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Hows this for a robbery attempt :bang



Cell call averts possible robbery 


By Georgette Senter The News-Dispatch 



Bizarre attempt botched when apparent robber is distracte by answering a call and putting gun on a counter



An apparent robbery at Crown Liquors Tuesday afternoon was averted when a would-be robber put down his gun to answer his cell phone.




A 22-year-old clerk who was working the mid-day shift at Crown Liquors, 741 E. Michigan Blvd., told police she wasn't sure what was going to happen.


She said the man put down his gun on the counter, answered his cell phone, and then picked up the gun and walked out of the store, saying, "I'll be back."


The incident becan, according to what the clerk told authorities, when she was in the store's office at about 1:30 p.m. A man in his mid-20s came to the office door and told her, "Get off the phone."


After hanging up, the clerk walked to the register assuming to check-out the man's purchases. On the counter she saw a small, black semi-automatic hand gun.


She told police the man asked her, "What have you got in the store I can have?"


She told police that at this point the man's cell phone began to ring.


"He took the phone and flipped it on," she told police. "As he continued to talk on the phone he picked up the gun and began to leave the store."


As soon as the man was outside, she called 911 and police arrived.


Although the suspect had left the area the clerk told police the apparent robber was black, about 6-feet 2-inches tall, had a goatee and was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans.


Police said that it was determined nothing had been stolen but they are still looking for the would-be robber, his gun and ringing cell phone.

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