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Louis Freeh Slams Clinton


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A spokesman for ex-President Clinton attacked a new book by former FBI director Louis Freeh that's sharply critical of Clinton's handling of the war on terrorism, calling Freeh "a man who's desperate to clear his name."


"This is clearly a total work of fiction by a man who's desperate to clear his name and sell books," Jay Carson told the Washington Post, noting that the former New Jersey judge contributed nearly $20,000 to Republicans, including President Bush, in the last campaign.


"It's unfortunate he'd stoop to this level in his attempt to rewrite history," Carson said.




Watch out Nuke he's probably a partisan! :P


Berger, who was at the meeting, said: ``The president strongly raised the need for Saudi officials to cooperate with us on the investigation into the attack on Khobar Towers at the time when the FBI was attempting to gain access to the suspects. The president did not raise in any fashion the issue of his library.'


Clinton spokesman Jay Carson said he told CBS's Mike Wallace that he had supportive accounts from five other former officials at the meeting, including those briefed about a private conversation between Clinton and Abdullah.


``The fair journalistic question is why they didn't call and get comments for their story from people who were in the room, such as Sandy Berger, and why they took until Friday afternoon to get that done,' said Lanny Davis, a former White House lawyer, who tried to persuade '60 Minutes' producer Jeff f**er to allow him or another Clinton spokesman to appear on Sunday night's segment.



involved in investigating a number of high-profile cases including:

Investigation into the death of Vince Foster


:ph34r: :P

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