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Homeland Security Chief "Expel all illegals"


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US security chief strives to expel all illegal immigrants

Oct 18 11:47 AM US/Eastern

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Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said his department aims without exception to expel all those who enter the United States illegally.


"Our goal at DHS (Homeland Security) is to completely eliminate the 'catch and release' enforcement problem, and return every single illegal entrant, no exceptions.


"Today, a non-Mexican illegal immigrant caught trying to enter the United States across the southwest border has an 80 percent chance of being released immediately because we lack the holding facilities," he added.


"Through a comprehensive approach, we are moving to end this 'catch and release' style of border enforcement by reengineering our detention and removal process."


Chertoff's remarks in favor of returning "every illegal entrant, no exceptions" appeared to conflict directly with the US policy toward illegal Cuban migrants.


Though Cubans picked up at sea are returned to their country, those who reach US soil by air, sea or ground are allowed to stay and work -- a fact Cuba says encourages dangerous illegal emigration attempts.


More at link.

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Mexicans aren't in danger of being tortured by their government upon their return to their homeland. As a matter of a fact, their government provides information for how to make their next try work better. Are you saying we should put people into a situation where we know they could be tortured?

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Not that simple sir. If Mexico started torturing it's citizens would we throw open the border? Iraq has been known to torture a person or two, yet we do not offer carte blanche entry into the US for them. Same with China, Kuwait, Afganistan, Iran, etc.



I think an immigration judge should always hear these cases, even for Cuban illegals. I would hate to think the next terorist attack would be conducted by a Cuban illegal waltzing into the country.

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