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Iran Leader Calls for Israel's Destruction


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I wonder how hippies will explain this:


Iran Leader Calls for Israel's Destruction (10-26-05)



TEHRAN, Iran -

Iran's hard-line president called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" and said a new wave of Palestinian attacks will destroy the Jewish state, state-run media reported Wednesday.


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also denounced attempts to recognize Israel or normalize relations with it.


"There is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine will wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world," Ahmadinejad told students Wednesday during a Tehran conference called "The World without Zionism."


"Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, any (Islamic leader) who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world," Ahmadinejad said.


Ahmadinejad also repeated the words of the founder of Iran's Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who called for the destruction of Israel.


"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, who came to power in August.


Ahmadinejad referred to Israel's recent withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as a "trick," saying Gaza is part of the Palestinian territories and the withdrawal was meant to make Islamic states acknowledge Israel.


I think we need airstrikes against Iran's nuclear facilities ASAP. "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury" is pretty explicit -- Ahmadinejad is calling for the incineration of millions of Americans.


More from al-Jazeeza --


Ahmadinejad: Wipe Israel off map




Also note when Ahmadinejad speaks of hundreds of years of war against "The Oppressor," he means the United States. Some in the west want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend this guy isn't a few French fries short of a happy meal, but we need to do something or countless numbers of people will be vaporized in the near future.

Edited by JHBowden
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QUOTE(JHBowden @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 03:07 PM)
I wonder how hippies will explain this:

I think we need airstrikes against Iran's nuclear facilities ASAP. "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury" is pretty explicit -- Ahmadinejad is calling for the incineration of millions of Americans.


More from al-Jazeeza --


Ahmadinejad: Wipe Israel off map


Also note when Ahmadinejad speaks of hundreds of years of war against "The Oppressor," he means the United States. Some in the west want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend this guy isn't a few French fries short of a happy meal, but we need to do something or countless numbers of people will be vaporized in the near future.



"Hippies" or libs like me would say gee, that policy of invading iraq is really paying off! Look at how Jeffersonian democracy is spreading throughout the region! Woo-hoo!

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Hippies like this one would say "Thank God we didn't put our entire standing army into an absolute disaster area where they would be locked down and unable to fight any other major threat. Also, thank God for the fact that our wonderful leadership decided not to rush into an invasion against a country that was in fact WMD disarmed, and we instead have the army available to deal with a threat that is potentially developing actual nuclear weapons."


Then I'd say oh wait...wrong damn universe again.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Oct 26, 2005 -> 11:40 PM)
Hippies like me would say thank god the Bush administration has mustered up enough foreign and domestic support to be trusted when they say we need to stop Iran before we have a "smoking gun in the form of mushroom cloud." :lol:

You might be the RESULT of a few hippies, but you are not a hippie.

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Bleeding Heart Liberals like me would say that this is a very unfortunate situation. It's far too bad that Iran has chosen to take the path that it has. However, striking what we perceive to be nuclear targets would not necessarily be productive either. First, we most likely don't know where most of them are. Most of them are hidden and we can't take the chance of just blowing some of them up. Secondly, rhetoric does not necessarily indicate action. For example, North Korea talks about engulfing Seoul in flames nearly monthly. Yet in the last fifty years, they've attempted to do that never.

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The difference between North Korea and Iran, though, is that Iran has been supporting groups like Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah for quite a while.


Given the extermination of millions of Jews is now Iran's official policy, I don't understand how anyone in their right mind would want to sit back and let them have the bomb. Even if Iran's bats***crazyinsane leadership does not directly use the nukes, they can give them to one of the many terror groups they support, and it would only be a matter of time before their technology spreads to other baddies in anycase.


I know Bush is a moron and the occupation of Iraq was misconceived, but a nuclear Iran would constitute an even greater failure on our part. Hopefully either the Americans or the Israelis will deal with this problem, because the European approach of "we'll just write them a stern letter" isn't going to cut it.

Edited by JHBowden
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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 05:23 AM)
That isn't the European approach. That's hyperbole.


And with resources stretched, our approach can't be more aggressive than we already are. The truth is, Israel is a Nuclear Power too. Maybe they should go after them.

Israel hasn't threatened to send anyone not of the Jewish faith to the fiery depths of hell, either. :nono

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 04:46 PM)
Last time I checked Israel has their big boy pants on. Maybe they can fight their own battles.

I agree, so what's your point? You made a smart-assed comment about Israel having nukes and maybe we should attack them too. I pointed out that they don't threaten all the non-believers with death as do out Muslin friends, and you respond as if I said we should defend them or something. Israel takes care of itself well, and could do even better if they didn't get b****-slapped by the UN every time they look crosseyed at the Palestinians.


edit. Evil-Monkey made this post, I forgot to log Juddling off my computer here at work. So when you respond, you can respond to me, EM, not my bro, Juddling.

Edited by juddling
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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 09:14 AM)
The preceeding post was DISqualified for the Rex Kickass seal of approval.




QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 09:11 AM)
Except we'll do it and Iran most likely won't.


We are doing it. Your bro George Kickass is making it happen.


How's that?

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Oct 28, 2005 -> 09:55 AM)
If Iran gets a nuke, they'll do it.  I have no reason to believe they won't. Thousands of years of history can't be wrong.

No matter what happens...I think MAD still applies. Israel probably has something in the range of 100+ nuclear weapons and the capabilities to deliver them to all corners of Iran.


If one goes off in Israel, there's no reason to think that Iran won't turn into a smoking hole in the ground.

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