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Give it up for Joe Crede


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QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 05:18 AM)
I just had a funny thought.  Do you think Joe knows he's  the Rally Crede?  :D


do you mean the white sox don't read soxtalk religiously???>>


it was a bit awkward when i referenced rally crede tonight with people who had no idea what iw as talking about

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QUOTE(bmags @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 12:26 AM)
it was a bit awkward when i referenced rally crede tonight with people who had no idea what iw as talking about


Yeah, it's wierd whenyou have to interact with human beings who aren't fellow SoxTalkers.


Personally, I don't reccomend it. :D


SoxTalk.com. . . YESSS!!! :headbang

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 12:31 AM)
no matter what happens in the next two weeks I will never be down on a single player from this 2005 team for as long as I live. They are golden, in my book, from here on out.

I've put this post away, to be brought out again in the future if need be. :bang

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Joe Crede. From the most frustrating hitter in the Sox lineup, to the hero in the Sox lineup. The man who drove in the winning run in the Sox pennant winning game. The man who won Game 2. Then man who tied the Game with a HR. I will never doubt you again. You will go down in White Sox lore. Not only that, you're rather solid with the glove. Hats off to you. May your "rallying" continue in the World Series.


This crow tastes rather good.

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QUOTE(The Bones @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 02:15 AM)
Anyone else just have the sound of Hawk yelling "JOE CREDE" after he hit the gw home run against the Indians forever etched in their mind? I just couldn't help but think of that when that ball went up the middle and Aaron came around to score.


I was listening to the audio of that for a good 30 minutes before the Sox game yesterday. When I get back to the apartment, I can post the link of the audio on that one.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 01:08 PM)
I was listening to the audio of that for a good 30 minutes before the Sox game yesterday.  When I get back to the apartment, I can post the link of the audio on that one.


Please do, that was my favorite Hawk call of the season... though Rooney last night gives me chills. I really cannot say enough about how clutch JOE CREDE has been down the stretch.

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QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 12:31 AM)
no matter what happens in the next two weeks I will never be down on a single player from this 2005 team for as long as I live. They are golden, in my book, from here on out.


I am certain you, and many others are saying this. Sadly, Konerko will be a greedy bum and a s***ty player when he signs a bigger contract elsewhere. Crede and Boras will leave and piss off Sox fans for not being "loyal". It always happens, it is a part of being a Sox fan. Rare is the Sox player who leaves on his own accord and isn't slammed for doing so.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 10:33 PM)
I am certain you, and many others are saying this. Sadly, Konerko will be a greedy bum and a s***ty player when he signs a bigger contract elsewhere. Crede and Boras will leave and piss off Sox fans for not being "loyal". It always happens, it is a part of being a Sox fan. Rare is the Sox player who leaves on his own accord and isn't slammed for doing so.

C'mon Tex, Crede could easily fire Boras like Uribe did so he can sign a good 3 year deal to stick around after what he's done to the post-season.


And I know everyone thinks Konerko is a goner. Everyone thinks he's going to Boston. He has said he doesn't want to go to Boston, he doesn't think he could live there. We're going to make at least an extra $10M from the revenue alone from this fantastic playoff run. With Thomas and Everett's contract's comning off the books, payroll could be up to the 80M mark quite easily. We'll have the money to get Konerko re-uped, even with the re-signings of A.J and JG in my mind.


You've got to remember with Konerko, he's the clubhouse leader. Ozzie and KW have repeadtly said how important leadership and a good morale in the clubhouse is. PK is a key to that.

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Yes, they could take second or third place money in the auction for their services. But when they don't, we turn on them like any other player. This euphoria will be long forgotten. That was my point. They will suck just like Belle, Colon, Maggs, etc.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 10:47 PM)
Yes, they could take second or third place money in the auction for their services. But when they don't, we turn on them like any other player. This euphoria will be long forgotten. That was my point. They will suck just like Belle, Colon, Maggs, etc.

You've got to remember with Colon JR offered him the highest deal ever for a Sox pitcher in franchise history. He decided to bolt to Anaheim, his choice. I don't see anyone really bashing him about why he did that (although yes the old Tub Of Goo jokes did suddenly come to mind).


Maggs was different. He rejected our 5 year deal, and got insanely lucky from an insane owner in the FA market.


Konerko could get 4 years 50M very easily like Richie Sexson did, and he probably deserves to, he's got a proven track record of 40HR/100RBI's over the past 2 seasons. But loyalty still exists in baseball (it helps if Scott Bora$$ ain't your agent). Let's hope Konerko sees how good the Sox have been to him, how they stuck by him after 2003 when he very well could have been traded, and how we're a great team now, with a fantastic pitching staff, and he'll take a little less to stick around.


Personally, if Paul Konerko leaves, I don't know about other Sox fans because I know mid - season at least 2/3rd's of the people here wanted him out just because of his measly BA/RISP (my oh my how that's turned around), but I won't have 1 bad thing to say about him at all.

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The original comment was never having anything bad to say about these guys. I just pointed out some fans have short memories and will turn in a heartbeat.


I wonder how many people here are "fans" of the company they work for? How much less they would take to work for a company that has showed them loyalty and had great customers who also loved the company? Could you imagine yourself saying "we have the greatest customers in the world, I want to stay here forever! Even if someone offers me a 15 or 20% increase."

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 10:59 PM)
The original comment was never having anything bad to say about these guys. I just pointed out some fans have short memories and will turn in a heartbeat.


I wonder how many people here are "fans" of the company they work for? How much less they would take to work for a company that has showed them loyalty and had great customers who also loved the company? Could you imagine yourself saying  "we have the greatest customers in the world, I want to stay here forever! Even if someone offers me a 15 or 20% increase."

Yeah I know fans will turn, and that's unfortunate especially when the player's done nothing wrong over his time here. But that's life, fans are passionate for their team and don't want to see their star players deserting them for another.


A company and a team in my mind are different. You leave 1 company for another, whether it's in the same industry, it's not the same as say PK leaving the White Sox and taking a huge offer with say the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (which will never happen). Then of course you're moving to another city, and you've got lifestyle issues family etc. to deal with.


Alex Rodriguez signed a 10 year 250M deal because he was offered the most money. Eventually it worked out for him because he got traded to the Yanks, but those first few years in Texas weren't good at all for him.

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How is an accountant taking a position with another company, perhaps someone with a strong client following, different than a player? MLB is their industry. Take Buerhle for example, he grew up a Card fan.


With the draft, most players have their teams chosen for them. They are tied up for several seasons, regardless of where they want to live or who they want to play for. Then, they are suppose to show loyalty to the company that drafted them, or who traded for them?


I would argue that the accountant who interviewed and accepted a position at his own free will, should show more loyalty than a ball player who was drafted. The player may have never had a chance to choose. The accountant may take key clients with him, harming the company that paid him to develop that relationship.

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