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Moronatti On Around the Horn


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He said "Heres what every1 in chicago wanted to hear, I was Wrong." then he wnet on to compliment our pitching staff and Pk and said we are a juggernaut. Then something funny happened the Tony Realli guy said something to him to close it out and he muted him and said it dooesnt matter! Cool stuff I hope the Klown aint choking on that crow of his.

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QUOTE(kman @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 03:12 PM)
He said "Heres what every1 in chicago wanted to hear, I was Wrong." then he wnet on to compliment our pitching staff and Pk and said we are a juggernaut. Then something funny happened the Tony Realli guy said something to him to close it out and he muted him and said it dooesnt matter! Cool stuff I hope the Klown aint choking on that crow of his.



I just saw that as well.... it was nice to see

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QUOTE(kman @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 04:12 PM)
He said "Heres what every1 in chicago wanted to hear, I was Wrong." then he wnet on to compliment our pitching staff and Pk and said we are a juggernaut. Then something funny happened the Tony Realli guy said something to him to close it out and he muted him and said it dooesnt matter! Cool stuff I hope the Klown aint choking on that crow of his.


Did he compiment the three people he has been absolutely destroying in the papers every week since April; Kenny Williams, Ozzie Guillen, and Jerry Reinsdorf? You have to comliment the architects first.

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QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 09:21 PM)
I spent a season around sportswriters in a Big College Sports town, and I have spent a lot of time reading and watching sports journalism.


All I have to say is that most sports journalists are awful.


i would say its most sports COLUMNISTS are aweful, many of the people who just cover the games are rather good at what they do.

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I know Mariotti's public enemy #1 here and elsewhere in Sox land, but I personally like the fact he said he was wrong. He also infamously said that the Bulls would never get past Utah in that last championship--too old and tired, he said.


Although sometimes I wonder if the scathing stuff he would write during the September Slide was some reverse psychology--like he was trying to incense the team into playing better. I've always gotten the sense that he's more of a Sox fan.


And man oh man when he rips into the Cubs and their management it is a sight to see. But he's also pretty fearless about pissing off any owner/management here, whether it be the McCaskeys, JR, Wirtz or the Tribune Co.


So I dunno: when I see him say in his column that the Sox have silenced their critics--including him--I like the fact that he'll admit that.


Y'all can go back to stomping him now.. :)

Edited by LVSoxFan
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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 03:34 PM)


You got something to the contrary? I've read him every day for years as a Sun-Times reader.


Oh, let me guess: because he ripped on JR for years about his crappy payroll and also-ran teams. We don't think there was some truth to that? And I do recall most of the first half him railing at the city about how everybody's crying about the Cubs when we've got the best team in baseball right here on the South Side.


And he sure ain't no Cub homer, I can guarantee you that.


There were only a couple of times this year I thought he was being unfair: first, when he ripped KW during the September Slide for not trading for a bat. By all accounts, there wasn't a bat to be had and Griffey got ixnayed by the Reds, not by us. That was off-base.


The second was when he called Ozzie out in public for saying inappropriate things in the clubhouse (i.e., referring to somebody in NY as a "child molester"). I don't know why that needed to go public.


Look, my point is: I'd rather have a guy who says what he thinks even if it pisses off the team. Steve Stone wasn't 1/10th as critical of the Cubs as a Mariotti would be and look what happened to him.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 04:51 PM)
Look, my point is: I'd rather have a guy who says what he thinks even if it pisses off the team.  Steve Stone wasn't 1/10th as critical of the Cubs as a Mariotti would be and look what happened to him.


What does Steve Stone ripping on the team that pays him have to do with Mariotti ripping on a team that has no connection to him?


Mariotti can and does say things that are right about both teams. Then he takes it a step further and makes things personal, and usually when he does this he pulls quotes and interviews out of thin air. In the last two months he has had to scale back his commentary twice that i can recall, and who knows how many more times he has done it.


He is the master of playing both sides. He rarely makes predictions that cannot be turned either way, and this is the first time I can recall Mariotti saying "I was wrong". And yet, he still throws shots in there regarding the black sox, and the Ligue's rushing the field, and JR underspending.


He is no sox fan. he isnt fan of any team.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 05:09 PM)
He is no sox fan.  he isnt fan of any team.

He shouldn't be a fan.


If you just want happy news from fans and the company, read here and the official club annoucnements. There are never any problems, every team we field is a world series contender. Chicago has had so many homers and journalists who kiss the owners asses for free hotdogs and tickets that we think that is the norm.


Mariotti isn't dumb and tweaks the Sox noses and gets great publicity and readership. I was told last year that his anti-sox articles generate 4x as many hits as any other articles. He is also the most hit Sun-Times sports columnist. So business is good for Jay when he takes a poke at JR and Co.

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QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 04:51 PM)
Tony Reali said Do you consider the sox the favorites in the World Series and than when marriotti started to respond he muted him and said it doesnt matter what you think... although b4 he hit the mute you could hear Jay say yes.


:lolhitting Thats nice that he said yes but that is hilarious!!!!

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mariotti is a punk ass b****. seems like every day theres a new thread about some stupid s*** he says. i say stupider things than him all the time and there's no thread about me every day. why are we even giving him the press and the satisfaction by talking about him all the time? it's exactly what he wants when he says things to aggrevate sox fans! don't play into it, thats what i say!

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My .02 on Mariotti... and most sports columnists in general... is that in my opinion the goal of a columnist is to make sports more interesting by reading about it. The major goal of a columnist should not be to rip the team, it should not be to put a negative spin on EVERY situation, and it most certaintly should not be to try and piss readers off to get more hits. Maybe I'm just an idealist in this regard because there are not a whole hell of a lot of columnists out there that fit what I would like to see. The other thing about this point is that there are times when management should be called out in the newspaper and in my opinion, when that happens a columnist is more effective if they don't trash every single move that a franchise makes. Ending rant now.

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Was Michael Smith on? He's the guy who on Thursday or Friday said what happened in game 2 doesn't matter 'cuz all it means is that instead of the Angels winning in 4 or 5 they'll now win in 5 or 6.


He had the Angels sweeping the White Sox? What a tool!!!! That b**** best sack up and eat his crow on TV!

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QUOTE(Bias @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 02:37 PM)
Was Michael Smith on?  He's the guy who on Thursday or Friday said what happened in game 2 doesn't matter 'cuz all it means is that instead of the Angels winning in 4 or 5 they'll now win in 5 or 6.


He had the Angels sweeping the White Sox? What a tool!!!!  That b**** best sack up and eat his crow on TV!


He was there but since all of them picked the Red Sox to beat us they basicly all had to eat some crow.... just Marriotti the most lol... Also for the most part I like Michael Smith

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