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NL Park lineup


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At this rate I'm really hoping we play Houston, because i think we can match up better w/ their lineup in their park. St. Louis on the other hand..............Either way, i am curious as to how Oz is going to make out the lineup card in the NL park. Obviously, top priority is giving PK protection, and w/ Everett out, who bat's behind him? Dye? AJ? Crede? Rowand??? :o Personally, I'd like to see Oz go w/ this lineup..........Pods, Rowand, Iguchi, PK, Dye, AJ, Crede, Uribe, P.........But I imagine he will probably go w/ this one.......Pods, Iguchi, Dye, PK, AJ?, Rowand, Crede, Uribe, P.............Considering the pitcher has to hit, I think it's extremely safe to say the BP will actually pitch in the NL park. Let's just hope their not TOO rusty

Edited by CYGarland
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QUOTE(CYGarland @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 12:22 PM)
At this rate I'm really hoping we play Houston, because i think we can match up better w/ their lineup in their park. St. Louis on the other hand..............Either way, i am curious as to how Oz is going to make out the lineup card in the NL park. Obviously, top priority is giving PK protection, and w/ Everett out, who bat's behind him?  Dye? AJ? Crede? Rowand???  :o  Personally, I'd like to see Oz go w/ this lineup..........Pods, Rowand, Iguchi, PK, Dye, AJ, Crede, Uribe, P.........But I imagine he will probably go w/ this one.......Pods, Iguchi, Dye, PK, AJ?, Rowand, Crede, Uribe, P.............Considering the pitcher has to hit, I think it's extremely safe to say the BP will actually pitch in the NL park. Let's just hope their not TOO rusty

Cliff Politte should bat 5th. :P Honestly, I think you'll see aj moved up to the 5 hole.

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QUOTE(CYGarland @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 01:22 PM)
Personally, I'd like to see Oz go w/ this lineup..........Pods, Rowand, Iguchi, PK, Dye, AJ, Crede, Uribe, P

Why would Rowand hit second? He's had 16 AB's in the two hole all year, and its not time to move him. And Gooch third? Has never hit there all year. Especially with how he's looked bad with some swings recently (at least, I think he has), putting him third (which is where the best hitter should hit) doesnt make sense.


My lineup would be this:

LF Podsednik

2B Iguchi

RF Dye

1B Konerko

CF Rowand

C Pierzynski

3B Crede

SS Uribe

P ---


Just move everyone up a spot :/

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 02:31 PM)
AJ bats 5th against any right handed pitchers.


Rowand bats 5th against Lefties.


Crede starts hitting cleanup after his 9th home run of the series.


Agreed for the most part, though with how bad Rowand has looked in the thus far, I'm not sure I want him hitting any higher than 6th.


I'd say just make it Pods-Gooch-Dye-PK-AJP-Rowand-Crede-Uribe-P against both LHP and RHP(even though AJP did have a .627 OPS against LHP this year...with 0 walks...how do you have about 90 PAs and have 0 walks?)

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I think we line up darn well in NL format. The only person we lose is Everett, and as far as I can tell, he hasn't done anything useful in the playoffs. He was among the worst DH's in the league during the regular season, for that matter.


We can use Everett (who hits switch), Ozuna, Perez and Politte (no, I'm not kidding, if we are about to put him in anyway) as pinch-hitters nicely.


And with Crede and Uribe hitting pretty well in the post-season our lineup is pretty strong up-and-down:











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