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ARod's Mommy


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Yes that's sad that his uncle died but cmon, that's a huge excuse. I guess I don't know how close he was to his uncle but still.


EDIT: OK I read it, I probably should've read it before and it says his uncle was like a father. I guess that's worse than I thought.

Edited by WilliamTell
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QUOTE(rangercal @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 10:31 AM)
I don't care for arod.  But, this thread is Bulls***.  I lost my mother 4 years ago and still can't get over it. ( I never will)



I don't think "getting over it" is the issue. More so.. coping and dealing and not making it an excuse for not doing your job.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 10:36 AM)
I don't think "getting over it" is the issue. More so.. coping and dealing and not making it an excuse for not doing your job.

He sucked in the playoffs. Yeah. I just don't think its fair to judge another person in that situation unless, you have been in the same shoes.

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 10:42 AM)
He sucked in the playoffs. Yeah.  I just don't think its fair to judge another person in that situation unless, you have been in the same shoes.






That Brian.. don't mind him.. he just likes to kick people while they are down. :P

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I remember that Clemens game well -- he pitched that night against the Marlins, and I couldn't believe it. He was as dominant as ever; you could say inspired even.


But it takes a certain type of person to pull that off (Brett Favre leaps to mind). To most people, however, this life event will have the opposite effect, as it apparently did with Alex.


The thing that caught my attention about this bit, though, was the fact that it was his mom that made the statement and not him. Certainly, anyone's mother would say (or do) anything to defend her child -- even if it's the wrong thing to say or just plain embarassing.


While I don't believe in making excuses for your job performance, no matter the circumstances, unless there's some proof that it was Alex's idea -- not Mom's -- to go public with this, I find no grounds to criticize him.


That's just my two cents.

Edited by Beetle
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QUOTE(Beetle @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 01:21 PM)
While I don't believe in making excuses for your job performance, no matter the circumstances


Well, let me tell you. I lost my son in a car wreck back in '97. I went back to work too soon. Totally snapped on a customer and jumped right down his throat on my first day back. They called the CEO of the company about it. Fortunately, I went to my boss right after it happened and told him what happened.


s*** happens to people in times like that. Circumstances be damned.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 04:03 AM)
Well, let me tell you.  I lost my son in a car wreck back in '97.  I went back to work too soon.  Totally snapped on a customer and jumped right down his throat on my first day back.  They called the CEO of the company about it.  Fortunately, I went to my boss right after it happened and told him what happened.


s*** happens to people in times like that.  Circumstances be damned.



Losing a son is a little bit more extreme than losing an uncle..... A parent losing their child is probably the worse thing that could happen to someone....

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QUOTE(rangercal @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 05:26 AM)
I agree,  But,  it was his uncle who raised him. It was basically his dad he lost.


Yeah still a tragic event in your life.... But a kid expects one day to lose their parent not the other way around....And I dont like guys making excuses no matter what especially after the fact that they sucked....I dont know if A-Rod has any children but if he lost one of them id consider that an excuse hell if that was the case Id hope he didnt even play the series.

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