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Looks like you've got two helpers, SS!

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Yeah, we're used to being called SS's "Helpers." After all it was my idea for the PTC contest over on espn and Alex (Sox4Life) set up the blogger site.


So give that other momo all the credit. LMAO!


Saul good.



Damn. Another Alex. :lol:

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Cool so my helper monkeys are allowed as mod's, glad to see.


Ok Mojo pin the topic!


:D  :P  :lol:  :)  :bang  :bang  :lolhitting  :finger

I still can't do anything so it's just you still SS. Alex is rarely around.

Do you have something at the top of your page that saids logged in as Winning Ugly (Log Out\ Mod CP)? That Mod CP is your moderators controls. If you click it, it should take you into the PTC stuff. Then if you click the Pick To Click title under forumn it will take you into the section where you pin, close, unpin etc.

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what do the pin, close, unpin, etc do?

If you look at the topics on a board, you will see the one that are stuck up top permanently. Those are pinned topics (unpinned moves them back to the regular section) closing a topic locks it so that no one else can post in it.

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