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Purdue Celebration Rocks!!


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The scene was pretty good last night today. If anyone is familiar with the bars here the three main bars were pretty packed with sox fans. A could few dozen at Jakes and Harry's and probably about 100 at Where Else. The bars played all our great songs, Joruney, Na Na Na, We are the Champions, Thunderstruck, etc. It was amazing. There were multiple times during the night that us Sox fan got together and got the rallies going; World Champs, Lets Go Sox, White Sox White Sox, Cubs Suck, the toasting just went on and on. The best part about the whole thing is being able to share your joy and excitment with fellow sox fans who have waited as long as you.


The campus paper "The Exponent" cover page and lead story is the white sox world series and how sweet it is. There was an article in the paper that said all the local hat and sports clothing stores are sold out of sox gear. Lids and HatWorld have no more hats and the owners were quoted as saying this is the highest demand for mecrhandise they have ever seen, higher than the cubs in 03. How sweet this all is, even 120 miles away from home!!

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At Illinois..


When we were done celebrating here (15 mins after game ended maybe) we ran down to Green St, which is the street with all the bars and restaurants on it. There were cop cars everywhere, and there was a huge mob at the corner of 6th and Green. Lots of chants, lots of jumping, etc.


Shortly after the mob moved to the Alma Mater...people climbed it and stuff, and there were more chants.


Then the mob moved to the Quad for a bit.


I hit up the bars after partying with the mass and there were Sox fans everywhere. Many of them were obviously bandwagon jumpers, but for one night, i just didn't care. It was cool to see such energy and spirit after they won.


To my knowledge there wasn't any violence...i mean i'm sure there was something somewhere...but i didn't see the mass do anything stupid, which i was a big fan of. I even made a point to high five a bunch of cops, lol.


Only downer was that i feel like crap from running around in the cold while being soaked in champagne and beer. Also, i sprained my ankle badly sprinting down Green St somehow, and i can't do much but limp around the apartment. Oh well, Rally Crede will heal me.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 06:55 PM)
At Illinois..


When we were done celebrating here (15 mins after game ended maybe) we ran down to Green St, which is the street with all the bars and restaurants on it. There were cop cars everywhere, and there was a huge mob at the corner of 6th and Green. Lots of chants, lots of jumping, etc.


Shortly after the mob moved to the Alma Mater...people climbed it and stuff, and there were more chants.


Then the mob moved to the Quad for a bit.


I hit up the bars after partying with the mass and there were Sox fans everywhere. Many of them were obviously bandwagon jumpers, but for one night, i just didn't care. It was cool to see such energy and spirit after they won.


To my knowledge there wasn't any violence...i mean i'm sure there was something somewhere...but i didn't see the mass do anything stupid, which i was a big fan of. I even made a point to high five a bunch of cops, lol.


Only downer was that i feel like crap from running around in the cold while being soaked in champagne and beer. Also, i sprained my ankle badly sprinting down Green St somehow, and i can't do much but limp around the apartment. Oh well, Rally Crede will heal me.



Memories are fun huh!!

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I'm sure all the bandwagon fans will have fun wearing their newly bought Sox gear around campus, i know here at IU (i'm a grad student here) all the Red Sox and Cubs hats have been traded in.



I hate bandwagon jumpers

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