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Plame Leak Investigation


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BOMBSHELLS!!! but who knows their validity


What follows is some extremely sensitive information about the impending conclusion of the Valerie Plame investigations. The sources include two senior members of senate and key staffers; counsel for individuals that have been called before the grand jury; and two journalists taking a lead position in investigating the case. the following represents a composite of the information from those sources.



The investigation has focused mostly closely on Vice President Cheney and his staff, as well as US Ambassador to the UN (and former undersecretary of state for arms control) John Bolton and his staff. We are told that eight indictments have already prepared, with the possibility of another ten. These indictments include senior white house staff, most notably Vice President Cheney's Chief of Staff Scooter Libby, Fred Flights (special assistant to John Bolton), and--very surprisingly--national security adviser Steve Hadley. apparently, Libby and Hadley have both been told by their lawyers to expect indictments. the indictment of senior bush political advisor Karl Rove seems highly probable.


In the past several days, former Secretary of State Colin Powell had a meeting with Senator John McCain (R-AZ), primarily about the McCain-sponsored amendment on inserting a rider prohibiting torture onto the us defense budget (a bill which Powell has himself been lobbying heavily for, against objections of president Bush).


During the meeting, Powell recounted to the senator that he had traveled on air force one with Bush and Cheney, and brought to their attention a classified memorandum about the issue of whether there was indeed a transaction inolving Niger and yellow cake uranium. the document included Ambassador Joe Wilson's involvement and identified his wife, Valerie Plame, as a covert agent. the memorandum further stated that this information was secret. Powell told McCain that he showed that memo only to two people--president and vice president. according to Powell, Cheney fixated on the Wilson/Plame connection, and Plame's status.


a parade of senior republican senators have evidently been privately pushing McCain to lobby to be Cheney's replacement. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has also been mentioned. meanwhile, the White House has already been developing countermeasures--notably including senior White House officials privately voicing president bush's disappointment in Karl Rove's involvement in the case, calling it "misconduct." an urgent search for a rove replacement is already underway.



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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Oct 20, 2005 -> 01:55 AM)
Judy Miller was involved with the White House Iraq Group :o



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That has been f***ing obvious since before the war began and it's a f***ing travesty. Pulitzer winner or not, she gobbled up every but of faukty intelligence that trhe WHIG and Chalabi threw her way and ran THE story that gave the administration its best case for going to war in the eyes of the American public. That it ran in the NYT made it all the more credible since the paper is perceived as being so left-leaning.


Judith Miller = cocksucker by proxy. She failed to thoroughly fact check the most important story of her career (or, more likely the fact checking consisted of Chalabi's guys telling the WHIG some "fact" that they passed on to Miller and that other Chalabi guys were later able to "verify" whenMiller checked the story.


She was so completely played that she could have rotted in jail for a decade in the name of press integrity and it wouldn't have won her integrity back.

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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WASHINGTON -    President Bush vowed Thursday to avoid the "background noise" of criminal investigations and other Republican political problems to focus on the nation's needs.


"The American people expect me to do my job, and I'm going to," the president said.



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Libby was obsessed with Wilson


While other administration officials were maintaining a careful distance from Wilson in 2004, Libby ordered up a compendium of information that could be used to rebut Wilson's claims that the administration had "twisted" intelligence to exaggerate the threat from Iraq before the U.S. invasion.


Libby pressed the administration to publicly counter Wilson, sparking a debate with other White House officials who thought the tactic would call more attention to the former diplomat and his criticisms. That debate ended after an April 2004 meeting in the office of White House Communications Director Daniel Bartlett, when staffers were told "don't engage" Wilson, according to notes taken during the meeting by one person present.


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Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has likely decided not to indict top White House aides Karl Rove and Lewis "Scooter" Libby based on allegations they "outed" CIA employee Valerie Plame, lawyers close to Fitzgerald's Leakgate investigation have told the New York Times.




Instead, the Times said: "Among the charges that Mr. Fitzgerald is considering are perjury, obstruction of justice and false statement" - raising speculation that the Leakgate case may devolve into a Martha Stewart-like prosecution, which drew howls of derision from legal critics.



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Novak Cooperated

A critical early success for Fitzgerald was winning the cooperation of Robert D. Novak, the Chicago Sun-Times columnist who named Plame in a July 2003 story and attributed key information to "two senior administration officials." Legal sources said Novak avoided a fight and quietly helped the special counsel's inquiry, although neither the columnist nor his attorney have said so publicly.


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The CIA leak inquiry that threatens senior White House aides has now widened to include the forgery of documents on African uranium that started the investigation, according to NAT0 intelligence sources.


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Bush is all kinds of mad and he's placing blame on Rove, Card, Cheney and the Press?

"The President is just unhappy in general and casting blame all about," said one Bush insider. "Andy [Card, the chief of staff] gets his share. Karl gets his share. Even Cheney gets his share. And the press gets a big share."


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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:07 PM)
Two words, Kap.  Clinton's.Penis.


See, we are back to that again. With everything that man was into, no one cared about anything but this. You couldn't get the presses attention for anything but sex. So of course they make it look like it was the Republicans who were only interested in the sex stuff, forget the lying under oath to Congress and the nation, not to mention all of the stuff that Janet Reno ignored, and the Clinton administration stonewalled, but hey if you are all satisfied with all of the Clinton scandals being "just a blowjob", maybe I should start characterizing the Bush scandals as "just a misunderstanding". I guess if I say it long enough and loud enough, people will remember it that way. :puke

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 12:18 PM)
See, we are back to that again.  With everything that man was into, no one cared about anything but this.  You couldn't get the presses attention for anything but sex.  So of course they make it look like it was the Republicans who were only interested in the sex stuff, forget the lying under oath to Congress and the nation, not to mention all of the stuff that Janet Reno ignored, and the Clinton administration stonewalled, but hey if you are all satisfied with all of the Clinton scandals being "just a blowjob", maybe I should start characterizing the Bush scandals as "just a misunderstanding".  I guess if I say it long enough and loud enough, people will remember it that way.  :puke

SS, I had to eat lunch before class. It was easier to type that than discuss the focused campaign of every night on the news hearing a new claim against Clinton (and lest we forget the Arkansas Project). Don't get me wrong, I didn't like what Clinton did but when Clinton lied, it didn't compromise national security.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 01:24 PM)
SS, I had to eat lunch before class.  It was easier to type that than discuss the focused campaign of every night on the news hearing a new claim against Clinton (and lest we forget the Arkansas Project).  Don't get me wrong, I didn't like what Clinton did but when Clinton lied, it didn't compromise national security.


There is no way I will believe that was the only lie he ever told. Trust me between everything else he was involved in, there were many more lies than that. It just turns out that was the only one that piqued interest enough to get him to give actual testimony about it. And if you want to talk about compromising national security, Clinton did that in many different ways, including trying to curry favor at the SEC for Chinese nationals, who just happened to be on the payroll of the Chinese government... oops. Or at the sametime he was taking money from Chinese nationals, we were having Chinese spies stealing our nuclear secrets in Los Alamos... oops. Trust me, Clinton did plenty to compromise national security, and that is without getting into the whole he could have had Bin Laden arguements.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 11:40 AM)
we were having Chinese spies stealing our nuclear secrets in Los Alamos... oops.

Except, as far as everything I has read tells me...We Actually weren't.


(feel free to give me better sources if you have them, but as far as everything I've read tells me, Wen Ho Lee became an attempted scapegoat who was falsely accused of just about everything.)

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 11:01 AM)
I think it's funny that all this stuff is leaking out - people want this to BURN BAD.  That's why it's all coming out so fast.


If this were a Democrat, we wouldn't even know about it.


We can all speculate as to how this type of thing would have affected the Democrats but this is the President and his team deliberately tricking the American people and press into going to War, it's important.


Wurmser the Leaker?

Those close to the investigation say that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been told that David Wurmser, then a Middle East adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney on loan from the State Department, met with Cheney and his chief of staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby in June 2003 and told Libby that Plame set up the Wilson trip. He asserted that it was a boondoggle, the sources said.


Libby then shared the information with Karl Rove, President Bush's deputy chief of staff, the sources said. Wurmser also passed on the same information about Wilson to then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and then-National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice, they added.


Within a week, Wurmser, on orders from "executives in the office of the vice president," was told to leak her name to a specific group of reporters in an effort to muzzle her husband, Wilson, who had become a thorn in the side of the administration, those close to the inquiry say. It is unclear who Wurmser had spoken with in the media, the sources said, but they confirmed he did speak with reporters at national media outlets about Plame.


"Libby wanted to discredit him right from the start," one source close to the investigation told RAW STORY. "He used David Wurmser to help him do that."



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So much more interesting now if Wurmser cooperated with the prosecutor.

Edited by KipWellsFan
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 02:34 PM)
Except, as far as everything I has read tells me...We Actually weren't.


(feel free to give me better sources if you have them, but as far as everything I've read tells me, Wen Ho Lee became an attempted scapegoat who was falsely accused of just about everything.)


That doesn't surprise me, I have seen the sources you read :P


So basically what you posted said that a Clinton administration high ranking official leaked the name of a federal employee who was working on top secret nuclear weapons information of some sort in order to cover up someone who was most likely a higher level offical who leaked vital nuclear weapons information to an enemy of the United States, knowing full well that this guy wasn't involved in the situation? Boy if I didn't know any different, I would swear something remarkably similar was going on right now...


So how did the investigations go into who leaked the name of Lee? How did the invesigations go into who ACTUALLY leaked the nuclear secrets to the Chinese? Who was being covered for?


And this is supposed to be better than what we have now? Oh I forgot, it was "just a blowjob".



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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 12:48 PM)
That doesn't surprise me, I have seen the sources you read :P 


So basically what you posted said that a Clinton administration high ranking official leaked the name of a federal employee who was working on top secret nuclear weapons information of some sort in order to cover up someone who was most likely a higher level offical who leaked vital nuclear weapons information to an enemy of the United States, knowing full well that this guy wasn't involved in the situation?  Boy if I didn't know any different, I would swear something remarkably similar was going on right now...


So how did the investigations go into who leaked the name of Lee?  How did the invesigations go into who ACTUALLY leaked the nuclear secrets to the Chinese?  Who was being covered for?


And this is supposed to be better than what we have now?  Oh I forgot, it was "just a blowjob".



As far as the information I'm reading...I agree with you on the "Did Richardson leak the name" part...but in terms of secrets falling into Chinese Hands...I'm going to directly quote This piece, which I'd suggest you read, as it covers all the angles I can see - including why the Clinton Administration may have hung him out to dry to cover their own arses.


Because several errors were so widely reported in the media and will haunt Lee even though the government's case crumbled, it is important to dissect each of them. To begin with, there is no conclusive evidence that China stole the secrets to the W-88 warhead, and the consensus of experts in the field is that spying, if it occurred, was not decisive to China's still minuscule and primitive nuclear program. That was the conclusion of a June 1999 report by the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, headed by former Republican Senator Warren Rudman. The board report concluded: "This information had been widely available within the U.S. nuclear weapons community, including the weapons labs, other parts of D.O.E., the Department of Defense, and private contractors, for more than a decade. For example, key technical information concerning the W-88 warhead had been available to numerous U.S. government and military entities since at least 1983 and could well have come from many organizations other than the weapons labs."


This was also the consensus in another Times cover story, reported five months after the original Gerth/Risen article, by William Broad, the paper's leading expert on nuclear weapons, which shredded the assumptions of the earlier Gerth/Risen stories. Broad interviewed Robert Vrooman, who was head of counterintelligence at Los Alamos during the investigation of Lee, who said a description of the W-88 had been widely disseminated. "A rather detailed description of the W-88 had a distribution of 548 copies," he said, adding, "Please note that I am referring to 548 mailing addresses, not people."


Even the original Gerth/Risen report stated that the CIA did not accept Trulock's dire assessment: "Trulock's briefing was based on a worst-case scenario, which C.I.A. believes was not supported by available intelligence. C.I.A. thinks the Chinese have benefited from a variety of sources, including from the Russians and their own indigenous efforts." But that assessment was treated in the story as a minor caveat.

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FLASHBACK!!! 60 minutes cancelled show on forged Niger documents for Rathergate episode!!!


Sept. 22 - In its rush to air its now discredited story about President George W. Bush’s National Guard service, CBS bumped another sensitive piece slated for the same “60 Minutes” broadcast: a half-hour segment about how the U.S. government was snookered by forged documents purporting to show Iraqi efforts to purchase uranium from Niger.




But just hours before the piece was set to air on the evening of Sept. 8, the reporters and producers on the CBS team were stunned to learn the story was being scrapped to make room for a seemingly sensational story about new documents showing that Bush ignored a direct order to take a flight physical while serving in the National Guard more than 30 years ago.



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What in the f***!!!!

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 24, 2005 -> 02:54 PM)
As far as the information I'm reading...I agree with you on the "Did Richardson leak the name" part...but in terms of secrets falling into Chinese Hands...I'm going to directly quote This piece, which I'd suggest you read, as it covers all the angles I can see - including why the Clinton Administration may have hung him out to dry to cover their own arses.


OK the banner ads about reliving McCarthyism were enough to make me not able to finish that load of crap, so I'll just ask you this instead. If leaking to the press that Lee had given the Chinese secrets for a nuclear bomb, wasn't true, what was bad enough to be worse than that, which needed to be hidden from the public?

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