlock.

We forgave Henry Hyde for breaking up that family by whoring the wife.

We forgave Bob Barr, (R, Killed-his-daughter) because he was such a pro-life advocate.

We forgave Newt, after screwing two wives over, one on her deathbed, because he hates blacks.

We forgave Smirk for abortion, coke, deserting during wartime, his fake Iraq war that killed thousands, but that's OK

We forgave Cheney and Rummy for arming Saddam and Osama

We forgave Bush 41 for stealing the 1980 election - we forgive them all.


But Bill Clinton lied about sex, ...and that we cannot forgive.

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They're also the ones who misplace blame.

Misplace blame?! Let's see, Santorum just came out and equated homosexuality with bigamy, bestiality, etc. and yet Bush called him a "unifying person." Or how about Trent Lott and his racist comments? Oh yeah, the GOP shifted the blame to the people that were offended by it to buy time in hopes that Lott could get off.


Check out the other post about those that we forgive and those that we don't. But keep your focus on Clinton's zipper, CK.

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When Doctor Laura got caught spreading her legs for some even-Hustler-won't-print-them photographs,

she insisted in her faux radio show "apology" that it was OK, because, "you're not really an adult until you reach 30."  She was 29 when she spread her legs for that camera.

To quote Commie in "Eight Men Out"...


"29 is NOT 30, Eddie..."


I know it has nothing to do with the topic, I just always loved that line, so I use it whenever it even kinda fits... :D

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Well, you say that the liberals are the ones that are destroying America.  Have a look at this.  Not to mention the fact that Joe Scarborough killed an intern in his office.  I didn't hear any of you condemning Senator Santorum for his comments recently.  (I even called Santorum's office and said that I was a constituent to b**** him out, hahaha)


When Doctor Laura got caught spreading her legs for some even-Hustler-won't-print-them photographs,

she insisted in her faux radio show "apology" that it was OK, because, "you're not really an adult until you reach 30."  She was 29 when she spread her legs for that camera.


But we forgave her, because she's a harpy-b**** moralist who judges others.

We'll forgive Bill Bennett for his vices, too, because he's a Republican, like Laura.

We for gave Dan Burton for fathering a secret child out of wedlock.

We forgave Henry Hyde for breaking up that family by whoring the wife.

We forgave Bob Barr, (R, Killed-his-daughter) because he was such a pro-life advocate.

We forgave Newt, after screwing two wives over, one on her deathbed, because he hates blacks.

We forgave Smirk for abortion, coke, deserting during wartime, his fake Iraq war that killed thousands, but that's OK

We forgave Cheney and Rummy for arming Saddam and Osama

We forgave Bush 41 for stealing the 1980 election - we forgive them all.


But Bill Clinton lied about sex, ...and that we cannot forgive.

what makes you think we didnt hold them accountable...


first on santorum..he did nothing wrong...he voiced an opinion that whether you agree with it or not..is held by a lot of people in this country..an opinion by the way that is shared by the supreme court atleast for now....you cant throw a guy out of office for agreeing with the supreme court...he did nothing immoral


as for the rest...every liberal in america brings up two people against conservatives...rush limbaugh and dr laura....newsflash APU...CONSERVATIVES DONT FOLLOW THEM...90% of conservatives think both are nuts....its liberals that like you that keep them in power..your the ones who watch them so you can demonize the right..really want them to go away??...stop watching and listening to them..their ratings would go in the toliet....i havent heard or watched rush limbaugh since the first clinton administration...and that was only a few times to see what he was about..ive never watched dr laura...most ive ever saw of her show was couple a seconds as i scanned ast the stion she was on channel surfing...


bush stole the 80 election??..youre freakin nuts apu


btw when is the left going to hold robert byrd accountable for being a grand wizard in the KKK???..until the left does something about him..they ought to shut the fuk up

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what makes you think we didnt hold them accountable...


first on santorum..he did nothing wrong...he voiced an opinion that whether you agree with it or not..is held by a lot of people in this country..an opinion by the way that is shared by the supreme court atleast for now....you cant throw a guy out of office for agreeing with the supreme court...he did nothing immoral


as for the rest...every liberal in america brings up two people against conservatives...rush limbaugh and dr laura....newsflash APU...CONSERVATIVES DONT FOLLOW THEM...90% of conservatives think both are nuts....its liberals that like you that keep them in power..your the ones who watch them so you can demonize the right..really want them to go away??...stop watching and listening to them..their ratings would go in the toliet....i havent heard or watched rush limbaugh since the first clinton administration...and that was only a few times to see what he was about..ive never watched dr laura...most ive ever saw of her show was couple a seconds as i scanned ast the stion she was on channel surfing...


bush stole the 80 election??..youre freakin nuts apu


btw when is the left going to hold robert byrd accountable for being a grand wizard in the KKK???..until the left does something about him..they ought to shut the f*** up

First off, Santorum is a f***ing hatemonger. If you are going to get on Byrd, then acknowledge the fact that Santorum is also a fascist hatemonger. ;)


You don't hold people like Oliver North responsible for Iran Contra...or what about John Negraponte? Oh wait, you make him our representative to the UN! Or what about Kissinger? That f*** should be rotting in jail for the murders he ordered.


I also brought up Joe Scarborough, Smirk, Rummy, Cheney, Newt [that sweet romantic served divorce papers to his wife on her deathbed in the hospital :wub:] and others. I actually didn't bring Rush up this time, but nice way to create a straw man for your argument. ;)


I never said that he shouldn't be held accountable. If you read a lot of stuff from the actual left, (read as NOT the majority of Democrats) then you'd see that they do. [read Greg Palast, Howard Zinn, Mumia Abu Jamal, James Loewen etc.] There is no real difference between the two major parties. They have a vested interest in keeping the status quo of corporate ownership etc. It's conservative and ultra conservative as the choices. Just look at who funds the parties and you'll see a lot of the same names.

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hold north accountable how???...is he running for office in my district???..explain to me how you want me to hold to him accountable and for what??...


santorum is not a hate monger...another reach by the wild liberal left (thats you apu) to curtail free speech in this country...all santorum did was speak his mind...robert byrd was KKK grand wizard and as such over saw the hangings and intimidations and other crimes of god knows how many blacks..probably committed them by his own hand too...yet thats okay with you.. get santorum is much more important because he is a republican...if you cant see the different between free speech and actual murder then god help you....the people of santorum's district are the one who will decide his fate..those are the people you need to target..i dont even live in pennsylvania


all these other people..i didnt make them anything...i live right on hyde's northern district line...they rewrite this district all the time and sometimes he's my rep and others times he is not...when he is in my district i dont vote for him regaurldess of what irrational left winger is running against him..thats about all i can do

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hold north accountable how???...is he running for office in my district???..explain to me how you want me to hold to him accountable and for what??...


santorum is not a hate monger...another reach by the wild liberal left (thats you apu) to curtail free speech in this country...all santorum did was speak his mind...robert byrd was KKK grand wizard and as such over saw the hangings and intimidations and other crimes of god knows how many blacks..probably committed them by his own hand too...yet thats okay with you.. get santorum is much more important because he is a republican...if you cant see the different between free speech and actual murder then god help you....the people of santorum's district are the one who will decide his fate..those are the people you need to target..i dont even live in pennsylvania


all these other people..i didnt make them anything...i live right on hyde's northern district line...they rewrite this district all the time and sometimes he's my rep and others times he is not...when he is in my district i dont vote for him regaurldess of what irrational left winger is running against him..thats about all i can do

Oliver North was quite in on giving weapons to the Contras, so was Negraponte et. al. He needs to be jailed for being up to his neck in the Iran Contra scandal.


Santorum is too a hatemonger. What else do you call a person who is intolerant of others just because of their biological sexual preference? Oh yeah, a Republican. ;)


He can speak his mind but he should have done it as a person and not a Senator of the United States of America. He speaks for the country when he says stupid s*** like that, not just himself. Just like Smirk with his "Axis of Evil" that wasn't cleared by the State Department.


Baggs, are your eyes not working or something because I said in the other post that Byrd should be held accountable. But as you and I both know, the Democrats in this country for the most part are a bunch of pansies that can't do jack and s***.


Please Baggs, deal with the Newt comment, or the one about Scarborough, or how about the one about Negraponte? C'mon Baggs, you have to know that a member of the house who cheats on his wife and then serves her with divorce papers on her deathbed is not a man who should be in any sort of control in government.

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And Baggs, just because the Dems have an ex-KKK member doesn't excuse anything piss poor that the GOP says/does.  ;)


Remember, the GOP has a current one...David Duke, anybody?

louisiana republicans were smart enough to vote him a distant third in the primary with less than 10% of the vote....thus david duke was never heard from again...west virginia dems keep sending byrd back to the senate for like what , 50 years now ;)

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Well, you say that the liberals are the ones that are destroying America.  Have a look at this.  Not to mention the fact that Joe Scarborough killed an intern in his office.  I didn't hear any of you condemning Senator Santorum for his comments recently.  (I even called Santorum's office and said that I was a constituent to b**** him out, hahaha)


When Doctor Laura got caught spreading her legs for some even-Hustler-won't-print-them photographs,

she insisted in her faux radio show "apology" that it was OK, because, "you're not really an adult until you reach 30."  She was 29 when she spread her legs for that camera.


But we forgave her, because she's a harpy-b**** moralist who judges others.

We'll forgive Bill Bennett for his vices, too, because he's a Republican, like Laura.

We for gave Dan Burton for fathering a secret child out of wedlock.

We forgave Henry Hyde for breaking up that family by whoring the wife.

We forgave Bob Barr, (R, Killed-his-daughter) because he was such a pro-life advocate.

We forgave Newt, after screwing two wives over, one on her deathbed, because he hates blacks.

We forgave Smirk for abortion, coke, deserting during wartime, his fake Iraq war that killed thousands, but that's OK

We forgave Cheney and Rummy for arming Saddam and Osama

We forgave Bush 41 for stealing the 1980 election - we forgive them all.


But Bill Clinton lied about sex, ...and that we cannot forgive.

Read my post again, then tell me in what context I used the word "liberals".



However, if the shoe fits.............

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hold north accountable how???...is he running for office in my district???..explain to me how you want me to hold to him accountable and for what??...


santorum is not a hate monger...another reach by the wild liberal left (thats you apu) to curtail free speech in this country...all santorum did was speak his mind...robert byrd was KKK grand wizard and as such over saw the hangings and intimidations and other crimes of god knows how many blacks..probably committed them by his own hand too...yet thats okay with you.. get santorum is much more important because he is a republican...if you cant see the different between free speech and actual murder then god help you....the people of santorum's district are the one who will decide his fate..those are the people you need to target..i dont even live in pennsylvania


all these other people..i didnt make them anything...i live right on hyde's northern district line...they rewrite this district all the time and sometimes he's my rep and others times he is not...when he is in my district i dont vote for him regaurldess of what irrational left winger is running against him..thats about all i can do

Oliver North was quite in on giving weapons to the Contras, so was Negraponte et. al. He needs to be jailed for being up to his neck in the Iran Contra scandal.


Santorum is too a hatemonger. What else do you call a person who is intolerant of others just because of their biological sexual preference? Oh yeah, a Republican. ;)


He can speak his mind but he should have done it as a person and not a Senator of the United States of America. He speaks for the country when he says stupid s*** like that, not just himself. Just like Smirk with his "Axis of Evil" that wasn't cleared by the State Department.


Baggs, are your eyes not working or something because I said in the other post that Byrd should be held accountable. But as you and I both know, the Democrats in this country for the most part are a bunch of pansies that can't do jack and s***.


Please Baggs, deal with the Newt comment, or the one about Scarborough, or how about the one about Negraponte? C'mon Baggs, you have to know that a member of the house who cheats on his wife and then serves her with divorce papers on her deathbed is not a man who should be in any sort of control in government.

Ease off the crack, bro.

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Santorum is too a hatemonger.  What else do you call a person who is intolerant of others just because of their biological sexual preference?  Oh yeah, a Republican.  ;)

show me where it's documented that homosexuality is biological.


(note: before you try and change the subject i don't hate gay people, i am just curious about why you like to make such broad generalizations based on things that aren't even proven.)

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