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upto 3000 bodies unearthed in Iraq


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But we still have to find WMD to justify the war? Please!

What about the thousands that have been killed in Chile? Oh wait, we put Pinochet in power.

Or how about all the people murdered in Guatemala? Oh wait, we overthrew their democratically elected leader [Arbenz] on behalf of United Fruit.


There are many other countries with much more horrid human rights abuses. If the Bush regime was serious about human rights, they wouldn't be giving over $100 million to Colombia this year and they'd sanction more than $0 that are currently in the budget for Afghanistan.

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yes, you do have to justify war.


those 3,000 bodies were from when Bush 1 in 1991 encouraged Iraqis to rebel and when they did, Bush did not as god damned thing other than leave them to their fate.


This war was about oil and Haliburton's slowly being discovered bigger and bigger contract and curious no one has reported how many Iraqis died in the past month.


Of course this was was either about September 11th (no link between Hussein and bin Laden, who hate each other), or Iraq's nuclear weapons (turned out to be lies when Bush said it and he knew it) or IOraq's weapons of mass destruction which Colin Powell swore oaths that we had evidence that thewy were right there- where? Where? And what imminent threat was Iraq?


Oh, and where is bin Laden (Bush: we will get him dead or alive) and where for that matter is Saddam, oir his sons, and what have we done to hurt al Queda since September 11th as they merrily go their way with more terrorism?


Seems all we have done is leave al Queda alone and go after olil. Oh, wand we have teenagers locked up at Gitmo. That has sure put an end to al Queda big time, yeah right, Bush is the most accomplished liar we have had as president - talks big and does nothing but enriches his cronies.

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