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U.S. blueprint for N. Korea war

Mr. Showtime

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. the quicker we eliminate all or most of their forces, the number of south korean lives decrease.



true PA, but I think we would want to limit "civilian casualties."



I am glad that CNN is putting our "blueprint" on the web...does anyone think that the North Korean government is not going to read this?



:bang Ted Turner!!!

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I would assume our only choice would be a nuclear strike against them. the quicker we eliminate all or most of their forces, the number of south korean lives decrease.


as sick as that sounds

are you serious?


nuclear war?


God spare us.

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are you serious?


nuclear war?


God spare us.

I'm sure one would be used in the war. Not sure if it would be by the US or from the North Koreans. Either way it would be a disaster. :nono

diaster = understatement of the year


the whole point of diplomacy is to avoid nuclear war - let alone the world wide catesptophic medical and environmental and genetic consequences, you'd have 100,000-500,000 Korean dead if it were confined toi that peninsula and didn't spead to Japan - and if no other nations got drawn in - the immorality, if I may use that word, of the thought of waging nuclear war astounds me.


Even I have faith that Bush and his administration take very seriously the real threat of nuclear catastrophe and will be able to work out a solution that leaves the nuclear horror contained. The next nation that lobs a nuclear weapon will set off a chain reaction amongst other nations that easily will kill millions if not right away, in the aftermath and devatstae the earth - and life. One might as well play Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun than to advocate or approve of nuclear holocaust - at least in russian roulette you only kill your self.

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I was speaking under the guise that, IF N. Korea attacked with their 11k artillery guns that could launch 300k shells in 1 hour into the heart of seoul, along with their 1 mil+ standing army...that our goal would be to elminate the problem as soon as possible, otherwise South Korea wouldn't exhist much longer than a few days.


how do you do that? nuclear weapons.....


it's not my idea, it's the non-partisan army's idea.

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Maybe I'm wrong but wouldn't every other country be just steaming if the United States decided to do something as stupid as that??? :huh:


I believe the article is talking about a defensive strike if N.Korea ever went to war with the South anyways.

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If our generals had the bright idea of doing a ground invasion on North Korea, our forces would be absolutely slaughtered, and I am not joking. They outnumber our army about 1.5 to 1, and they are technologically up-to-date. The only way to defeat the North Koreans would to tactically nuke their nuclear weapons and facilities, thus giving them no chance of inflicting numerous casualties via nukes. Oh, and if we do invade or attack NK, I'd expect WW3.

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If Bush uses nukes he should be impeached and imprisoned for life. Good people live in North Korea even tho they have an evil government. Nukes are like oozies (sp?), they are both completely indiscriminate. Great job Georgie, you just turned Kim Jongs (awesome name, lets kill him so I can take that name :lol: ) head to dust but then you killed the peasant mother and her child ten miles away. Im not even sure I would support the invasion of North Korea. I just dont think its necessary and Chinas right there so you dont want to risk a huge war with them. I think we would win against China (military service is mandatory, a lot of that army doesnt want to be there, which is why the American draft is a bad idea too, as of now, all the Marines, Rangers, sailors etc do want to be there) but the amount of American lives lost in such a war would make the win bitter. I think the Iraq war is just now that all the bodies are being found but we have no evidence thats happening in North Korea. So dont pick fights without reason. Especially Georgie, who ran from the Vietnam war. If anybody should be starting wars it should be a war veteran president who knows what war really is...

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I would like to point out that the N Korea situation is one that the Clinton administration did handle correctly. They managed to draft an agreed framework that ended North Korea's nuclear program for the remainder of his term despite a lack of funding for the program from the US government. The change in tone from the Bush administration triggered a new round of nuclear blackmail. Its quite worrying really.

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