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What are they saying?

Middle Buffalo

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I don't live in Chicago anymore (ironically I moved to the site of the Cubs spring training), so I don't get the daily interplay with Cub fans that I used to soooo enjoy. Just wondering, what are they saying today? I don't mean that in a "Who's your daddy?" kind of way (Of course I do - a little), but what's the reaction of your Cub fan co-workers? To the sports talkers?


:gosox3: :gosox4: :gosoxretro: :gosox1: :gosox2:

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I had a staff meeting today, and I added a page to my presentation, for the benefit of the two Cub guys in my department. It read like this:





Cubs 3,100,262

Sox 2,342,834


Cubs 97,032,933

Sox 75,178,000


Cubs 79

Sox 99


Cubs 0

Sox 11


Cubs 0

Sox ONE, BABY!!!!!!!


....I got two crumpled pieces of paper thrown at me.... :D

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QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 12:17 PM)
Some idiot I work with wore a SOX Suck T-shirt to work today and he kept telling me Sox suck I told him he is entitled to his opinion but when he says that say World Champion White Sox.  Most other Cub Fans congradulated me and said next year is there year.

Yeah right, Cub fans. Not next year, MAYBE next century. MAYBE.

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QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 01:17 PM)
Some idiot I work with wore a SOX Suck T-shirt to work today and he kept telling me Sox suck I told him he is entitled to his opinion but when he says that say World Champion White Sox.  Most other Cub Fans congradulated me and said next year is there year.

Yeah, that was the other running theme.

"Last year the Red Sox, this year you guys.....NEXT YEAR....."

I said, "Yeah, except LAST YEAR you said THIS was your year, you didn't put the Sox ahead of you then, so next year will be just like every other year.....meaning NOT yours!"


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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 02:13 PM)
but what's the reaction of your Cub fan co-workers?  To the sports talkers?



Complete and utter silence.


My area coordinator sat in with me for training in early april, and ridiculed me for about 8 hours about how the Cubs were going to be better (Kerry Wood is better than Buehrle, Barrett is a better game-caller than that cancer pierzynski, Corey Patterson will be the best CF/Leadoff hitter in the game...etc.al) and that the Sox were a second class baseball team that should have moved to Tampa when given the chance, and I as a Sox fan was a second class citizen in my own town.


I didnt say anything the entire year to him about baseball. i let him wallow in his own teams misery, while the Sox charged on throughout the year.


On the day the Sox clinched, I sent him a screenshot of MLB.com saying the White Sox were champs, and nothing else.


Today, I sent him an email with the subject heading "Did you see this?", along with an attachment of the front page graphic on ESPN.com, showing the Sox were champions. Then, nothing else.


I thought I would show him a little respect, since he showed me none. I didnt rub it in, I didnt make fun of his team, I just showed him who the winner was.

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QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 01:13 PM)
I don't live in Chicago anymore (ironically I moved to the site of the Cubs spring training), so I don't get the daily interplay with Cub fans that I used to soooo enjoy.  Just wondering, what are they saying today?  I don't mean that in a "Who's your daddy?" kind of way (Of course I do - a little), but what's the reaction of your Cub fan co-workers?  To the sports talkers?


:gosox3:  :gosox4:  :gosoxretro:  :gosox1:  :gosox2:


They seem to think that after a week or so that everybody will forget about the Sox and the focus will be back on them. I guess that's their way of dealing with the pain.

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QUOTE(alexgtp @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 01:21 PM)
does anyone really care what cubs fans are saying?

ENJOY OUR WHITE SOX..because right now nothing else matters!!

I am enjoying the squirming.

When I walked into the conference room, they wouldn't say anything to me. Two days ago, I was told I was being cocky because I said I liked the Sox' chances. These guys have been on the "you can't win without the umpires" thing since the first "controversial" play, so yeah, I care a little bit about rubbing it in.

I told them "I love umpires and roofs!"

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i received a few grudgingly complimentary emails from friends who are cub fans. they are probably more happy for me than the sox, though.


i do wish i was still living in chicago, though, because i can think of at least five cub fans i know from home who i'd like to tell to eat s*** today.

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Here is a forward that a buddy of mine just sent me, I about fell off the chair reading it....


Bud Light presents "Real Men of Genius"


Today, we salute you, Mr. Cub Fan-Bandwagon Jumper White Sox fan. As you drive like a nervous wreck down the Dan Ryan in the Mercedes that your parents bought for you, you wonder, "Will the South Side Faithful accept me and my sweater-vest and Heineken-drinking ways?"


You arrive at the ballpark only to realize that "Hey, there's no Ronnie-Woo-Woo here, but only countless look-alikes selling shirts that say, "Cubs Suck", and "Cuck Da Fubs." But this doesn't offend you. Why?

Because now you're a Sox fan, dammit, and to prove it you put on your newly purchased White Sox cap, only to be ridiculed by a real Sox fan, who says to his buddies, "Wow, look at that douchebag."


So crack open an ice cold Bud Light oh Fairest of the Fairweather Fairies, because if it's the Blue Jays that make the playoffs next year, you might have to carry around a new pet bird like the little fairy that you are.



---I love those radio commercials, so this was very appropriate--


:cheers :gosox1:

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World Series notebook: Guillen not happy with Baker

ESPN.com news services


Cubs' manager Dusty Baker isn't showing much hometown-love and that's got White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen upset.


Before the postseason began, Baker was asked by ESPN The Magazine who he would be rooting for in the playoffs.


"I got no one to root for," Baker said. "I sure as heck ain't rooting for the White Sox or Cardinals. But maybe Atlanta since they've won all those divisions but only one championship. The Angels just won it against me, so forget them. Anyway, fishing season starts in November. That's my time."


Guillen, who usually heaps praise on crosstown peer, was perplexed by the comments.


"Dusty, I don't like what he said," Guillen told the Chicago Sun-Times. "I thought we were friends."


"That's OK, we'll see [which team] owns the town now," Guillen told the paper.




Dusty isn't saying much now. :cheers

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QUOTE(Nokona @ Oct 27, 2005 -> 03:59 PM)
I really didn't shove it in the face of anyone unless they asked for it.


Several retards decided to wear their Cubs jerseys to school, my friends and I gave them a merciless "NINTEEN OH EIGHT" everytime we saw them.


i've been giving it to everyone. im pretty beligerent about it, even if they arent cubs fans sometimes. the last thing i remember from last night is screaming and yelling about how much i hate the cubs. i'm just glad i woke up in my apartment and didnt lose my credit card or my license or my kidneys or my dick.

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I actually got into an argument with a Cubs fan today during study hall. This kid is one of the "cool" preppy douchbags, and said "Sox only won because they paid someone off" and I just responded with things like "World Champions!" "11-1" "First place every game of the year" and did I mention "WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!"? Ironically he left study hall with a pass shortly thereafter.

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