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How has the Sox recent slide


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In the wake of this nearly epic late season collapse by our Sox, I ask the question, how has it effected your everyday life?


Now, I've been a Sox fan for almost 15 years. To some, the Sox are just a team they cheer for 6 months out of the year. To me, it's much, much more than that. I have a passion for White Sox baseball that I can't really describe. They bring a joy and happiness to my life that I can't get anywhere else. Even during the Michael Jordan era, the Sox ALWAYS came first with me. They are part of me. If they struggle, I struggle. I hate to admit that, but it's true.


Now, on August 1st, we were up 15 1/2 games. I was already making my playoff plans like mostly everyone else. I was so excited, giddy, hype, ect. It felt so f***in good to be a Sox fan. Remember the night that it became official that Pods was gonna be an all-star? We're the ones that got him there. We Sox fans came together like a family and literally got him on that team, even though he probably didn't deserve it. Anyway, with this horrible slide by the White Sox. I hate to say it's starting to effect my everyday life. At work, I used to be all loud and goofy, a fun going type of guy. Now I'm always droopy, quiet, more to myself. My friends have even noticed that I'm not the outgoing, fun loving guy that I normally am. I try to keep saying to myself, it's just a game, it's just a game. Then the thought of actually watching this years post-season without the White Sox, when it was almost a virtual lock that they would be there, brings me back to that dark place.


I just wanna know. Is it just me? Or do others feel or go through the same stuff I'm going through?

Edited by Jordan4life_2005
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We're all there with you man. I'm a more pissy person in general right now. It's an overall feeling of s***ty-ness that effects everything in your life, whether it be work, school, girlfriend, whatever.


Was supposed to go out Wednesday night with a few friends after the game. After the terrible loss, i was in absolutely no mood to go out and didn't answer my phone the whole night. That's just one example.

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I can honestly say that it hasn't affected me all that much.

Sure, it's aggravating to watch the Sox play like s***, but I don't let sports affect my overall mood anymore. If it wasn't happening to the Sox, a fold of this magnitude would probably strike me as funny.


I USED to, don't get me wrong. I would get so upset when the Blackhawks would, ohhhhh for example, blow a big lead in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup FInals, but then one day I realized that:

I don't personally know ANY of the players on my favorite sports teams

I will probably NEVER personally know any of them

Most, if not all, of the current players will be gone in the course of 3-4 years anyway

They don't give 1/2 a s*** if I'M having a s***ty day

So why the f*** am I getting all bent out of shape over their s***ty day???


Once I came to grips with that reality, it's a lot easier to watch even a bad team, if I so choose.

It also makes it easier to avoid a team if they get TOO bad - like the Slackhawks of recent vintage.

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It doesn't affect me, until someone asks how they're doing. Then I quickly change the subject.


Sadly, I have even more irritating stuff going on in my life than the Sox's current suckfest, so I guess that helps?


And I mean, it's only a game.

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I'm just like you are except, Krush, after a horrible loss I feel better if I go out and do something mind altering. I hate sitting at home reading all the depressing stuff on all the message boards (cause its what I do!) or I play a video game where you kill cyber people and usually that helps especially if I'm doing well in a particular game.


A couple weeks ago I would get really bent out of shape over a loss but right now I'm cooled and taking it in stride. This may go against the rules of being a diehard, but if they play s***ty I just don't watch the game. It really helps! If I don't watch the game, but I see they lose, I don't care that much. That's because there aren't particular innings or pitches or at bats in my memory to dwell on.


Seriously, if they're sucking a storm, take a f***in break for a couple days. You will be a generally happier person.


But all of you that feel this, welcome to life of a diehard.

Edited by YahtzeeSox
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No effect in the slightest bit. Heck, I even work with all Cub fans, and they haven't really said anything at all other than to say "don't give up yet". Heck, they have a better outlook than most Sox fans do. I guess that is an ignorance inherent in Cub fans though.


But nope, no effects, no depression, no nothing otehr than a "dammit...". If they win the division and move on to the World Series and win that, all that really means is that I get an excuse to get REALLY ripped one night. I don't get any money or anything, so why would it effect me in any serious way?

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I'm usually like everyone else in this thread. However, since I've gotten down to school, I've tricked myself into believing it's only a game. Since I can't see anything, it's kept me pretty even keel through this downslide.


However, if I can start seeing all the games again (i.e. the playoffs) I think the Sox will again own my emotions and mood all the way again.

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I’ve never understood why people impute moral rectitude with success on the ball field. When winning they are stronger, purer in thought and motive than other the team. Fans latch on and invest themselves - WE swept Cleveland after the break, nobody can beat US.


When they lose it is because they are low life timorous chokers. Only players who are greedy, lazy and selfish ever strike out. THESE guys are a bunch of bums. THEY are a pathetic disgrace.


In truth they are the same guys win or lose, the game is only a game. As wrapped up in it as we get, it’s just baseball. Baseball will not get you an A on an exam, or keep you off the chop list when they restructure your department. It won’t raise your kids or pay your mortgage. That paper you are late with will still owed no matter how the season comes out. The only effect baseball has on you is what you do to yourself.


The White Sox, those brave, selfless over achievers have become, in the minds of some, a team of weak-minded venal individuals. But the guys haven’t changed, only the way we view them. This is more a reflection on the beholder than the White Sox.

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My personal life hasn't changed much, however, my future plans may change.

My family has numerous people with birthdays throughout October and a few weeks ago, we were talking about how we were going to rearrange celebrating the birthdays with the Sox in the playoffs. Now, I am just planning on the birthdays.

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I bought new underwear, got a haircut, planning some snorkling in the Gulf this weekend, trying to think of an appropriate way to recognize my daughter for being selected as a campus Ambassador at her High School. So yes, it has effected me a lot.


I have such a weird, eery, calm about this team. I am usually the glass is half empty guy with this team, and for some reason I have a ton of faith and see a lot of smiles in October. No, I have not been drinking. I have never had a hunch like this with the Sox in 30+ years. Maybe it's gas.

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I've developed a drinking problem.




Wait, that was already there.


This team drives me crazy. The Woman was pissed off at me because I was so pissed on Wednesday night. Can't help it. This is starting to becaome my least favorite Sox team of all time.

Edited by Sox1422
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 07:45 AM)
It hasn't at all.  I have a new house, and a baby on the way, and baseball is never going to stress me out.  I have much more important things to worry about than a game.


congrats on the house and the baby southsider



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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 16, 2005 -> 07:40 AM)
I bought new underwear, got a haircut, planning some snorkling in the Gulf this weekend, trying to think of an appropriate way to recognize my daughter for being selected as a campus Ambassador at her High School. So yes, it has effected me a lot.


I have such a weird, eery, calm about this team. I am usually the glass is half empty guy with this team, and for some reason I have a ton of faith and see a lot of smiles in October. No, I have not been drinking. I have never had a hunch like this with the Sox in 30+ years. Maybe it's gas.

Wow, that kind of unfounded optimism is either clairvoyance or insanity.

Guess which way I'm leaning on THAT issue??? :D :P

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It hardly bothers me at all since I'm back at school. I'll get to see the Red Sox win another WS this year, so that'll be fantastic. I found out that one of my teachers is a White Sox fan the other day. That was strange because he's the first person I've met out here that's not from Chicago and is a White Sox fan. We both agreed they'd blow it somehow.


Seeing all the success of Boston teams recently, I've come to realize that Chicago is a city specifically made for losing. I've accepted it. We suck. Some team here might stumble on a title at some point, I guess. And I guess there's always the '85 Bears.

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I have been trying to focus my energy in other places. I use this forum to vent my frustrations and dont let it affect my personal life. I have been going to the gym more and trying to focus on that. I did an 40 minutes on the treadmill last night, and it seemed like 5 minutes. Remember the wisdom of Star Wars, Darth Vader "Hate and anger can make you all powerful" LOL

Edited by southsideirish71
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I have been more of an ass to people because i'm constantly pissed about this. The only thing that keeps me calm is knowing we still have the highest division lead in the AL. I just got my liscence, im supposed to be happy and this s*** is pissing me off. Homecoming dance is tomorrow i just sprained my ankle, gas prices suck, sox suck right now, it seems nothing is going right! PLEASE OZZIE PUT BRANDON IN THE STARTING ROTATION!

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