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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 01:07 PM)
I can't help but get excited after watching the video of it in action.



I didn't download it but I think that's the same promo clip I saw on G4. How many in-game clips were shown in that video? You do realize someone is going to have to develop the games before people can do all those cool things.


Sure it's innovative and cool. But the whole gist of what I'm saying is that Nintendo's recent console trend is towards continually repositioning themselves in a smaller segment of the market to develop these new frenetic games. For some reason, that seems to have corresponded with an increase in the rabid defensiveness of its fans.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 01:04 PM)
Market share, especially in the US has been decreasing from N64 through GameCube. To not acknowledge N64 had a poor showing is blind fanboy optimism. They went from the success of SNES to N64 and allowed their powerhouse market share to be stolen from them by a new entry in the PS1. It was by all of Nintendo's standards, a very poor showing.

The SNES sold 49 million units worldwide. The N64 33 million worldwide. That considering one more direct competitor was added to the market and the N64 was a year late, I still don't consider that a very poor showing. I'd reserve that for something like the Saturn or the Virtual Boy.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 06:11 PM)
You do realize someone is going to have to develop the games before people can do all those cool things.


Sure it's innovative and cool. But the whole gist of what I'm saying is that Nintendo's recent console trend is towards continually repositioning themselves in a smaller segment of the market to develop these new frenetic games.

Which is EXACTLY the reason for the Revolution.


I know you won't like it, but I'll just bring up the DS vs. PSP one more time. I think we all know and agree that the PSP is the better system here. However, there is very little 3rd party support for it. And yet the DS has had virtually every major name in the industry create a game for it. Why? Because the possibilities for the DS are endless and you can say the same for the Rev. Ninetendo is banking on this success for the Rev. Again, if it's any indication, it will be one hell of a system.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 12:26 PM)
Also, The DS has absolutly blown out the PSP in terms of sales. By now it has atleast doubled up and probaly will triple up on it soon. Sony already had to cut back by 33% on what they planned to sell.

Actually it's almost 6x the amount of PSP's. I have a PSP too, just not enough worthwhile games.

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QUOTE(3E8 @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 01:21 PM)
The SNES sold 49 million units worldwide.  The N64 33 million worldwide.  That considering one more direct competitor was added to the market and the N64 was a year late, I still don't consider that a very poor showing.  I'd reserve that for something like the Saturn or the Virtual Boy.


By Nintendo's standards it was. Plus they were stupid enough to build a cartridge based system which drove up unit costs of all the games. They believed they could bully vendors into waiting for their system to come out and use their inferior cartridge technology. Things have really never been the same for Nintendo since then.


They made a similar mistake with Gamecube by using the propietary "contact lens" disc technology which there was little reason for as well.


The PSP is better in terms of what exactly? We're talking about the handheld market here where more features and better graphics do not always equate to the more successful product. Remember how the original Game Boy was monochrome and people still bought it over the Game Gear/Lynx/Insert color handheld system here. People don't want to pay that much for a handheld system and who really wants to watch movies on a handheld screen. OTOH, people will pay that kind of price for a console and some do actually watch movies on them.


I don't really have more to say on the issue except that I will definitely watch the sales of this generation of consoles closely. It will be very interesting to see if Nintendo can succeed with such a radical approach and their late release date. I just don't see it happening, especially in terms of US market share.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 06:56 PM)
I don't really have more to say on the issue except that I will definitely watch the sales of this generation of consoles closely. It will be very interesting to see if Nintendo can succeed with such a radical approach and their late release date. I just don't see it happening, especially in terms of US market share.

I just can't disagree with this more. For the first time since God knows when, Nintendo is finally catching on with the mainstream media again. People are begining to take notice, too. This and the many things the Rev already has over its competition makes me think the Revolution could be a huge success for Nintendo.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 02:18 PM)
I just can't disagree with this more. For the first time since God knows when, Nintendo is finally catching on with the mainstream media again. People are begining to take notice, too. This and the many things the Rev already has over its competition makes me think the Revolution could be a huge success for Nintendo.


I don't know, I think the Tokyo Game Show had a pretty weak lineup overall. Next year's E3 will really be make-or-break time for Nintendo.

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Just to add spice to the argument, Im gonna list as many first party nintendo games. Feel free to add any that I forget


Mario (whatever game they come up with solely based on a mario adventure)




Mario Baseball

Luigi(character game)




Donkey Kong(character game)

Donkey Konga


Zelda (character game)

Zelda 4 Swords(DS)






StarFox(character or flight simulator)


With any of those characters, they can spawn plenty of offshoot games. They havent seemed to lose their flavor with each game either, they are always pretty big hits at the stores. I know there are plenty I forgot too.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 02:26 PM)
How so? They changed the way games were played forever with the N64 and I don't think I have ever met someone who though the PS1 was better than that.


Making the switch to PS1 from SNES was soo much easier than switching to the POS that is N64. I've always hated it's controller and still do.


Give me the diamond shaped button pattern with the shoulder buttons on the top and the d-pad on the right side and I'm perfectly happy. I couldn't manuver my thumbs around enouch to get to half the buttons on the N64 controller. The joystick is also quite annoying.


I also love the fact that I can still play all my PS1 games on my PS2. How many N64 games can you play on your Gamecube?

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 02:29 PM)
Did you play Mario 64 or Zelda: Ocarina of Time on it by any chance?


I played Mario 64 a couple of times on my friends system but realized that I had outgrew Mario, Donkey Kong, StarFox and all the other cartoon characters that Nintendo insists on putting in half their games when I turned 13.


I was almost ill when I saw the new Mario Baseball... :headshake

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Making the switch to PS1 from SNES was soo much easier than switching to the POS that is N64. I've always hated it's controller and still do.

You can have your opinion, but most consider the N64 pad the greatest achievment in video games.


I also love the fact that I can still play all my PS1 games on my PS2. How many N64 games can you play on your Gamecube?


None. But guess what. Nintendo 1uped everyone. On the Revolution, every single Nintendo game ever will be available for download(That nears about 300).


If that isn't the greatest thing on any console ever, I don't know what is.

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QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ Sep 18, 2005 -> 10:35 PM)
So what you're really saying is you're never buying a Nintendo ever again?  :bang




I'm in a mode right now where I like computer games and classic games. I bought a Sega Genesis the other day with a handful of games, I'm playing the hell out of Super Mario 3 on NES, and I'm planning on getting my SNES back from my cousin soon.


But yeah, Mario Sunshine I couldn't stand that game. It strayed way too far from what Mario is. I hate shooting water. I played Ocarina of Time and beat maybe 3/4 of the game then I got bored. Metroid Prime was fun but beat 1/2 the game on got bored.


I'm stuck between the PS3 and Revolution. If I was a big Halo fan then that would make matters worse, but I don't like Halo so it's all good.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 03:24 PM)
You can have your opinion, but most consider the N64 pad the greatest achievment in video games.




Most what? Gorillas?!?!?!!!!!!1!!


Also, if you have a computer which I'm assuming you do. You can already play pretty much any NES or SNES game for free without much problem.


Edit: Just found this site. A ton of old video games you can play within your browser.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Sep 19, 2005 -> 11:27 PM)
I must be a gorilla.  The N64 was my favorite system.


That was in reference to the just the control pad. I can't allow a statement with qualifiers like most and greatest to be thrown around without a source or disclaimer that it's one person's opinion.

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You can have your opinion, but most consider the N64 pad the greatest achievment in video games.


The first time I read this I thought you said the N64 pad was the greatest controller.


Then I thought you said it was the greatest achievement in video games.


Then I realized you said MOST CONSIDER IT the greatest achievement in video games.



LMAO to all 3

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QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 04:30 AM)
The first time I read this I thought you said the N64 pad was the greatest controller.


Then I thought you said it was the greatest achievement in video games.


Then I realized you said MOST CONSIDER IT the greatest achievement in video games.

LMAO to all 3

Whether it was a good controller or not is irrevlevant. What Nintendo did was successfully master the 3D control scheme with the Joy Stick, something other companies had failed to do up until that point.


Would you of liked to be playing 3d games with a D-Pad? Imagine that for second.

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QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 01:16 PM)
Whether it was a good controller or not is irrevlevant. What Nintendo did was successfully master the 3D control scheme with the Joy Stick, something other companies had failed to do up until that point.


Would you of liked to be playing 3d games with a D-Pad? Imagine that for second.


Then Sony went one better by putting 2 joysticks on the controller.


It works beatifully with 1st person shooter games as it allows you to move forward and backwards and rotate around at the same time...

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QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 08:16 PM)
Then Sony went one better by putting 2 joysticks on the controller. 


It works beatifully with 1st person shooter games as it allows you to move forward and backwards and rotate around at the same time...





Now imagine fully controlled 3D movements and tilt sensors. This is the Revolution controller. Nintendo has basically made you the character in the game.

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QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 03:16 PM)
Then Sony went one better by putting 2 joysticks on the controller. 


It works beatifully with 1st person shooter games as it allows you to move forward and backwards and rotate around at the same time...


Matter of opinion...


I prefer the N64 controller A LOT more than having push an individual button for up, down, left, and right on the s***ty d-pad for the playstations.

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