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Here's the thing: fans aren't booing Ozzie just cause they're losing. If you remember correctly, they were booing him for taking out Jenks for Marte in the 9th inning, while we were on a 6 game winning streak and had nearly a 10 game lead. This was 2 weeks ago, and even though we won that game (no thanks to Ozzie), there's been a lot of hate from Ozzie from all over (and not just on soxtalk).


For someone who's supposed to be so energetic and a great leader, he sure seems more concerned with how he's viewed than how his team is. Ozzie...I don't care how many wins this team has, if they blow a 15 game lead, no one will ever say it was a good season.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 12:20 PM)
I don't quite understand what the sarcasm has to do with his disparaging comments.. :huh


Or maybe I've just missed the normal bulls*** around here lately where some posters do nothing but b**** and moan about how they KNOW what Ozzie should be doing..    :lol:


And we're usually right. Ozzie is a brutal game manager. Period.

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QUOTE(qwerty @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 12:50 PM)
But he built up a 15 game lead!


I have already charted a full scale EXCUSE-O-MATIC to explain our late season slide. Entire point is to make sure the persons held responsible aren't identified. I mean, don't teams blow 15 games lead every year?


Excuse #1: "Guillen obviously was good enough to build a 15 game lead in this division." Ignore the collapse, mismanagement of in-game situations, and odd lineup shuffles.


Excuse #2: "Offense has drastically underachieved." This, of course, is a possible prelude to suggesting "this offense is fine and can't be expected to be this terrible next season." We've seen the numbers (aside from HR's) over an entire season. Oh, it can and WILL be repeated.


Excuse #3a: "Williams did all he could last offseason changing this team's philosophy;" #3b: "teams weren't willing to deal a the trading deadline;" #3c: "it's not his fault the offense didn't perform!" All can be addressed with several suggestions. First, our 'philosophy' needs revision (ozzieball is bulls***). Second, the inactivity relating to other teams or their outrageous asking prices is irrelevant. Point is he failed to make a move and will be remembered for it. Finally, it's Williams duty to upgrade this offense. If he doesn't, UH OH--GOODBYE in 06'. Most likely the offseason of 06'; but regardless, next year is his ass on the line. Whether this club wins 91 or 97 I will not accept a lineup comprised of nearly the same people.


Although possibly the biggest excuse may come from this man:




You know DJ, it's just one of these things with baseball. One day you're on top, next day-- POOF, you're struggling to compete. That's why you play the games, and that's why I love this game.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 01:20 PM)
I have already charted a full scale EXCUSE-O-MATIC to explain our late season slide. Entire point is to make sure the persons held responsible aren't identified. I mean, don't teams blow 15 games lead every year?


Excuse #1: "Guillen obviously was good enough to build a 15 game lead in this division." Ignore the collapse, mismanagement of in-game situations, and odd lineup shuffles.


Excuse #2: "Offense has drastically underachieved." This, of course, is a possible prelude to suggesting "this offense is fine and can't be expected to be this terrible next season." We've seen the numbers (aside from HR's) over an entire season. Oh, it can and WILL be repeated.


Excuse #3a: "Williams did all he could last offseason changing this team's philosophy; #3b: teams weren't willing to deal a the trading deadline; #3c: it's not his fault the offense didn't perform."All can be addressed with several suggestions. First, our 'philosophy' needs revision (ozzieball is bulls***). Second, the inactivity relating to other teams or their outrageous asking prices is irrelevant. Point is he failed to make a move and will be remembered for it. Finally, it's Williams duty to upgrade this offense. If he doesn't, UH OH--GOODBYE in 06'. Most likely the offseason of 06'; but regardless, next year is his ass on the line. Whether this club wins 91 or 97 I will not accept a lineup comprised of nearly the same people.


Although possibly the biggest excuse may come from this man:




You know DJ, it's just one of these things with baseball. One day you're on top, next day-- POOF, you're struggling to compete. That's why you play the games, and that's why I love this game.

This post is nothing but the truth. :cheers

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QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 02:22 PM)
They've already developed their main excuse, and it's in regards to the number of wins they're going to end up with.  The line will read like this:  How can you say a team with X amount of wins choked?


Ozzie has already said it hasn't he? Something like... ''how can you you consider a team that wins 90 games a choke''

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QUOTE(qwerty @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 07:24 PM)
Ozzie has already said it hasn't he? Something like... ''how can you you consider a team that wins 90 games a choke''


Yes he has, for three straight days now. I have a feeling we'll be hearing that from Hawk and DJ a lot recently. And FWIW, I agree that the Sox have had an excellent season though. However, to lose a 15 game lead with 2 months left in the season, that would have to be considered a catastrophic disaster for any franchise. Lets just hope this team can squeak into the playoffs.

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QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 07:41 PM)
something tells me this article is a crock!  i don't buy any of it!  media making something outta nothing once again!


Are you serious? The guy who did this interview was on the radio today, and he was saying that he asked Ozzie a few times to make sure he was being serious.

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Damn, noticed I didn't even address Guillen's quotes in my last post.


I can't believe anyone would interpret what he said as anything other than a manager buckling under the pressure of the largest collapse in MLB history. There's no phantom idea of deflecting attention off his players here. The national media will have a field day with this quote. Not only is the choking evident on the field, but now it's seeped its way into management. Pathetic.


How many managers, one season into a contract extension, would say they're considering retirement if their team wins the World Series? If anything, this may be something you consider when you're IN the World Series. Even then, it's disrespectful for the fans and players. Isn't Guillen supposedly loved throughout baseball by other players? How would it feel for a FA if Guillen was a large factor in their signing, only for him to leave following a World Series?


Don't get me wrong, I would leave to see him leave; but quite frankly, he's handling this like a pussy.

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 03:43 PM)
Simply showing he may not be able to handle the pressure.  I think he should learn from this and I do not blame him as he is correct we should be happy with 95 wins.  If we get to the playoffs that is great.  Not sure what to say about this actually.


95 wins is not something to be happy about if you blow a 15 game lead in two months.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 08:47 PM)
95 wins is not something to be happy about if you blow a 15 game lead in two months.

I am sick and damn tired of seeing this reference.


95 games is not something to be happy about.


So, let me get this straight, NOTHING but 110 wins was acceptable to any of you people who are saying this? Well, Katy-Bar-the-F'in-Door. NOTHING BUT 110 wins or you SUUUUUUUUCCCCCK.


How many times did we say that August was going to be our downfall this season because of the schedule? Wow. Most of us were right.


As it turns out, Cleveland got hotter then a firecracker during August.


Yes, our offense can't carry a 5 lb. weight right now without breaking their backs in pressure situations.


You can see it all over the place, people are over pitching, over swinging, because they have something to lose. At the beginning of the year, they had NOTHING to lose. The pressure is killing this team, and the attitude of "nothing but a 10-15 game lead matters or you're CHOKERS" is absolutely killing me.


You all have valid points, but saying that the expectation is 110 wins is ludicrious, and that's really what you're saying, because you can't control what the other teams do except when you play them.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 09:14 PM)
I am sick and damn tired of seeing this reference.


95 games is not something to be happy about.


So, let me get this straight, NOTHING but 110 wins was acceptable to any of you people who are saying this?  Well, Katy-Bar-the-F'in-Door.  NOTHING BUT 110 wins or you SUUUUUUUUCCCCCK.


You can see it all over the place, people are over pitching, over swinging, because they have something to lose.  At the beginning of the year, they had NOTHING to lose.  The pressure is killing this team, and the attitude of "nothing but a 10-15 game lead matters or you're CHOKERS" is absolutely killing me.



I bet any fan of the 2003 Cubs would have loved to not only make the playoffs, but to win a playoff series. Still, that season is considered by every Cubs fan as a disappointment because the expectations were justifiably raised due to what took place during the year. Fair or not, anything but making the playoffs will result in this being categorized as a disappointing season for the Sox.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 04:14 PM)
I am sick and damn tired of seeing this reference.


95 games is not something to be happy about.


So, let me get this straight, NOTHING but 110 wins was acceptable to any of you people who are saying this?  Well, Katy-Bar-the-F'in-Door.  NOTHING BUT 110 wins or you SUUUUUUUUCCCCCK.


How many times did we say that August was going to be our downfall this season because of the schedule?  Wow.  Most of us were right.


As it turns out, Cleveland got hotter then a firecracker during August. 


Yes, our offense can't carry a 5 lb. weight right now without breaking their backs in pressure situations.


You can see it all over the place, people are over pitching, over swinging, because they have something to lose.  At the beginning of the year, they had NOTHING to lose.  The pressure is killing this team, and the attitude of "nothing but a 10-15 game lead matters or you're CHOKERS" is absolutely killing me.


You all have valid points, but saying that the expectation is 110 wins is ludicrious, and that's really what you're saying, because you can't control what the other teams do except when you play them.


So you are saying that if we blow a 15 game lead in 2 months and miss the playoffs, I should be happy about it because we won 95 games? As long as we make the playoffs I don't give a damn how many games we lost off the lead, but if we miss the playoffs I'm sure not going to be happy about this season.

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Ozzie said at Soxfest that the White Sox would win the division. This was at a time when Willie Harris was the starting secondbaseman, and the guy Ozzie himself called the team MVP a month and a half ago wasn't part of the organization.If winning 91 or 95 games is good enough to win the division or if the number is 80 like San Diego that's fine. If the number of wins needed to win the division is 96 or more, and you have 95 you have failed. Managers basing their performance on the number of wins, and not championships or playoff appearances is akin to players only caring about their individual stats. Ozzie also said a month or so ago when the Sox still had a double digit lead that if they didn't win it was his fault. So it appears Ozzie really has not matured much from when he was here as a player. He can talk the talk when things are going fine, but when trouble hits his tune changes. This is not a trait of a great manager.

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Pretty sad.


This is his job, he gets paid significantly for the stress that comes along with the job. If he is not here because he likes to compete and win, then he is never going to be a great manager. Great coach's want to win, because winning is everything. They are not in it to make fans happy, they are not in it for the players, they are there to win for themselves. Ozzie needs to think about whether he has the competitive drive to handle this job. Some people just do not have the personality, Ozzie seems like a fun guy, some times being a winner is not being a fun guy.


Last night I saw Konerko's interview and atleast he was not acting defeated. He was even making jokes because you can lose a battle, but you have to win the war. These games mean nothing if the White Sox win the division. They may actually help in the play offs because the White Sox will not be afraid of the pressure, they have felt the highs and the lows.


Ozzie just needs to decide if this is what he wants to do.



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