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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 11:34 AM)
Westchester County, N.Y., Judge Rory Bellantoni said he would sentence her to 10 years probation that would include her time served in jail.


Uh, what? Put that woman in jail for a veeeeeeeeery long time!


If the probation includes being unable to see her daughter for the next 10 years then it will feel like a VERY long time to her....which is the least they should do this mentally unstable woman.

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QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 12:42 PM)
If the probation includes being unable to see her daughter for the next 10 years then it will feel like a VERY long time to her....which is the least they should do this mentally unstable woman.

Yeah, but not being able to see her for 10 years AND being in jail would feel even longer.


People like this woman make me so sick.

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Just another result of a public education system that divorces love & commitment to marriage from sex. Why are some of you surprised?


The public schools teach sex education & distribute condoms like they were training kids to be porno stars. This occurs at ages USSC justice Ginsberg approves of (12+).


Had this woman been endoctrinated with the belief that sex & marriage are indivisible it's unlikely she would have been crazy enough to do this.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 12:47 PM)
Just another result of a public education system that divorces love & commitment to marriage from sex.  Why are some of you surprised?


The public schools teach sex education & distribute condoms like they were training kids to be porno stars. This occurs at ages USSC justice Ginsberg approves of (12+).


Had this woman been endoctrinated with the belief that sex & marriage are indivisible it's unlikely she would have been crazy enough to do this.



Just shut up. Seriously.

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I don't get people. How could a parent, much less any adult do something like that?


I went to Catholic school K-12. We had sex ed from 8th grade on - it amazes me how many men and women are clueless about their own bodies. Within sex ed, we were taught about the relationship between sex and marriage/healthy relationship and how casual sex can harm a person physically and mentally. What I am trying to say is that they taught us more than the mechanics lol.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 05:47 PM)
Just another result of a public education system that divorces love & commitment to marriage from sex.  Why are some of you surprised?


The public schools teach sex education & distribute condoms like they were training kids to be porno stars. This occurs at ages USSC justice Ginsberg approves of (12+).


Had this woman been endoctrinated with the belief that sex & marriage are indivisible it's unlikely she would have been crazy enough to do this.

Where is the page of stats to back this up? :huh

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 11:54 AM)
Nice to see you again, Juggs.  Not.


So it's all public education's fault and not the fault of the parents at all, huh?


So nice to see that you have the "blame everyone else" game down except where TRUE responsibility lies, and that's at home with the parents.

Kap, it is the mantra of personal responsibility unless they can link whatever's happening to one of the chic targets of the insane Right (i.e. "the liberal media", "uppity teachers", etc.)

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 12:54 PM)
Nice to see you again, Juggs.  Not.


So it's all public education's fault and not the fault of the parents at all, huh?


So nice to see that you have the "blame everyone else" game down except where TRUE responsibility lies, and that's at home with the parents.



You almost seemed surprised... :lol:

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This just follows up my notion of kinds these days looking and acting way older than they are. I am not the oldest of the old, but when I was that age, girls and guys werent acting and dressing like they are now. A 14 year old girl nowadays looks almost 20, its hard to tell the difference. Their sexual activity has advanced as well. I think alot of the changes have to do with parenting and being involved in your childs life as a role model. If they dont have you to look up to, they will find someone else, a peer, TV etc. Where oh where have all the parents gone?

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 03:52 PM)
This just follows up my notion of kinds these days looking and acting way older than they are.  I am not the oldest of the old, but when I was that age, girls and guys werent acting and dressing like they are now.  A 14 year old girl nowadays looks almost 20, its hard to tell the difference.  Their sexual activity has advanced as well.  I think alot of the changes have to do with parenting and being involved in your childs life as a role model.  If they dont have you to look up to, they will find someone else, a peer, TV etc.  Where oh where have all the parents gone?

Or maybe you're just getting old? :P Seriously, though, I think how old someone appears to you is definitely related to your own age.


To me, I can definitely tell which of my students are 18 as opposed to my 22 year old ones. And I can still accurately pinpoint highschooler's age. (Except, possibly I think I generally guess they're younger than they actually are.)

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QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 03:06 PM)
Or maybe you're just getting old?  :P Seriously, though, I think how old someone appears to you is definitely related to your own age.


To me, I can definitely tell which of my students are 18 as opposed to my 22 year old ones. And I can still accurately pinpoint highschooler's age. (Except, possibly I think I generally guess they're younger than they actually are.)

I dont know about that. When I was in HS, overalls were the rage with girls, now its hipphuggers and thongs.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 05:14 PM)
I dont know about that.  When I was in HS, overalls were the rage with girls, now its hipphuggers and thongs.

Yeah, they're dressing older, but I can still tell the young ones. To me 14 doesn't look like 18. (Of course, a lot of my students are still in their late teens, so that helps me judge age.)


But I agree with what you said earlier--a lot of kids these days are NOT dressing in age appropriate attire.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 11:47 AM)
Just another result of a public education system that divorces love & commitment to marriage from sex.  Why are some of you surprised?


The public schools teach sex education & distribute condoms like they were training kids to be porno stars. This occurs at ages USSC justice Ginsberg approves of (12+).


Had this woman been endoctrinated with the belief that sex & marriage are indivisible it's unlikely she would have been crazy enough to do this.

You are strange.

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QUOTE(Balance @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 04:47 PM)
That woman was clearly mentally ill.  It has nothing to do with the public education system, Juggs.

But it has EVERYTHING to do with the pack of parenting these days. I am in my mid twenties and I still recall my parents taking a large part in my life. I was an active child and I spent more time outdoors than indoors and my parents did as well. My #1 role models are my parents over anyone I could ever list. That is not the case nowadays, parents are just the biological creators of kids, and the relatinship stops there. There needs to be more involvement in your children's lives.

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