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Remembering 9/11


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In re-reading some of these posts, I remember one unique thing here. Most of my neighbors are 1st or 2nd generation, Americans. Many have dual citizenship, some are Mexican citizens. Whether in English or Spanish, the sentiments where the same. Disbelief, shock, anger, it was all there. Even our visitors, those vacationing in the US from Mexico, felt it was an attack on us, not an attack on the US.


Then on Saturday, a section of the Queen Isabella Causeway (bridge) to South Padres Island collapsed, killing several drivers who drove off the end of the bridge into the water below. It happen around 2:00 am so many of us awoke to that news. Same wondered if it was another terrorist attack. I remember thinking to myself in a Bin Laden voice, OK we attack and take down the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, the Capital, then the bridge on South Padres Island To me it was so obviously the Captain of the Exxon Valdez back as a barge Captain and making a navigational blunder but to many people down here, the possibility of terrorism was that real. BTW, it was a barge accident.

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