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And sellibg to the 18-25 demographic as a place to come and get blitzed will not do anything to increase attendance - that is a small age group and not one that will be  buying seasons tickets or enough tickets in the course of a season to make a diiffernce financially. 

Neither will marketing to the family

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And sellibg to the 18-25 demographic as a place to come and get blitzed will not do anything to increase attendance - that is a small age group and not one that will be  buying seasons tickets or enough tickets in the course of a season to make a diiffernce financially. 

Neither will marketing to the family

True CK but you will get more singles to come to a place that is family firendly than you will families to a bar scene.


We probably all agree that Rob Gallas does a lousy job at marketing.


Families are where is at though is some ways - the kids who become Sox fans may be coming to the park for life. Those who come for the scene will only be there until the next trendy spot is found.


The park has to be pitched as a fun palce for everyone - and do some select marketing to some select groups - and if not marketed as a bar scene but a place where eveyone can have fun - i.e. you don't bring your kids to watch young people throw up but those who want a few beers will have a fine time - that is what I was trying to say.


The fan base needs to be as diverse as posible because no one slice of a demographic will be enough.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
you will get more singles to come to a place that is family firendly than you will families to a bar scene.

can not argue that point..and to add to it .. you will get more single parent families to come to the park advertised as a family atmosphere as opposed to not......mroe soccer moms taking the team or boyscouts out to a day game without the hubby......ect....ect.....ect....... no gallas is no brain child when it comes to marketing....and you gotta admit that the park has cleaned up soooooo much since jr took it over.......i remember the days when paddy wagons lined the parking lots instead of mini vans...lol...........

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