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miles hitting 349


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I will say this about Miles. I saw him in spring training and the guy impressed me. he knows how to handle the bat, has great hustle, and good speed, stuff this team neads.


BUT, the deeper he got into spring training, the weaker he became.


if there were a way Jimenez could play short instead of Valentin, I would LOVE to have Miles up here, but there is NO WAY in hell Miles takes Jimenez job at second. he may have hustle and speed, but he's not Jimenez. Jimenez has been around the majors, and although this is the first time he's really show his potential, he's produced, unlike Miles who has never played here.


you bring up Miles, means you dump Jimenez. Miles struggles and you got another HUGE hole at second base. I don't know how some can honestly think this would be a good move. A guy does good, so release him or not start him because there is a guy below who is old and has never played in the majors before, that isn't smart baseball.


I like Miles and if there was a way we can play him, I'd be all for it, but he isn't that good to the point where we bench Jimenez, arguably our best hitter up to this point.

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You're right. Liking Miles might be like cheering for the third string quarterback who holds the clipboard--most popular guy in town. But, Miles is hitting and deserves some sort of a shot, even if it is not until September. If he continues the onslaught in AAA, we will keep talking about him. At least we should get him on the 40 man roster so he can be protected.

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You're right.  Liking Miles might be like cheering for the third string quarterback who holds the clipboard--most popular guy in town.  But, Miles is hitting and deserves some sort of a shot, even if it is not until September.  If he continues the onslaught in AAA, we will keep talking about him.  At least we should get him on the 40 man roster so he can be protected.

I am sure he gets a Sept call up if he keeps anywhere near the way he has been. Whoelse would they call up? I also think that he would be the first player recalled if Jimenez, Graffy, or Val gets hurt.

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One thing I don't understand is this -- Willie Harris was hitting like .400 or something, and when he was called up and AR (who was hitting like .150) was sent down, some of you guys were saying that Willie didn't deserve a shot.


But when it comes to Aaron Miles, who is hitting very well, he DOES deserve a shot? Not only that -- some people want to replace our BEST hitter, D'Angelo Jimenez, with Miles. That doesn't make sense.

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In 1999 at AAA Columbus, he hit .327 with an OBP of .392.


In over a 1/3 of a season (59 games) so far with the Sox since we traded for him, he's hitting .294 with a .390 OBP. 


So while I'm "cognisant" of the fact that he's never done it for a full season in the majors (he's done it for a season in the minors, as I said -- just .08 short in the OBP category), he's definitely got more potential to do so than Aaron Miles.


And "as bad" as he was with the Padres, his career avg is .270 and his career OBP is .351.  That's not too shabby for a guy that many of you seem to hate.

Now that you made me look up his minor league stats, I can say again that he's never gone .300,.400 and his hitting in the minors was s***ty. Except the one good year you mentioned. Sound familiar, to a Sox minor leaguer who has had one good season.

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In 1999 at AAA Columbus, he hit .327 with an OBP of .392.


In over a 1/3 of a season (59 games) so far with the Sox since we traded for him, he's hitting .294 with a .390 OBP. 


So while I'm "cognisant" of the fact that he's never done it for a full season in the majors (he's done it for a season in the minors, as I said -- just .08 short in the OBP category), he's definitely got more potential to do so than Aaron Miles.


And "as bad" as he was with the Padres, his career avg is .270 and his career OBP is .351.  That's not too shabby for a guy that many of you seem to hate.

Now that you made me look up his minor league stats, I can say again that he's never gone .300,.400 and his hitting in the minors was s***ty. Except the one good year you mentioned. Sound familiar, to a Sox minor leaguer who has had one good season.

.294 and .390 is so not even close to .300 and .400, you're right.

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His minor league stats blew period. He is hitting well this year, I don't hate him as many others do, his concentration lapses at time but so long as he's not boning Frank's women who cares. But, who knows what Miles could do at the next level, Jiminez hadn't done much in the minors and he's doing fine with the stick.Jiminez

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His minor league stats blew period.  He is hitting well this year, I don't hate him as many others do, his concentration lapses at time but so long as he's not boning Frank's women who cares.  But, who knows what Miles could do at the next level, Jiminez hadn't done much in the minors and he's doing fine with the stick.Jiminez

His A numbers were bad, yes -- .256 avg in 930 AB's (about a season and a half's worth)


In AA, he only had 152 AB's (about 1/3 of a season's worth), but improved to .270.


But, in AAA, he had 1321 AB's (about 2 season's worth) and hit .286. Since when does a .286 average "blow"?


And in 889 career AB's in the majors, he's hitting .271 -- that is very above average.


I don't care what he did with other teams or in other levels of the majors, though. All I care about, ultimately, is what he's done with the White Sox, and in about a third of a season, he's hitting .296 since joining the team late in '02. His OPS is around .850. When did these numbers become bad?


He sees a lot of pitches, walks more than he strikes out, and has a lot of pop in his bat. Sounds like pretty good qualities for a lead-off hitter.


And you're right -- who knows what Miles would do in the majors. We DO know what Jimenez brings to the table -- and that is solid numbers.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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:lol: As long as the Sox have TONY GRAFFANINO, there will be no HUGE HOLES in their infield.



Good point.


As long as the Sox have Graffy as their backup infielder, Miles won't be anywhere near the big league club. Maybe if Valentin or Jimenez or Crede get hurt, he'll get called up -- but he'd probably rarely play.

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Aron Miles has Graffaninino speed (look at his SB%) and is even worse defensively. He doesn't walk either. He is hot with the bat, sure, and his value IMO will never be higher than it is now, hitting in a sandbox of a park. He'll make a decent trade bait right about NOW as would Porzio.


Some to think about.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

oh hell now you made me have to go back and look at the freakin (i hate these damn things)...stats again......... as of yesterday......(or from yesterdays latest update)...


miles in minor leagues as of now


miles whos banging a .365 avg right now.....6 homers (most on the team right now i may add) 7 doubles,1 trip, 12 rbis,.397 obp, 5 bb, and in 20 games played at 2nd base hes only had 3 errors.....


jimemez in the majors as of now........


jimenez whos at .305 avg,.399 obp, 3 homers,11 rib's,9 doubles,4 trips,20 bb,34 games at 2nd with 3 errors...........


they are so comparable its not even funny .. the only thing is that miles tries a bit harder than jimenez does in the field... and im sure miles wouldnt have made some of the stupid mistakes (dropped pop ups and such) that jimenez does........ besides whos to say for sure that his numbers wouldnt increase instead of decrease when he gets up here.... screw jimenez....miles earned it out of spring and he should have been up here (jm wanted him anyhow and f***er kw over rode that one)...why use him as trade bait when there are so many others we can dump who are more worthy of a change of scenery............

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Aron Miles has Graffaninino speed (look at his SB%) and is even worse defensively.  He doesn't walk either.  He is hot with the bat, sure, and his value IMO will never be higher than it is now, hitting in a sandbox of a park. He'll make a decent trade bait right about NOW as would Porzio.


Some to think about.

Stolen bases and stolen base percentages have VERY little to do with speed. Stolen bases are more about anticipation and reads than anything else -- some guys can have C speed and steal 15 and be successful 75% of the time, and some guys can have A speed and have the same number of steals, but only be successful 50% of the time. The stolen base is an art that must be learned.

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