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I was sitting in a chair, when Uribe picked up the ball and threw to first, i clapped my hands once, stood up said "Oh My God, they did it!" and punched both fists into the air and just stood in that position for about 30 seconds watching the TV. i sat back down and just absorbed the celebration. I'll never forget it.


(Probably should have kissed my wife or somethong. lol)

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the second i seen that ball hit first base, i ran outside with my airhorn.


what was funny i was the only one cheering blowing the horn and running down the block with my flag. till a few seconds later then everyone started to come out. i guess no one was sure we won.

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i let my 11 year old daughter stay up and watch it. after the final out...i was in stunned silence when she said behind me "HE GAWN!!!!"


we high-fived and pretended it was New Years and went into the front yard and bang on some pots and pans and yelled "Go Sox!!!!" after a minute we stopped only to hear more cheers from down the street. We moved into this town over the summer and wasn't sure how many sox fans there were around. for 10 minutes..it sounded the the 4th of july.



Go Sox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers :gosox3: :gosox1:


(we need a World Champs smiley now)




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I ended up watching it with a bunch of guys along with my boyfriend. One minute we were all waiting in anticipation, the next I was saying "Oh my god" to myself while the guys just started tackling each other and broke out the locker room scene. Completely shocked... but deep down I knew that the minute Jenks pitched the final ball, the SOX WOULD WIN AND THEY DID.


I think my boyfriend near tackled me, but remembered I was taking pictures for him...what a night...



GOOOOOO WHITE SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gosox3:

Edited by Li'l_Soxette
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