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Milton Bradley benched


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why should he be benched?


The more games Cleveland loses, the funnier I think it is!


The more he screws up, the more I hope he plays for them.  I would enjoy the Tribe finishing below the Tigers!  :lol:

I am way in the lead to win a bet with my buddy who was an Indians fan. I bet him that their attendace would be under 25K a night. Right now they are at just over 19K





If they keep it up the Sox might draw more fans then the Indians. I got so sick of hearing how great Indians fans were during the 90's, after no one went to games when they stunk. Now they suck again, and their attendance has fallen by 50% in two years. What a bunch of bandwagoners.

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If they keep it up the Sox might draw more fans then the Indians.  I got so sick of hearing how great Indians fans were during the 90's, after no one went to games when they stunk.  Now they suck again, and their attendance has fallen by 50% in two years.  What a bunch of bandwagoners.

I remember that well when all the Indians fans would brag about the consectutive sellouts and rip the Sox for low attendance.

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I remember that well when all the Indians fans would brag about the consectutive sellouts and rip the Sox for low attendance.

Me and Guido went to the Sox/Indians game in 2000 where Eldred pitched the complete game, 6-0 SO. When the game began, three Cleveland dry boxes sat down in their seats behind us and started talking s*** about how the Sox are in first and there's no one here (at Comiskey). They further stated that Indians fans go to "the Jake" win or lose. Needless to say, those b****es only stayed in their seats for about 1 inning after me and Guido ripped into their dumb asses. I'd like to see those old bags today :lol:

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why should he be benched?


The more games Cleveland loses, the funnier I think it is!


The more he screws up, the more I hope he plays for them.  I would enjoy the Tribe finishing below the Tigers!  :lol:

I am way in the lead to win a bet with my buddy who was an Indians fan. I bet him that their attendace would be under 25K a night. Right now they are at just over 19K





If they keep it up the Sox might draw more fans then the Indians. I got so sick of hearing how great Indians fans were during the 90's, after no one went to games when they stunk. Now they suck again, and their attendance has fallen by 50% in two years. What a bunch of bandwagoners.

Tribe fans are no different than fans of any other sports team.


When they win, they come out -- when they lose, they don't.

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The sad thing is, they still draw more then the Sox. 


Still, their are a lot of Sox fans.  The keys to drawing a good crowd are getting the casual fans in, not the diehards.

Jason, I wanted to jump on that statemet and say not true and thgen I looked at the actually numbers:


pathetic numbers



Since I have acoc***ed for 21 tickets already this season, where is everyone else? :huh: :huh: :huh:

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The sad thing is, they still draw more then the Sox. 


Still, their are a lot of Sox fans.  The keys to drawing a good crowd are getting the casual fans in, not the diehards.

Jason, I wanted to jump on that statemet and say not true and thgen I looked at the actually numbers:


pathetic numbers



Since I have acoc***ed for 21 tickets already this season, where is everyone else? :huh: :huh: :huh:

There is so much wrong with this Organization right now. The only way you will see a change in those numbers is a change from JR on down. :angry:

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The sad thing is, they still draw more then the Sox. 


Still, their are a lot of Sox fans.  The keys to drawing a good crowd are getting the casual fans in, not the diehards.

Jason, I wanted to jump on that statemet and say not true and thgen I looked at the actually numbers:


pathetic numbers



Since I have acoc***ed for 21 tickets already this season, where is everyone else? :huh: :huh: :huh:

To be honest, if people really wonder why the Sox don't have a higher payroll, look right at this and thats why.


I know we all would like JR to lose a whole lot of money in order to win the series, but the fact is there is no guarantee it would do so, therefor its not worth it to him, because he's not a mega billionaire that can afford to lose 10 to 15 mill a year on a baseball team.


Detroit, Florida, Montreal and Tampa are all worse. They got no payrolls, Sox have a pretty high one considering.


You want some proof of what will fix this club (Winning the Series) then look at whose #1 and #2 right now (Giants and Anaheim). I could expect the Giants there, but Anaheim hasn't drawn every since I've been going there. I was there with crowds of 12,000 back in the day and a good crowd was 17 or so, now they are at 37 - ALL FROM ONE SEASON.

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JR won't spend the necessary money until attendance picks up. Attendance won't pick up because the team is playing so poorly. The team is playing poorly because JR won't spend the money to get baetter players. Vicious cycle.

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JR won't spend the necessary money until attendance picks up.  Attendance won't pick up because the team is playing so poorly.  The team is playing poorly because JR won't spend the money to get baetter players.  Vicious cycle.

But if you look at that list of attendance, he's definately spending the most of some of the bottom teams.


I also have to say that he spent enough money for the team to suceed. To me the key is, spending money doesn't do it on its own, so just cause you spend a ton, there are still very good odds that the team will still flounder and if JR had a payroll of 80 mill, he'd probably lose 40 mill.

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If JR would market this team as a big market team, spend like a big market team so it would produce like a big market team, it would draw like a big market team. Chicago is not exactly Kansas City or Pittsburg.


Instead, we have a small market mentality in a big maket city.

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