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The Cry for Instant replay in MLB Games


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McCarver made the statement that this play in the 9th might be the crowning argument for instant replay like they have in that game called footsballie. I say no way! Umpires and the calls they make are just as much a part of this game as the players and their on field failures and successes. You might as well have computerized automons out there playing and calling the plays if you go to instant replays. I think the great game of baseball incorporates it all from the fantastic fielding plays to the stolen base to the missed bunt and including the sometimes missed call from an ump that turns the tide of a game. Close calls can go your ay or not-I think it all evens out. The bottom line is you have to execute and take advantage of the other teams mistakes or their failure to execute. Don't change the game!


Your thoughts? :bringit

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First off, I agree. Umpire good calls/mistakes are just another part of the game. Let it stay that way.


Second off, Replay would not have made a difference for the case in last night's game. You could call it either way, really 50/50. Not to mention, to overturn an original call, you would need "Overwhelming" evidence, or whatever term they use for football. There certainly was none of that in the case of last night's game.

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QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Oct 13, 2005 -> 08:01 PM)
Your thoughts? :bringit



Tim McCarver should die a slow and painful death as demonstrated in the movie "Clockwork Orange". Except instead of being forced to listen to Beethoven's 9th Symphony (Ode to Joy), he should be forced to listen to his whinny, repetitive, monotonous voice during baseball broadcasts as he drifts further into insanity.

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There are simply some plays in baseball that are screaming out for instant replay, I don't care what you say.


Fair versus foul balls...that's the definition of what Replay is good for...especially on a home run ball, those can change an entire game, or even an entire season (Crede last year). Lots of times the umpires will get it right...but there are just so many cases where it could be useful...near-ties at bases (especially home plate...Jason Kendall), or even something crazy like last night, that I think it'd be worth the extra 5 minutes per game.


But yea...last night...the call would have been completely inconclusive. It still is.

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I think fair v. foul on home runs and fan interference on homeruns should be the only plays where replay is used. Especially during the regular season, umpires usually are hundreds of feet away from the ball they are making a call on. Other than that, I think the human error of umpires has always been an acceptable part of umpires that might give a team an extra out or baserunner.

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Did anyone see the ump just botch a call in the Astros @ Cardinals game? Grudzielanek hit a ball off his foot and his bat shattered and the ump said that the ball was in play and he was out even though it should have been a foul ball. MISTAKES HAPPEN!!!

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 13, 2005 -> 08:10 PM)
There are simply some plays in baseball that are screaming out for instant replay, I don't care what you say.


Fair versus foul balls...that's the definition of what Replay is good for...especially on a home run ball, those can change an entire game, or even an entire season (Crede last year).  Lots of times the umpires will get it right...but there are just so many cases where it could be useful...near-ties at bases (especially home plate...Jason Kendall), or even something crazy like last night, that I think it'd be worth the extra 5 minutes per game.


But yea...last night...the call would have been completely inconclusive.  It still is.

yeah, i was beginning to wonder if i was the only sox fan who remembered crede's "foul" homer. i don't see how replay on those types of balls would demean the game at all. it's not as though it's a split-second judgement call, or a subjective rule like a strike zone. there is no live-action play at stake with long balls in the stands. i'm definitely in favor of home run/foul ball replay.


and to be totally honest, i'm not sure we should rule out tag plays that are called horribly.


my only concerns are that

a) you have to limit the frequency. one challenge per game, maybe.

B) you have to limit the duration!!! even shorter than football. the game of baseball is a little slow-paced as it is (as much as i love it). you'd drive away prospective fans if you made them sit around even longer.

c) NEVER EVER TOUCH BALLS AND STRIKES!!!! that's the human part of umpiring that i love. it changes the entire dynamic of a game to a huge degree from the first pitch.


anyhow, just my thoughts.

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i should probably also say, i don't think last nights call should be the reviewable type. there's too much live action involved, and it's waaaay too close to being a ball/strike call. even if they hinged the argument on the ump's signals, what're you gonna do? just assume paul would have tagged him out? that'd be unfair the other way.

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Here is an excerpt from the bostondirtdogs.com site. Here is officially the dumbest idea on how to fix the game.


Please Bud, Fix This New Black Sox Scandal


The following excerpts are from the Official Baseball rules section 9.05: The umpire, shall watch out for dropped balls after you have called a man out. Do not come running with your arm up or down, denoting “out” or “safe.” Wait until the play is completed before making any arm motion. Do not call the plays too quickly. But remember! The first requisite is to get decisions correctly. If in doubt don’t hesitate to consult your associate. Umpire dignity is important but never as important as “being right.”


“When he rings him up with a fist, he’s out,” Scioscia said.


‘’That’s my mechanism for calling ’strike,’ when it’s a swinging strike,” said the umpire Doug Eddings.


Dear Bud,


I am counting on you to do something for the good of the game today. For the good of the game you need to step up to the plate and rule that Doug Eddings made a mistake, and the game will be called a tie, and before the start of game 6, game 2 will be completed, starting in the tenth inning. It is not because of the mistake of whether the ball hit the ground first, it was because of the emphatic out call made by Eddings.


I realize the rule book states that you can’t protest a game, because of an umpire’s decision, but that call was not a decision. When he rung him up, everyone on the Angels saw the out signal, and left the field. Now is the time to do the right thing, admit the umps got it wrong and correct it. Not only will this be for the good of the game, but it also will show everyone, that you can change something if you were wrong.


Fox will benefit from this, as when the series shifts back to Chicago, (provided the Angels don’t sweep the next 3 games) it will be the most anticipated game 6 in playoff history. It all comes down to doing the right thing. Bud Selig Commissioner of baseball needs to step to the plate today and tell the baseball world, we made a mistake and we are going to do the right thing. You need to say, “We are going to play game 2 starting from the 10th inning in a 1-1 game.”


The way to avoid only one inning being played next Tuesday would be to play the entire game 6 first and then to play the one inning after if one team has a 3-1 lead in the series. If it is tied 2-2 then start the tenth inning first. Either way it will be done for the good of the game.


-- 10.13: I am The Fan’s Commish, Rick Swanson


The good of the game my ass. What a dummy.

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QUOTE(bighurt2719 @ Oct 13, 2005 -> 08:32 PM)
seems like most people agree instant replay has no place in baseball. I have to agree with that, always have. that said, mccarver is someone who i have no respect for. to me, mccarver is the jerry glanville of baseball

If the fair/foul home run ball call isn't a place in baseball for replay, I don't know what is. It takes just about as much time as having the manager argue and get thrown out, and at least we could get that call right.

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If they put it n baseball they'll put in basketball. HELL NO. The game has been already stained by steroids. Keep the game pure, f*** Instant Replay's


Ump are paid good money to do a job which bad or good they give it they're 100% to do it

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QUOTE(JoshPR @ Oct 14, 2005 -> 02:28 AM)
If they put it n baseball they'll put in basketball. HELL NO. The game has been already stained by steroids. Keep the game pure, f*** Instant Replay's


Ump are paid good money to do a job which bad or good they give it they're 100% to do it


I agree. And for the most part, the umps are extremely accurate and operate with a great deal of integrity.

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No instant replay. I'm sure MLB doesn't want to pay for it, but one way to solve the fair/foul, fan interference calls is to have 6 umps for every game like in the playoffs.


As for instant replay, in football, it's supposed to be 90 seconds, right? And many times, it goes over, sometimes waaaaay over. Baseball games, except when the White Sox are pitching, are too long to begin with.


Finally, for Boston Dirt Dogs, no amount of replay will put the ball in Graffanino's glove (or Buckner's for that matter).

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