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As reported by Rangelife, USC guard Gabe Pruitt gave some crafty Cal students a way into his head at the foul-line....resulting in a couple missed free-throws and a loss for SC.


When USC guard Gabe Pruitt took his first trip to the free throw line early in the game, the Cal student section hollered in unison: "VIC-TOR-IA, VIC-TOR-IA," and then yelled out a telephone number. Pruitt glanced back at the crowd in horror and bewilderment before clanking his free throws.


It turns out that a couple of mischeivous little bastards from the Cal student section had been IM'ing with Pruitt all week under the identity of "Victoria," a fictional UCLA hottie, and Pruitt was eagerly anticipating a date with this nubile co-ed back in Westwood after the game. In preparation for the date, Pruitt had handed over his digits, which the Cal student section recited back to him in unison.



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J.J. the best shooter ... ever? It just doesn't add up

March 2, 2006

By Matt Rehm

CBS SportsLine.com Staff Writer


While watching college hoops Tuesday night, I thought Rick Majerus raving about the "soft, supple hands" of Boston College forward Craig Smith would be the most disturbing thing I'd see or hear for a long, long time.


And then I read Gregg Doyel's love letter to J.J. Redick.


Gregg warned us at the outset to prepare to be sick. He's a man of his word. I was scurrying for the Pepto after three paragraphs. Which, for the record, was two paragraphs before Gregg declared that Redick might be the best shooter in college basketball history.


Et tu, Gregg? Et tu?


Remember, we're talking about pure shooting here. Not Redick's overall scoring ability. Not his defense or ball-handling, both of which were sub-par early in his career but have certainly improved. Not his passing or his overall athleticism, which are run-of-the-mill. Just shooting. If he's such a deadly marksman, there should be a wealth of statistical data to back it up, right?


So let's somewhat-arbitrarily examine Redick's 3-point proficiency in what is universally regarded as a stellar senior season (at least thus far). Among Division I players with at least 100 3-point attempts this season, Redick's shooting percentage ranks (drum roll, please) ... No. 68. The stats on the NCAA's website are a couple of days old, but among players who have made at least 2.5 3-pointers per game, Redick ranks somewhere around No. 26.


Now, I'm no statistician, but I would think that the greatest shooter ever would be higher on those lists. Then again, I would have also thought that the greatest shooter ever would have hit better than 39.9 percent of his 3s as a freshman, 39.5 percent as a sophomore and 40.3 percent as a junior.


Well, maybe he saves his best for the postseason. Let's see how he has fared in the ACC Tournament. From 3-point range, he was 10-of-21 as a freshman, 3- of-17 as a sophomore and 12-of-29 as a junior, for a total of 25-of-67 (37.3 percent).




Maybe the conference tourney isn't a big deal to him, and he turns into a cold-blooded assassin for the NCAA Tournament.




In three trips to the Big Dance, he hit 6 of 21 trifectas, then 15 of 42, then 6 of 24 for a total of 27 of 87. If my math is correct -- which is a big "if" -- that's 31 percent.


OK, well, the best shooter ever would probably get better the deeper Duke goes in the postseason.




Here's how Redick's past three seasons have ended: 1-of-11 on 3s vs. Kansas, 3-for-9 vs. UConn and 3-for-9 vs. Michigan State, for a total of 7-of-29, or 24.1 percent. In three losses. Hence, no NCAA championship rings. For the greatest shooter ever.


Considering Redick's history of late-season struggles, can't we at least wait until his senior season is over before we say it's destined to go down in history alongside Walton in '74, Maravich in '70 and Alcindor in '69? In his past three games, Redick is 6-of-26 (1-of-6 at Georgia Tech, 1-of-6 at Temple and 4-of-14 at Florida State) from beyond the arc. Is this the start of yet another late season swoon? Would the greatest shooter ever go in the tank on an annual basis?


And isn't the greatest shooter ever required to ... you know ... make more than 40 percent of his 3s? OK, that was unfair. Redick has hit more than 40 percent over the course of his career. To be exact, he's a 40.6 percent 3-point shooter, which ranks him 18th on the ACC's career list. On the NCAA list ... well, don't even bother opening that record book, because nobody below 44 percent is on there. But if Redick's the best ever, what is Salim Stoudamire (45.8 percent) or Ray Allen (44.8 percent)?


I understand that shooting percentage isn't the sole determining factor when rating great shooters. Tony Bennett of Wisconsin-Green Bay is the NCAA's all-time leader in that category, but I'm not going to make the case that he's the greatest of all time. The offense you play in, the role you play within that offense, the level of competition you face, the number of shots you take -- all of these need to be taken into consideration. And as we are all constantly reminded, J.J. takes more abuse than any player who ever laced 'em up. No other player has ever been called dirty names. Every opposing team steps on the court with the sole intention of stopping J.J., and nobody else has ever seen a box-and-one. I know. I get it.


But when discussing great shooters, doesn't the rate at which they make shots factor into the equation?


Apparently not, if one of the players being discussed attended Duke. Would any broadcaster or columnist shove Redick's alleged all-time greatness down our throats, day after day after day, if he went to Tennessee or Marquette? I don't think so. You know who probably agrees with me? Tennessee's Chris Lofton (averaging 47.3 percent on 8.3 3-point attempts per game) and Marquette's Steve Novak (averaging 44.8 percent on 8.3 attempts/game). They play in major conferences and their numbers are comparable to Redick's (42.6 percent on 8.9 attempts/game). Funny that you never hear Dick Vitale babbling about Lofton or Novak.


Gregg is entirely correct when he says Redick is hated largely because of the name on the front of his jersey. More than a few college hoops fans would have at least something negative to say about Mother Teresa if she played for Duke.


Oh, sure, she cared for the lepers in Calcutta. That's probably why the refs give her all the calls!


But the media played a significant role in fostering that hatred. Duke is loathed largely because (1) it's enormously successful and (2) broadcasters and columnists never let us forget it. The backlash is inevitable. There's only so much fawning praise the media can dish out before fans decide enough is enough. We're like Tony Soprano choking Chris Moltisanti and screaming, "You pushed me to this! YOU PUSHED ME TO THIS!!!"


Redick believes he's the most hated player in America, and some fans truly do despise him. But I think more of us are just tired of hearing about his magnificence. I'm a UNC alumnus, and I certainly don't hate Redick -- not in the way that I hated Bobby Hurley, Steve Wojciechowski, Dahntay Jones or (God help me) Christian Laettner. For that matter, his sanctimoniousness and his penchant for flopping to draw charges earned Shane Battier more than a little of my disdain.


(By the way, can you believe Battier has been invited to try out for Team USA? Battier hasn't exactly been an Danny Ferry-esque bust, but his NBA career falls somewhere between "nondescript" and "mildly disappointing." Yet he's a stone-cold lock to make this team because Mike Krzyzewski is the coach. Sorry, he's the leader who happens to coach Team USA. But I digress.)


I'm also rational enough not to reflexively dislike every Duke player. I spoke with Elton Brand and Chris Carrawell a few times after games. They were always friendly and highly quotable, without Battier's air of smugness. I would have loved it if they wore a different shade of blue. For that matter, I'd love to have Redick as a Tar Heel (although, as you may recall, UNC did manage to win a national championship without him).


Redick is a tremendous offensive weapon. He doesn't talk smack or even sneer as much as he used to. The worst thing you can really say about the guy is he's a horrible poet, he probably whines a little too much about the abuse he takes, and he was (gasp!) once in a room where other people were smoking pot. (I'm not going to throw stones on that last one.)


But if we're going to start playing the "people only hate him because he plays for Duke" card, let's admit that many others heap an inordinate amount of praise upon him for the exact same reason, and maybe we should all start giving a little love to other deserving players. Like Craig Smith, with those soft, supple hands.


Good article overall, although he does veer off im some places, like the bashing of Shane Battier.


But this article shows why JJ Redick is overrated aboz56...



he's not nearly the shooter ESPN and Dukie V would want you to believe(this is a cbs sportsline article...if someone had written bad about JJ @ espn, they'd be out of the job...how an entire network can suck off one guy, a guy whos no better than a late 2nd rnd pick in the NBA draft, baffles me).


He is not a good passer, he is an average at best ball handler, he cant create shots for himself, he's not a good defender. I'll even say that, besides free throws, he is nothing spectacular as a shooter either. He takes alot of bad shots.


And if it wasn't for all the cheap calls that JJ and Duke in general get, he wouldn't even get all of those free throw attempts.


If JJ was at any school besides Duke(well, maybe Duke or UNC), he wouldn't even be a blip on the radar.

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from Doyles Dribbles on cbs.sportsline:


Gary Williams talks tough. Soon, we'll find out if he

is tough.


Williams, Maryland's wonderful if occasionally

condescending coach, suggested to the Washington Post

on Sunday that teams from the Missouri Valley

Conference -- whose hopes for a record five NCAA

Tournament bids would come at the expense of larger

leagues -- have been ducking schools like Maryland.


"They haven't been banging down anyone's door in the

ACC to play," Williams told the Post. "The phone works

both ways, last time I checked."


Yes, it does. And sources in the Valley tell me that

by the end of this week, Williams will have received

calls -- and offers to play a home-and-home series

beginning next season -- from every team in the

Missouri Valley.


Don't you love that?


Missouri State coach Barry Hinson was so excited by

Williams' apparent offer that he had his scheduling

director call the Maryland basketball offices first

thing Monday morning to schedule a home-and-home

series with the Terps beginning next season. And

Missouri State is willing to play the first game on

the road, even if that means bailing out on a

money-making home game already on the schedule for

next season.


By 3 p.m., when Maryland hadn't returned the call,

Hinson called Maryland himself and left the same

message. As of this morning, Williams hadn't returned

Hinson's call. He also hasn't yet returned a message

left this morning by CBS SportsLine.com to discuss the

issue further.


In Williams' defense, he's preparing for this little

thing called the ACC tournament. He has a lot on his



But if he's going to talk tough when the Washington

Post calls, he better be prepared to back it up when

Missouri State and Northern Iowa call.

Edited by IlliniKrush
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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 11:28 AM)
from Doyles Dribbles on cbs.sportsline:

Yup, supposedly every valley coach has given Williams a call and no one has recieved a return call. Williams opened his big mouth and now won't back it up.

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It's been my experience that BCS teams dont want to play teams from the valley...you really think someone wants to go into the SIU Arena, or Qwest Center, or Carver Arena, or the UNI Dome...places where the home team almost always comes out on top?


This dude says the Valley schools are ducking him? I say the BCS needs to grow some grapefruits and play the MVC.


I have long wanted a MVC/Big 10 challenge, much in the same vein as in the ACC/Big 10 challenge, except all games on neutral courts(like the family arena in st. charles, MO), with the worst team in the big 10 from the previous season not able to compete.


I have sent letters to the offices of both conferences. Detailed, well thought out, letters.


The MVC is getting stronger and much more exposed(and overall play) without the BCS schools, so they might as well take their licks now before they get introduced come tourney time.

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Or, they could do what we do here in Iowa where the 4 division one schools in the state play each other, alternating road and home. It's awesome that ISU and Iowa go into Drake and Northern Iowa. I think it was mandated by the state legislature at one time, but I'm not sure now.

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QUOTE(MarlinFan84 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 11:45 AM)
It's been my experience that BCS teams dont want to play teams from the valley...you really think someone wants to go into the SIU Arena, or Qwest Center, or Carver Arena, or the UNI Dome...places where the home team almost always comes out on top?


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is an issue. You have to look at what a BCS school has to gain.


That's why you'll see some of these things be a home and home or better yet a home, home, and neutral agreement, like the one that Ill/SIU should have starting next year.

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QUOTE(MarlinFan84 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 12:45 PM)
It's been my experience that BCS teams dont want to play teams from the valley...you really think someone wants to go into the SIU Arena, or Qwest Center, or Carver Arena, or the UNI Dome...places where the home team almost always comes out on top?


This dude says the Valley schools are ducking him?  I say the BCS needs to grow some grapefruits and play the MVC. 


I have long wanted a MVC/Big 10 challenge, much in the same vein as in the ACC/Big 10 challenge, except all games on neutral courts(like the family arena in st. charles, MO), with the worst team in the big 10 from the previous season not able to compete. 


I have sent letters to the offices of both conferences.  Detailed, well thought out, letters. 


The MVC is getting stronger and much more exposed(and overall play) without the BCS schools, so they might as well take their licks now before they get introduced come tourney time.


It's mentioned earlier in the thread, but recently IU signed a contract with SIU to do a home/away/neutral deal. The first game being in Bloomington in the upcoming season, and the second at SIU, and a third game at a neutral arena.



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I'm hungry for a Illini/Saluki game again...the last one(2002 I believe), was a true classic.


I actually wanted it last year, when Brooks and Hairston were still here.


SI did a story about Brooks matching up good with D Brown, but I personally would put Tatum on Brown(and would of let Brooks guard Williams).


I am hoping we are in the same bracket come tourney time, Illinois offense vs SIU's defense...great game, down to the wire IMO.


Plus, I want that Tatum/Brown matchup before Brown leaves for the NBA.

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My goodness. That's good for 3 orders of ONIONS!!!! I can't believe he made that, it's almost mathematically impossible based on the release angle and the 1 hand flip and the defender being there.


And DAMN almost from halfcourt to win it by Cincy. What a game.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 02:09 PM)
I'm hoping gtown beats the s*** out of ND here just cause I hate Digger.


Not looking that way so far. 16-6 Irish. Colin Falls has 3 three pointers already and got fouled shooting another, while the Hoyas can't hit anything. They shoot way too many 3's for a team as big as they are. I can't believe how much they look like Northwestern right now. The only difference is that Georgetown can actually get some offensive rebounds.

Edited by ZoomSlowik
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There is almost 0 incentive for a Big Ten team to play an MVC team unless that team is in their home state and there is some sort of rivalry.


Teams like Wisconsin play Marquette (Big East) and UW- Milwaukee (Horizon) who are both home state teams and comparable to MVC teams.


It just really does not make sense to make a Big 10 versus MVC, when many of the Big 10 teams have absolutely no relationship with the MVC and it would be a burtal ratings draw except for the MVC fans. I doubt many Big 10 fans are going to get all excited because they are playing SIU, Witchita State, etc. That is just the nature of the beast.

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