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She embarrasses me as a liberal


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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 10:36 AM)
Funny you should mention chemical companies as there was a piece on CNBC yesterday on how they are getting killed by higher raw material costs.


In my industry there is a balance that usually equates to higher chem cost, lower labor. That being the more expensive chemicals save time and effort. Being the environmental, tree hugging, wacko, I avoid strong chemicals in favor of longer times and higher wages. I'm starting to look at some alternatives that would allow me to turn off the machines quicker. It doesn't do me any good to lose jobs to careless competitors who leave toxic waste dumps in their wake.

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Nuke, I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm not profiting from it. But that only pacifies the economic conservative that still dominates my personal finances. It does nothing to pacify the social conservative that dominates my soul.


I'm willing to give up the profits for escalated taxes on consumption. That's the social conservative bringing out the economic liberal in me. I would imagine that most Christians have similar battles raging within them.


Similarly the econ in me profits from managed healthcare systems. But I would gladly give up those profits for the introduction of the US Health Care Service. Owned & operated in similar fashion to the US Postal Service so as to make health care a more competitive market.


There are serious problems facing America today & simply counting personal profits doesn't help.

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Similarly the econ in me profits from managed healthcare systems. But I would gladly give up those profits for the introduction of the US Health Care Service. Owned & operated in similar fashion to the US Postal Service so as to make health care a more competitive market.


And you call yourself an economic liberal?




This is harsh, but since when is health care a God-given right?


I'll expand on this later if the conversation is a good one. It stems from something the CEO at my former employer said (small healthcare company that would be INCREDIBLY profitable if he weren't such a jackass).

Edited by kapkomet
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And you call yourself an economic liberal?




This is harsh, but since when is health care a God-given right?


I'll expand on this later if the conversation is a good one.  It stems from something the CEO at my former employer said (small healthcare company that would be INCREDIBLY profitable if he weren't such a jackass).


How should I respond? I can produce a multitude of quotes from the Bible strongly supporting the believe that health care is indeed a God-given right.


But I would prefer to take the secular route on this one. Does the phrase "life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness" ring a bell? How can health care be considered any less important than a utility? Com-Ed can't raise utility rates w/out state board approval. Why should health care be any different?

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Dang, I just opened up a can of worms, didn't I?


I'll bite. Go for it (the Bible and "healthcare" being a God-given RIGHT) - be careful, though, I said a RIGHT... don't read to much into that.


Taking the secular approach, though, health care (socialized or private) is NOT 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' according to the Constitution, IMO. I need to go home, maybe I can delve into this more later.

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