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Cora dodged a bullet

The Ginger Kid

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Quinlan actually made a bad throw - at least two feet toward the infield side of home plate. Molina had to step to his right, make the catch, then come back and tag out Rowand. Had the throw been on line he would have been out by a mile.


Oh well. Glad it didn't cost us a game but the point is the Sox are not doing the fundamentals too well right now, and that's troublesome to me.

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I think its been said but if we had 2 outs I would of loved the call by Cora... but no we had 0 outs and Rowand was obviously tired and he just slid into 3rd which killed all his momentum.... If we couldnt get the runner home with 0 outs and him on 3B we dont deserve to score but we never got that chance.

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