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DeLay Indicted for conspiracy!


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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 09:38 AM)
Having said that, if the new "evidence" is one of the other people indicted and now they will get immunity, look out.

It has to be that. They can have things like phone records, receipts, etc. proving that Delay was calling certain people at certain times, but that's all circumstantial. You can't prove that just because he was on the phone with the RNC and TRMPAC right after each other they were deciding on how to launder the money.


But if you have a witness who's saying that's what Delay was talking about on the phone, then it's a lot more than circumstantial.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 11:51 AM)
Ahh, I misread.  Thanks for the clarification.


I stand by the last part of my statement, though, if one of the others indicted now has immunity to testify against DeLay, THE HAMMER is going DOWN. (waits for Tex)


:bang  :bang  :bang


This is the liberal media and desperate Dems trying to bring him down. He is far too powerful. I am certain, by the time this is over, that Mark Furman will look like a fair guy compared to the prosecutor. My money is on the Hammer. He's a modern day John Wayne. Hammer '08 :bang

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 02:59 AM)
This is the liberal media and desperate Dems trying to bring him down. He is far too powerful. I am certain, by the time this is over, that Mark Furman will look like a fair guy compared to the prosecutor. My money is on the Hammer. He's a modern day John Wayne. Hammer '08  :bang

H-e-y d-u-d-e. . . . .


P-a-s-s ....... m-e ........ s-o-m-e ......... o-f ...... w-h-a-a-a-a-a-at ....... y-o-o-u-u-r-r-r-'-e ....... s-m-o-o-o-o-o-k-i-n' ........ i-t ....... h-a-s ...... t-o ........ b-e ........ s-o-m-e ......... k-i-l-l-l-l-l-e-r .......... s-t-u-f-f ........ d-u-d-e.......

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Exhibit H01 in the case that SOXTALK is predominantly driven by Dems. I'm just sitting back & enjoying the show. I left Texas before the re-districting took place long ago. But I was there when it was being talked about & having actually been to GOP conventions down there (it's a much more publicly active process than in IL) I was gleaming from ear to ear when the plan was being formulated.


I agree with Texsox (no surprise there). Texas is NOT IL. GOP gets the benefit of the doubt in the majority of the populace. It's a Red state thru & thru. Even when the Dems did have control they weren't the kind of Dems you see in IL. They were Dems dipped in Red.


The real challenge for the Dems down there (from what I've heard) is that they are losing the immigrant votes. Traditionally these have gone to the Dems but in Texas there's a trend that says things are moving in the opposite direction. Texas is expected to be predominantly Hispanic in the next 50 yrs so it's not a good sign for the Dems. Apparently God means more to these people than the ACLU. ;)

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 04:59 PM)
Exhibit H01 in the case that SOXTALK is predominantly driven by Dems.  I'm just sitting back & enjoying the show.  I left Texas before the re-districting took place long ago.  But I was there when it was being talked about & having actually been to GOP conventions down there (it's a much more publicly active process than in IL) I was gleaming from ear to ear when the plan was being formulated.


I agree with Texsox (no surprise there).  Texas is NOT IL.  GOP gets the benefit of the doubt in the majority of the populace.  It's a Red state thru & thru.  Even when the Dems did have control they weren't the kind of Dems you see in IL.  They were Dems dipped in Red.


The real challenge for the Dems down there (from what I've heard) is that they are losing the immigrant votes.  Traditionally these have gone to the Dems but in Texas there's a trend that says things are moving in the opposite direction.  Texas is expected to be predominantly Hispanic in the next 50 yrs so it's not a good sign for the Dems.  Apparently God means more to these people than the ACLU.  ;)

:lolhitting. Texsox, he agrees with you! :lolhitting


And your last line is pretty funny.


The Deomcrats in Texas are far more conservative then in Illinois, and the northeastern US. Of course, that's partly why the south in its entirety has all but I think 2 senators that are Republican now (that were elected in the last election cycle - not total count). The "conservative movement" has hit the Democrats in the south since Reagan (Reagan Democrats).


I'll say this again, the Democrats would be very well suited to listen to the ideals coming out of the south as it CURRENTLY resonates with the voters a lot more then what is being said on the two coasts.


If the Democrats ever figure that out and stop listening to the "elite" of the party like Howard Dean, they might be dangerous.

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The Democrats have a big tent. Howard Dean's view is allowed and folks like Governor Warner in Virginia and Governor Schweitzer in Montana.


When you break it down, issue by issue and put the party's points of view (without identification), I think most people would be surprised at who stands for what.

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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 09:01 PM)
I agree with an MPR piece I heard this weekend.  The Dems need to get back to their simple, historic Everyman economic platform.


The Democratic Party = Freedom + Groceries


Then again if the Repubs would get back to small government and states rights, they wouldn't have half of the problems they do either.

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Some time ago the parties decide to divide up the issues like a deck of cards and move to the extremes. It was a sad day in our history and we didn't have a vote.


The worse moment was when the GOP, lead by Ronald Reagan, figured out they could promise us riches without any of us actually paying for them. More services, more benefits, and LESS TAXES. Ordinarily this should have been countered by the Dems fighting the program. But they too lined up at the trough and started pigging out. No politician will stand up and say let's balance the budget and get out of debt. Cutting taxes is the way to getting re-elected. We actually believe we can fight a war while cutting income.


We watched as the Soviet Union collapsed, not from military might, but from debt. As a country we have not learned that lesson. We have elected officials and given them a VISA with a couple trillion dollar line of credit. We are borrowing money to fight a war that our debtors did not want to fight. We won't join you in combat but here's a couple hundred billion dollar loan to go fight it.

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