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What was up with todays crowd?

Whitewashed in '05

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QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:53 AM)
Do you guys really think if you go to the park before game time you can get seats? I guess it's always a gamble going to find seats but I don't want to make the trip if there isn't a good chance of me getting a seat.


How is it gonna be, 3 games in Chicago, 3 in Anahiem and the last one here??


I'm shocked that you don't know this...but its 2 here, 3 in Anaheim, and then 2 here.

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It's hard to get loud and into the game when your team is losing and you have that depressing feeling. You should've seen me at home. I had my head buried in my hands and I was dead quiet the whole game. Everyone at the game probably had the same feeling I had, and knowing that you spent a fortune to see it unfold live, they probably felt worse. If Paulie had gotten a hit in the 8th, tieing the game, or if Crede had gotten a hit in the 9th, the place would've erupted like we've never seen the Cell erupt!

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QUOTE(SouthSidePride05 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:05 AM)
It's hard to get loud and into the game when your team is losing and you have that depressing feeling.  You should've seen me at home.  I had my head buried in my hands and I was dead quiet the whole game.  Everyone at the game probably had the same feeling I had, and knowing that you spent a fortune to see it unfold live, they probably felt worse.  If Paulie had gotten a hit in the 8th, tieing the game, or if Crede had gotten a hit in the 9th, the place would've erupted like we've never seen the Cell erupt!

I just think that they should've cheered even if we were down. You gotta get the team hyper some how.

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no yesterdays crowd wasnt quiet they were:


buttoned up, clammed up, close, close-mouthed, dumb, dummied up, garbo, hushed, hushful, iced, inaudible, low, low-pitched, muffled, mute, muted, noiseless, peaceful, pin drop, quiescent, quieted, reserved, reticent, secretive, silent, soft, soundless, speechless, still, stilled, taciturn, tight-lipped, trap shut, uncommunicative, unexpressed, unspeaking, unuttered, whist


& im not angry no im:


affronted, annoyed, antagonized, bitter, chafed, choleric, convulsed, cross, displeased, enraged, exacerbated, exasperated, ferocious, fierce, fiery, fuming, furious, galled, hateful, heated, hot, huffy, ill-tempered, impassioned, incensed, indignant, inflamed, infuriated, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, maddened, nettled, offended, outraged, passionate, piqued, provoked, raging, resentful, riled, sore, splenetic, storming, sulky, sullen, tumultuous, turbulent, uptight, vexed, wrathful



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QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 04:08 PM)
I just think that they should've cheered even if we were down. You gotta get the team hyper some how.


As someone who was there, the crowd was still cheering when the team was down. It's just that some of our hitting innings went by so fast, it was hard to really get into it. I find this thread amusing considering all the attendance/fan issues we've had in the past.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:21 AM)
As someone who was there, the crowd was still cheering when the team was down.  It's just that some of our hitting innings went by so fast, it was hard to really get into it.  I find this thread amusing considering all the attendance/fan issues we've had in the past.


Sometimes, the crowd would get hyped up and then it seemed the commercial breaks were would kill it. I don't know if they really are that much longer during the playoffs, but it sure seemed like it yesterday.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 09:21 AM)
As someone who was there, the crowd was still cheering when the team was down.  It's just that some of our hitting innings went by so fast, it was hard to really get into it.  I find this thread amusing considering all the attendance/fan issues we've had in the past.


FATHOM it isn't amusing at all. I just woke up and still am so pissed at the crowd. THE SOLE reason we lost that freakin game was the crowd. THEY SUCKED! NO EXCUSES PERIOD! Pissed off. Couldnt listen to the postgame show was so disappointed. PLEASE GOD ONLY 15K tonight! BTW we missed your posting on the forum last night....

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QUOTE(shakes @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 04:25 PM)
Sometimes, the crowd would get hyped up and then it seemed the commercial breaks were would kill it. I don't know if they really are that much longer during the playoffs, but it sure seemed like it yesterday.


They seemingly took forever yesterday. Something I noticed early in the game was how flat PK seemed to be. This was in the 2nd inning, and of course, he looked flat the whole game.

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QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:25 AM)
FATHOM it isn't amusing at all.  I just woke up and still am so pissed at the crowd.  THE SOLE reason we lost that freakin game was the crowd.  THEY SUCKED!  NO EXCUSES PERIOD!  Pissed off.  Couldnt listen to the postgame show was so disappointed.  PLEASE GOD ONLY 15K tonight!  BTW we missed your posting on the forum last night....


You CAN'T tell how loud or quiet the crowd is by watching on tv.. especially Fox. Fox's audio is muted for the whole game so we can hear the announcers. ESPN was so much better. If ESPN had been broadcasting the game last night, you wouldn't be complaining.

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QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 04:25 PM)
FATHOM it isn't amusing at all.  I just woke up and still am so pissed at the crowd.  THE SOLE reason we lost that freakin game was the crowd.  THEY SUCKED!  NO EXCUSES PERIOD!  Pissed off.  Couldnt listen to the postgame show was so disappointed.  PLEASE GOD ONLY 15K tonight!  BTW we missed your posting on the forum last night....


I hope you're joking about the crowd. If you're being serious, then that might have been the most memorable post I've ever seen on this site. Did the crowd make our hitters forget how to bunt? Did our crowd make our base running suck? Did our crowd make some members of our infield play like they're back in high school? Again, if you were being sarcastic, then I take back everything I said. If you're being serious, then get a grip.

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When the games were on ESPN, you could hear the music and the PA announcer in the background. Last night, you couldn't even hear that, sometimes you could barely hear it, but it was muffled. On ESPN, you could hear everything, including how loud the crowd really was.


Bottom line: FOX SUCKS! :angry:

Edited by SouthSidePride05
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QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 11:25 AM)
FATHOM it isn't amusing at all.  I just woke up and still am so pissed at the crowd.  THE SOLE reason we lost that freakin game was the crowd.  THEY SUCKED!  NO EXCUSES PERIOD!  Pissed off.  Couldnt listen to the postgame show was so disappointed.  PLEASE GOD ONLY 15K tonight!  BTW we missed your posting on the forum last night....



is that supposed to be in green?? :lolhitting

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QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 09:36 AM)
I hope you're joking about the crowd.  If you're being serious, then that might have been the most memorable post I've ever seen on this site.  Did the crowd make our hitters forget how to bunt?  Did our crowd make our base running suck?  Did our crowd make some members of our infield play like they're back in high school?  Again, if you were being sarcastic, then I take back everything I said.  If you're being serious, then get a grip.


Emotion is a big intangible that is difficult to measure. I have lived the sox for over 27 years now and i am 36, that is the absolute worst crowd i can ever remember. ABSOLUTELY FREAKIN PATHETIC. I can forgive the team for the miscues last night. They were all physical errors. They came in flat from the days off. They didn't seem arrogant or overconfident. JC was better than JC and the only mental error really wasnt that mental on JCs DP attempt that backfired.





now i am done ranting about the crowd. it just pisses me off like no other! i bet you were sitting there just itchin to yell out...come you freakin crowd....get up and lets have a party here! IT IS PARTY TIME IN CHITOWN GDAMNIT! DO I NEED TO SEND YOU A VIDEO OF WHAT THEY DO IN BRAZIL FOR THEIR BELOVED TEAM?

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QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:06 AM)
The crowd was extremely loud at the start of the game, and the team came out flatter than Mary-Kate Olsen.  To blame the crowd for the lack of execution is flat out pathetic.  You do know that the crowd can't force a player to use proper fundamentals, don't you?


To not blame the crowd is flat out pathetic. I saw a rattled Paul Byrd in Yankee stadium. He was happy to leave the game! He couldn't handle the pressure of pitching in such an awesome stage. After Sheffield hit the deep fly to end the threat he nearly shat his pants. Scioscia sensed it & got em the hell outta there. There was no such hostility last night. So to blame the crowd for our lack of execution is flat out pathetic but we didnt jump Byrdass at all! TO ME THAT WAS THE DIFFERENCE IN THE GAME & THUS THE SOLE REASON WE LOST THE DAMN GAME.


I am done. AGAIN!

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:23 AM)
Exactly.  Its easy to wait until things are good to cheer.  Its just like waiting until the team wins to get on the bandwagon IMO.  Its lame.


The crowd tried f***in' hard to get the team back into the game. I'm without a voice today, and probably won't have one for the next few.

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QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 05:15 PM)
To not blame the crowd is flat out pathetic.  I saw a rattled Paul Byrd in Yankee stadium.  He was happy to leave the game!  He couldn't handle the pressure of pitching in such an awesome stage.  After Sheffield hit the deep fly to end the threat he nearly shat his pants.  Scioscia sensed it & got em the hell outta there.  There was no such hostility last night.  So to blame the crowd for our lack of execution is flat out pathetic but we didnt jump Byrdass at all!  TO ME THAT WAS THE DIFFERENCE IN THE GAME & THUS THE SOLE REASON WE LOST THE DAMN GAME.


I am done.  AGAIN!



You are:


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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 05:21 PM)
The crowd tried f***in' hard to get the team back into the game.  I'm without a voice today, and probably won't have one for the next few.


Could you have ever imagined after being at the game last night that someone would blame the crowd for a loss? It might not have been at the same level as the Red Sox games, but it was still one of the loudest crowds I've ever been around. It simply baffles me that someone would blame the crowd.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 12:24 PM)
Could you have ever imagined after being at the game last night that someone would blame the crowd for a loss?  It might not have been at the same level as the Red Sox games, but it was still one of the loudest crowds I've ever been around.  It simply baffles me that someone would blame the crowd.


Yeah, that definitely pisses me off. I'm on 2 hours of sleep right now, and cheered for the Sox like my life depended on it last night. We are certainly not the reason the team lost the game.


So :fyou, whoever even suggested that.

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QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 10:22 AM)
You are:


baffled, bewildered, confused, dazed, disconcerted, dumbfounded, dumbstruck, flustered, gone, gonzo, misled, puzzled, spaced out, stupefied, stumped, uncomprehending, etc.



very clever! i like this! someone please make the call for me 800 SOX HELPME



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