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Best Movie Ever.......


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Since I am a employee of a movie theatre.... my boss buckled down and gave me nd my bro free tickets to see the MATRIX 2 earlier tonight at 10:00........


I'm not going to ruin in for anyone.....because I think the movie is a experience nowne should miss....... but I will say this....... it's the best movie that i've ever seen.

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Since I am a employee of a movie theatre.... my boss buckled down and gave me nd my bro free tickets to see the MATRIX 2 earlier tonight at 10:00........


I'm not going to ruin in for anyone.....because I think the movie is a experience nowne should miss....... but I will say this....... it's the best movie that i've ever seen.

In my humble elitist opinion....best ever, just like that? WTF?????!!!!!!!!!


All non-kidding aside, Murc...Best Blockbuster Flick of 2003 or Best Pretentious FX Extravaganza I could understand, I loved the first one myself....then again you are still in HS, I'll give you a pass :)


ETA: Since I haven't seen it yet myself, who knows you may be right, lol. I certainly enjoyed the s*** out of X2...I am such a f***ing ball-busting hypocrite sometimes, lol

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Since I am a employee of a movie theatre.... my boss buckled down and gave me nd my bro free tickets to see the MATRIX 2 earlier tonight at 10:00........


I'm not going to ruin in for anyone.....because I think the movie is a experience nowne should miss....... but I will say this....... it's the best movie that i've ever seen.

In my humble elitist opinion....best ever, just like that? WTF?????!!!!!!!!!


All non-kidding aside, Murc...Best Blockbuster Flick of 2003 or Best Pretentious FX Extravaganza I could understand, I loved the first one myself....then again you are still in HS, I'll give you a pass :)


ETA: Since I haven't seen it yet myself, who knows you may be right, lol. I certainly enjoyed the s*** out of X2...I am such a f***ing ball-busting hypocrite sometimes, lol

X men 2 was sweet, but I found Matrix 1 boring so I can't see myself liking part 2.

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Since I am a employee of a movie theatre.... my boss buckled down and gave me nd my bro free tickets to see the MATRIX 2 earlier tonight at 10:00........


I'm not going to ruin in for anyone.....because I think the movie is a experience nowne should miss....... but I will say this....... it's the best movie that i've ever seen.

I agree it was really kick ass. The only thing that sucked about it was getting at home at 4 am only to get back up and go to school for an 8am class.


Great movie though.

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If I gave a list of my favorite movies I'd probably be run off the board. Either that or folks would think  never heard of that


Try me....lol, lemme jus' say that my list includes Chongqing Senlin, Last Tango In Paris and Jim et Jules.


And, no, I am not Pauline Kaelist, thankyouverymuch.

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I saw M:R today...


it was much different than the first movie, it felt like they decided to change the direction of the matrix world after they did the first movie.


The action was there, especially in the neo vs smith scene. This movie explains quite a bit more of story, not unlike "two towers"....


make sure you stay until after the credits:) can't wait for the final movie.




Side note:My brother worked on the first film. He worked for the special effects company "manex films" (no longer in opperation). I got to see clips of the movie about 8 months before it came out...good times.

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I saw M:R today...


it was much different than the first movie, it felt like they decided to change the direction of the matrix world after they did the first movie.


The action was there, especially in the neo vs smith scene. This movie explains quite a bit more of story, not unlike "two towers"....


make sure you stay until after the credits:) can't wait for the final movie.




Side note:My brother worked on the first film. He worked for the special effects company "manex films" (no longer in opperation). I got to see clips of the movie about 8 months before it came out...good times.

Since you waited till the end of the credits too, let me ask you this, didn't it seem like that movie employed an entire city. Geeze, the damn credits took an hour or so it seemed.

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I loved how the "stunt person" section took up a whole screen, yet CG was 50% of the fighting sequences:)


"bullet time" was cool too see before the movie came out. I remember them not finishing the visual effects until a month before the movie came out. They worked on that film for like 2-3 years and then the company did "Kiss the Child" and went under.


The employees of Manex literally walked across the lot in Alameda(the old naval base) and started the new company that worked on the 2 other films.


one last thing....If you noticed there was a US crew AND an Australian crew...


so it was TWO cities they employed..not one:)

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I'm making a prediction, this will beat Spidey for best opening weekend, the number they have to beat for a 3 day weekend (Fri-Sun) is approx. $115 Million, I think it will obliterate it actually, and maybe, maybe crack $200 Mil for the 4 days (Thur-Sun) Maybe


Also, thought it was awesome :headbang :headbang , but not the best ever

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Try me....lol, lemme jus' say that my list includes Chongqing Senlin, Last Tango In Paris and Jim et Jules.


And, no, I am not Pauline Kaelist, thankyouverymuch.

I'm not Pauline Kael, or Siskel and Ebert or anything like that either. I am a great admirer of the late Akiro Kurosawa the great Japanese director. Rashomon is my all time favorite movie, and no I don't speak Japanese. Also liked his movie Stray Dog. My favorite American movie is High Noon the 1952 classic with Gary Cooper. The scene at the end where he throws his badge in the dirt is classic. Grace Kelly always gets to me, I can't think of a modern actress with anything close to her beauty and for the lack of a better term sex appeal. I shall stop now before eyes glaze over or start to roll.

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Try me....lol, lemme jus' say that my list includes Chongqing Senlin, Last Tango In Paris and Jim et Jules.


And, no, I am not Pauline Kaelist, thankyouverymuch.

I'm not Pauline Kael, or Siskel and Ebert or anything like that either. I am a great admirer of the late Akiro Kurosawa the great Japanese director. Rashomon is my all time favorite movie, and no I don't speak Japanese. Also liked his movie Stray Dog. My favorite American movie is High Noon the 1952 classic with Gary Cooper. The scene at the end where he throws his badge in the dirt is classic. Grace Kelly always gets to me, I can't think of a modern actress with anything close to her beauty and for the lack of a better term sex appeal. I shall stop now before eyes glaze over or start to roll.


I don't care much for Siskel or Ebert either, but Pauline Kael was the best American film reviewer in the last 50 years IMO, and two of the 3 pics I mentioned just happened to be her favorites as well, by coincidence naturally, lol...I absolutely love Kurosawa's take on King Lear- Ran...which was made largely thanks to Scorsese securing much of the financing. Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood (Fisful of dollars, The Good, bad, ugly, etc) totally ripped offf Kurosawa's Samurai Trilogy and Magnificent Seven is just Seven Samurai set in the West...not to mention that f*** King George Lucas shamelessly used The Hidden Fortress idea to make the original Star Wars without any credit or compensation whatsoever...Master Akira would be on my top 5 directors of last 50 years list easily, up there with Bergman, Kubrick, Scorsese and Triffaut.


As far as regal Grace Kelly goes, ironically enough she was the biggest slut that ever slutted, a regular carnivorous man-eater, sorta like the hybrid between Julia Roberts and Wanna Ride'er....Sorry.

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Reloaded sucked  :fyou

I hope you're kidding :o

The movie was worth it just for the Neo VS all the agent Smiths after he meets with the oracle! They could have just have the whole gang sit around a table and discuss philosphy for the remainder of the film...There are so slow parts in the beginning, but still a top notch film..Loved it

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Clerks is one of the greatest films ever made. A complete masterpiece


In case you weren't being sacrastic...Kevin Smith has a tin (or is it teen) ear for dialogue and comedy; he's coasted on cultish cuteness of Clerks humor long enough. If I have to hear another pointless cock-sucking shtick... Go away, dude, and take your infantile, repetitive, opposite-of-cool crap with you.



And Ben Aflleck and Jason Lee while you're at it.

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I am a great admirer of the late Akiro Kurosawa the  great Japanese director. Rashomon is my all time favorite movie, and no I don't speak Japanese.  Also liked his movie Stray Dog.

I haven't seen Stray Dog, but certainly agree on Rashomon - have you seen Ran? That was incredible film making.


Besides Kurosawa, I also love Robert Altman films -


and I am getting into Mexican films, Y Tu Mama Tambien and Crimen de Padre Amaro were both excellent (I really, really loved Y Tu Mama Tambien).


Want to see a really good film, check out Rabbit Proof Fence. I knew nothing about it when I rented it on the advice of friends and it was totally unlike what I expected - well worth seeing, I strongly recommend it.

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Just back from seeing matrix Reloaded -


maybe not the best movie ever -


but fantastic special effects and far, far more Christian imagry than I expected -


well worth seeing and I wouldn't mind some discussion on what it means -

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