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(SS crosses his fingers)


Thanks again for the info Steff.  I want to jump on the bandwagon and say that I really appreciate all of the stuff that you and HSC tell us. :cheers

Count me in on the bandwagon, too. You can also count this as my very first post. After lurking on these boards the last few weeks, and especially during this whole "KW fired/not fired" scenario, I had to actually make the jump and register just to give some thanks and support to Steff and HSC for the effort they have made to keep us informed on this. And as far as this thread goes: Steff, you have taken a lot of crap the last couple days for news that hasn't happened (yet), but you are still not afraid to go out on a limb to give us (possible) breaking news even now. Thanks for not shying away, Steff - you are doing us a great service.

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The whole scenario makes sense.  First game of home stand, etc.  I'm sure one or both will go.  They would not call a press conference for a hitting coach change.  In the words of the immortal Bob Ryan, maybe Jerry Reinsdorf will smack KW, or maybe KW will smack JM.

I haven't heard any local media announce a "press conference" which is why I have doubts. I hope something is done. Tired of watching massacre after massacre!

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Steff whatever happens I wanted to let you know I am thrilled to be in this website becasue I can get a real feel for what's happening with the Sox. I agree with what you said about KW and his youngsters. The Sox will not get involved in his private affairs.


Waiting to see what's up!!!

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(SS crosses his fingers)


Thanks again for the info Steff.  I want to jump on the bandwagon and say that I really appreciate all of the stuff that you and HSC tell us. :cheers

Count me in on the bandwagon, too. You can also count this as my very first post. After lurking on these boards the last few weeks, and especially during this whole "KW fired/not fired" scenario, I had to actually make the jump and register just to give some thanks and support to Steff and HSC for the effort they have made to keep us informed on this. And as far as this thread goes: Steff, you have taken a lot of crap the last couple days for news that hasn't happened (yet), but you are still not afraid to go out on a limb to give us (possible) breaking news even now. Thanks for not shying away, Steff - you are doing us a great service.

welcome to soxtalk! :cheers

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It is now confirmed. Press conference at 3:30. I was not told the details of what it was about, but I was told that the Sox clubhouse is OFF LIMITS to reporters as of right now.

Thanks for the info Steff. Any idea if this will be on ESPN?

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I really hope the heads up is not in vain! I'm getting no confirmation from anyone with the Sox. The players are likely in their player meeting by now. Even if I leave a message on their cell phone they wont look at it till after the game. You have no idea how long I sat here and looked at the screen before I hit post new topic...

Steff, I'm glad you made the post. I love the info you and Michelle have provided and whether its right or wrong, I know you both have your sources and sometimes, things are wrong, but things change and its NOT You thats wrong and your not making this up.


I love the info you two provide :headbang

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Well, I don't think the KW thing is as done as we thought. He had the forum to quit today, all the press everything. Why would he delay this till tommorrow? Somehtign makes no sense here and of course JR is no where to be found.


PS We need an update from Hotsoxchick!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hello.. im here.... soon.. all the players are not in place yet... the table was just being set .............when everyone is ready for dinner the bell will ring.........

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hello.. im here.... soon.. all the players are not in place yet... the table was just being set .............when everyone is ready for dinner the bell will ring.........

That means JR is out of town, will be back soon for those who can't read in between the lines that are HSC. :lol:

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hello.. im here.... soon.. all the players are not in place yet... the table was just being set .............when everyone is ready for dinner the bell will ring.........

Are you hinting that they have a replacement in mind? Just curious. And if you don't want to tip your hand too much just say so.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

havnet heard anything that confirms it but my guess would be yes they have someone to take over duties at least for a temp basis........

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