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Goodbye message


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Everyone at my company just recieved this email about 45 minutes ago. Keep in mind that the company I work for has multiple branches in California, Minnesota, Illinois, Connecticut, Maine, and Maryland. So, many many people recieved, and responded to this. The response reminded me of a Juggs induced religious argument. anywho, here it is:


Dear TCC,




As of today, I will no longer be with the company.  I have enjoyed my time working here, and have learned a great deal and made a decent income.  I wish you all the best of success in every aspect of life.




I don’t know if any of you know that the life we currently enjoy here in America is about to drastically change very soon.  You may think it far fetched, but regardless of what you or I may think, reality stays the same.  It is not appropriate, nor do I have the time to elaborate further, but if any of you want to know what God has to say about the future of America from the Bible, you can email me at: **************, and I will send you some information you can look through on your own.




Thank you for the opportunity to work here, and may God bless you all with a saving understanding of His Truth.











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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 05:49 PM)
You can send an email to whomever you want in the server.  No mods until you cause trouble ;)

Well, here only higher ups have access to the listserve that would send stuff out to everyone. . .

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 04:59 PM)
So, what'd he do, join a cult, move to another country, or is he gonna off himself?


I would send you his email, but I dont want to start something that could so easily be traced back to me.


Draw your own conclusions I guess. Here are some of the better replies to the email before the president of the company put the Ka-bosh on the jokes:


good for you.....why do you send emails to people who don't know you.  keep your business to yourself




yeah, i thought there was somethin weird about him when i sat next to him (creepy.) i think he reads the king james versions. LOL


thats HOLEEEEEE SCHINIEYYkEEEESSS! WWJD? (what would jesus do?)


he belived tcc to be the anti christ


Please do not respond to this email anymore. Thank You HR Dept.


You seem like a guy who has broken down and had it! Good for you! follow your hart! and I wish you all the luck in the world!


Don't bring me into this!! I love my job...
-from an employee named Jesus, LOL


And finally---

Please cease and desist all correspondence with this email..  Please refer to your TCC Employee Handbook on company policies regarding Standards of Conduct and Computer and Electronic Systems use?

Thank you

HR Department.

Edited by kyyle23
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I thought he was referring to the rapture. Or is that supposed to be Rapture? At any rate, he sounded like he could have used a little bit of assistance from your HR Department prior to this personality break.


By the way, do you know if he owns body armor and guns?

Edited by Mercy!
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QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 06:28 PM)
A company that big and the IT dept couldn't stop the flow..?  :huh

Not to mention the HR Dept responding is weird also.  :huh:


Well.. good luck to you.. keep your head out of the line of whatever fire he might be referring to.  :ph34r:


I have never even heard of this guy, so i am not too worried about a religion-induced shooting spree at my office anytime soon ;)


We use Microsoft Outlook for our email. I am not too familiar with it since I use yahoo for my personal email, but it seems like if someone gets an email and responds to all there isnt much the techies can do about it. i dont know much about that stuff though.....


I also think the HR dept responded due to the religious message in his goodbye letter.

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We use Outlook also and just so you know.. the IT Dept has access to any and everything you do via their server and should have been able to stop it. Maybe they just got a late jump on it.


Do you know which office this guy was located out of?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 22, 2005 -> 07:29 PM)
We use Outlook also and just so you know.. the IT Dept has access to any and everything you do via their server and should have been able to stop it. Maybe they just got a late jump on it.


Do you know which office this guy was located out of?


Nope. he sent it first to Area 8, and thats Connecticut and Rhode Island, so i am guessing thats it. I really dont know though. Im not worried really. if this guy was part of the Illinois Branches, im sure we would all know where he was at. I swear that this place gossips worse than a knitting circle.

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