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She embarrasses me as a liberal


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NEW YORK -- This summer's back to back superstorms are proof positive we have entered a new period of "global warming emergency," artist/citizen Barbra Streisand warns.


Streisand is back on the scene to promote her reunion disc with Barry Gibb.


As hellstorm "Rita" churned in the Gulf, Streisand sat down for a promotional interview with ABCNEWS's Diane Sawyer.


"We are in a global warming emergency state, and these storms are going to become more frequent, more intense," Streisand urgently declares.


But Sawyer did not remind Streisand that a Category 5 hurricane struck the Bahamas with 160 mph winds -- when the singer was five years old, in 1947!


And when Streisand was 8 years old, a Cat 5 hurricane -- named "Dog" -- packing 185 mph churned-away in the Atlantic.


When she was 9, a Cat 5 storm named "Easy" ripped the seas with 160 mph sustained winds.


Streisand was 13 years old when "Janet" hit Mexico with 150 mph winds.


Streisand was celebrating her sweet sixteen as "Cleo" formed with 140 mph.


At 18, Streisand read news about "Donna" AND "Ethel" -- both storms carried 140 mph winds and formed 9 days apart in 1960!


One year later, when Streisand was 19, it happened again: Two Category 5 storms scared the world: "Carla" and "Hattie!"


"Carla" maxed out at 175 mph winds the year Streisand made her television debut on "The Jack Paar Show."


And who could forget Hurricane "Camille" -- which smashed into the United States with 190 mph, just as "Funny Girl" garners eight Academy Award nominations, including one for Best Picture and one for Barbra as Best Actress.


Up next on the weather warning watch, Streisand says to ABC: "There could be more droughts, dust bowls. You know, it's amazing to hear these facts."



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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 04:30 AM)
what worries me is we discredit the message when someone like Barbara speaks.

DING! And to think, most "Democratic" spokespeople are people like her. Again, get a f***ing message instead of "anti-everything Republican" and they'd have more power then Hitler, I mean Bush.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 25, 2005 -> 11:36 PM)
DING!  And to think, most "Democratic" spokespeople are people like her.  Again, get a f***ing message instead of "anti-everything Republican" and they'd have more power then Hitler, I mean Bush.


I think you have some on both sides of the isle, but yes, the GOP has done a better job of shutting them up and hiding them in a closet. Plus the GOP has the greatest PR spin machine ever amassed on this planet. Imagine a dictator if he had the GOP Radio Network at his disposal.

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I'm not going to stick up for Dr. Babbs in any way, shape or form. But I do need to point out a sleight-of-hand by Drudge in play here that is showing up with increasing frequency. The initial assertion was that more intense AND more frequent tropical storm systems can be expected if current warming trends continue. Drudge (or wherever this originated) then rattled off a litany of intense storms occurring over the last 60 years, but he declined to take on the frequency issue.


If you're wondering why, just take a look at the level of tropical activity over the past 15 years. Whether it's an upswing in activity as part of a natural long-term cyclic phenomenon, or whether something else is going on, the last 15 years have been rocking in the tropics.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 25, 2005 -> 10:43 PM)
I'm not going to stick up for Dr. Babbs in any way, shape or form.  But I do need to point out a sleight-of-hand by Drudge in play here that is showing up with increasing frequency.  The initial assertion was that more intense AND more frequent tropical storm systems can be expected if current warming trends continue.  Drudge (or wherever this originated) then rattled off a litany of intense storms occurring over the last 60 years, but he declined to take on the frequency issue.


If you're wondering why, just take a look at the level of tropical activity over the past 15 years.  Whether it's an upswing in activity as part of a natural long-term cyclic phenomenon, or whether something else is going on, the last 15 years have been rocking in the tropics.

Ron Brownstein wrote about this topic this morning...it's a good intro primer if anyoen is interested.


But the potential relationship between global warming and hurricane intensity is causing more concern. The mechanism isn't complicated. Hurricanes draw their energy from warm water. Ocean temperatures are rising (approximately 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit since 1970), a phenomenon many experts link to global warming. No one attributes any individual hurricane to climate change. But in theory, warmer oceans should mean more mega-storms.


That's exactly the relationship found in two new studies. Last month in the journal Nature, Emanuel examined the intensity of hurricanes in the North Atlantic and western North Pacific oceans since the 1930s. The total amount of energy the hurricanes released — a figure calculated from wind speed and duration — "has increased over the last 50 years by somewhere between 50% and 80%," he found. "That is a whopping big increase. And it is very well correlated with tropical ocean temperatures."


This month in the journal Science, Peter J. Webster of the Georgia Institute of Technology and three colleagues reached a similar conclusion with different data. These researchers found that the share of hurricanes around the world reaching the most intense categories (4 or 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale) was almost twice as large in the past 15 years as from 1975 through 1989. Only one-fifth of hurricanes reached those peak intensities in the earlier period, the researchers found, compared with 35% since 1990.


Just as important, the researchers concluded these changes had occurred "in all of the ocean basins."

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 25, 2005 -> 11:43 PM)
I'm not going to stick up for Dr. Babbs in any way, shape or form.  But I do need to point out a sleight-of-hand by Drudge in play here that is showing up with increasing frequency.  The initial assertion was that more intense AND more frequent tropical storm systems can be expected if current warming trends continue.  Drudge (or wherever this originated) then rattled off a litany of intense storms occurring over the last 60 years, but he declined to take on the frequency issue.


If you're wondering why, just take a look at the level of tropical activity over the past 15 years.  Whether it's an upswing in activity as part of a natural long-term cyclic phenomenon, or whether something else is going on, the last 15 years have been rocking in the tropics.


Ugh John Gibson of the always fair and balanced fox news reiterated this same argument in his "My Word" session entitled "How did centuries of Category 5 hurricanes happen when the globe wasn't warm?". I admit this Hurricane stuff might not have anything to do with Global Warming but Drudge and Gibson's arguments are nearly as flimsy as Streisand's.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 10:11 AM)
A little energy conservation won't hurt anybody. I'm in favor of escalated tax rates for the energy pigs in America.  Let that $ be channeled into cleaner renewable energy sources.



Personally, I dont care how much money they make. I open up my E-Trade account and see what my EnCana and Halliburton are up to and all my concerns about high energy prices go away.



This administration has allowed massive consolodation in the energy industry most notably Valero's merger with Premcor (2 large type refiners ). The Clinton Administration saw the mergers of ExxonMobil and BP Amoco. That dynamic, along with rising demand from Asia and infrastructure hits in the gulf are going to conspire to keep oil and gasoline prices high for a long time and keep the money rolling into their coffers at record rates.


BTW.........You think Gasoline sucks now......just wait till you get your natural gas bills this winter.


Way I look at it is you can curse under your breath or, if you have the means, you can take advantage of the situation and profit from it.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 01:10 AM)
Way I look at it is you can curse under your breath or, if you have the means, you can take advantage of the situation and profit from it.

If you have disposible income, yep you sure can.


For the rest of us, it's a really nice f*** off.

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 08:15 AM)
If you have disposible income, yep you sure can.


For the rest of us, it's a really nice f*** off.



And even for those with the disposable income it's a nice f*** off..


I don't understand how those profiting don't think it's a big deal. They are still paying.. just doesn't hurt the pocket book as much.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 07:19 AM)
And even for those with the disposable income it's a nice f*** off..


I don't understand how those profiting don't think it's a big deal. They are still paying.. just doesn't hurt the pocket book as much.



I get really good gas mileage so the added hit for me is only about another 20-30 bucks a month at the pump. I can absorb that easily.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 09:37 AM)
I get really good gas mileage so the added hit for me is only about another 20-30 bucks a month at the pump.  I can absorb that easily.


My fuel bill is up almost $500/month from a year ago. I started to calculate how much stock I would need to own to cover that :headshake

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 10:10 AM)
Is that your personal travel or a business expense?


Both. Mostly from my business. After pulling the rig which gets 9 mpg, I am running two engines (4 gph) and two diesel fired hot water heaters (3.4 gph). At night, I would also sometimes have a generator running to power lights. Another additional cost is the elimination of a tax break I was receiving on my diesel. Previously I did not have to pay road taxes on the fuel, because it was not being used "on the road". That program was eliminated.


I have some annual contracts and basically have to suck it up and hope for lower fuel prices and improve work flows to decrease the work time with everything running. So in that regard, it has been a good thing.


And as a sole proprietor, there really isn't much of a difference in personal and business, it's still money out of my pocket.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 09:16 AM)
Both. Mostly from my business. After pulling the rig which gets 9 mpg, I am running two engines (4 gph) and two diesel fired hot water heaters (3.4 gph). At night, I would also sometimes have a generator running to power lights. Another additional cost is the elimination of a tax break I was receiving on my diesel. Previously I did not have to pay road taxes on the fuel, because it was not being used "on the road". That program was eliminated.


I have some annual contracts and basically have to suck it up and hope for lower fuel prices and improve work flows to decrease the work time with everything running. So in that regard, it has been a good thing.


And as a sole proprietor, there really isn't much of a difference in personal and business, it's still money out of my pocket.



My next question would have been are you able to pass some of these costs on to your customers but with annual contracts that doesn't appear possible. I know that Im probably the exception when i say the hit Im taking is negligable.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 10:20 AM)
My next question would have been are you able to pass some of these costs on to your customers but with annual contracts that doesn't appear possible.  I know that Im probably the exception when i say the hit Im taking is negligable.


Actually it's still a percentage increase, the same for all of us, it's just a bigger dollar amount for bigger users. In that regard, the increased costs are even worse for those just getting by, but who own vehicles, and almost zero for the really poor who rely on mass transportation. The other costs are hidden. You mention passing it on, one of my big chemical suppliers just announced a price increase almost across the board. I'll never know, but suspect some of that is increased energy costs to them.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 09:27 AM)
Actually it's still a percentage increase, the same for all of us, it's just a bigger dollar amount for bigger users. In that regard, the increased costs are even worse for those just getting by, but who own vehicles, and almost zero for the really poor who rely on mass transportation. The other costs are hidden. You mention passing it on, one of my big chemical suppliers just announced a price increase almost across the board. I'll never know, but suspect some of that is increased energy costs to them.



Funny you should mention chemical companies as there was a piece on CNBC yesterday on how they are getting killed by higher raw material costs.

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