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Chaos in Paris


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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 12:23 AM)
So wait...you're telling me that terrorists have gained a training ground in Iraq?



The article said there was a link to terrorists in Iraq but the camps were found in Syria and Lebanon.


What's new, he said, is that the French cell under investigation "is linked with networks in Iraq, right now, through an individual based in Syria. Now we're finding camps in Syria and Lebanon, and it's the same pattern, training in explosives and chemical weapons, which is an obsession of the jihadists."


That makes sense as Al Zarqawi seems to be rising to the forefront of the radical Islamic movement with Osama Bin Laden hiding under a rock someplace having not been heard from in months. It almost seems that Al Zarqawi was or is being groomed as Bin Ladens successor.


It strikes me as odd that terror cells within France would be connected to or taking orders from terrorists in Iraq as the French were the most vocal opponents of the war in the 1st place.


Then again maybe it shouldn't. There is no "getting on their good side" so to speak. If you're a non-muslim then you are an infidel and as such you are a target to these people.

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Read through this and this today...was interested to see any reactions people had.


France's approach to multiculturalism and race is essentially that of Ward Connerly you simply make it officially not exist. A couple years back Connerly pushed for a ballot measure in California which would've made it illegal for the state government, in most cases, to make any racial classifications by race. While I'm not entirely unsymapthetic to the notion that such classification systems are problematic for various reasons, the alternative is simply having no information at all about race.


This is France's system. This is the conservative approach to race and society. This is what they've spent the last week mocking.

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 02:41 PM)
France to expel foreign rioters, Nuke's man Sarkozy at work!



How exactly to you deport someone that's your own citizen?  I mean why would whatever country have to accept him?



Im assuming that they're going to try and deport them back to places like Morocco and Algeria and the like. Whether or not they'll go for it is another matter.



How about they just drop these people off on a deserted island somewhere and forget about all the red tape?

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 06:00 PM)
Im assuming that they're going to try and deport them back to places like Morocco and Algeria and the like.  Whether or not they'll go for it is another matter. 

How about they just drop these people off on a deserted island somewhere and forget about all the red tape?


As long as they don't dump them on our treasure island. :P

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 04:00 PM)
Im assuming that they're going to try and deport them back to places like Morocco and Algeria and the like.  Whether or not they'll go for it is another matter. 

How about they just drop these people off on a deserted island somewhere and forget about all the red tape?

Here's an idea, why not just send them to Madagascar?

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QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 06:16 PM)


"I have asked prefects that foreigners here legally or illegally, who have been convicted (over the unrest) be expelled without delay from our territory," he said of the top government officials who oversee France's 96 administrative districts.


The order would also include those who have a residency permit, Sarkozy said.


"For when one has the honor of having a residency permit, the least one can say is that one shouldn't be going around getting arrested for provoking urban violence," he said



Yah, citizens was the wrong word, sorry.

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President Bush May Send Up To 5 Marines For French Assistance


President Bush has authorized the Joint Chiefs to begin drawing up a battle plan to pull France's ass out of the fire again.


Facing an apparent overwhelming force of up to 400 pissed off teenagers, Mr. Bush doubts France's ability to hold off the little pissants. "Hell, if the last two world wars are any indication, I would expect France to surrender any day now," said Bush.


Joint Chiefs head, Gen. Peter Pace, warned the President that it might be necessary to send up to 5 marines to get things under control. The general admitted that 5 marines may be overkill but he wanted to get this thing under control within 24 hours of arriving on scene. He stated he was having a hard time finding even one marine to help those ungrateful bastards out for a third time but thought that he could persuade a few women marines to do the job before they went on pregnancy leave.


President Bush asked Gen. Pace to get our marines out of there as soon as possible after order was restored. He also reminded Gen. Pace to make sure the marines did not take soap, razors, or deodorant with them. The least they stand out the better.



"No trees were killed in the making of this email......however, a large number of electrons were diverted from where they originally wanted to go."

Edited by CubKilla
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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 11:55 AM)
President Bush May Send Up To 5 Marines For French Assistance


President Bush has authorized the Joint Chiefs to begin drawing up a battle plan to pull France's ass out of the fire again.


Facing an apparent overwhelming force of up to 400 pissed off teenagers, Mr. Bush doubts France's ability to hold off the little pissants. "Hell, if the last two world wars are any indication, I would expect France to surrender any day now," said Bush.


Joint Chiefs head, Gen. Peter Pace, warned the President that it might be necessary to send up to 5 marines to get things under control. The general admitted that 5 marines may be overkill but he wanted to get this thing under control within 24 hours of arriving on scene. He stated he was having a hard time finding even one marine to help those ungrateful bastards out for a third time but thought that he could persuade a few women marines to do the job before they went on pregnancy leave.


President Bush asked Gen. Pace to get our marines out of there as soon as possible after order was restored. He also reminded Gen. Pace to make sure the marines did not take soap, razors, or deodorant with them. The least they stand out the better.

"No trees were killed in the making of this email......however, a large number of electrons were diverted from where they originally wanted to go."


OK, that's pretty funny. . . :D

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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 10:55 AM)
President Bush May Send Up To 5 Marines For French Assistance


President Bush has authorized the Joint Chiefs to begin drawing up a battle plan to pull France's ass out of the fire again.


Facing an apparent overwhelming force of up to 400 pissed off teenagers, Mr. Bush doubts France's ability to hold off the little pissants. "Hell, if the last two world wars are any indication, I would expect France to surrender any day now," said Bush.


Joint Chiefs head, Gen. Peter Pace, warned the President that it might be necessary to send up to 5 marines to get things under control. The general admitted that 5 marines may be overkill but he wanted to get this thing under control within 24 hours of arriving on scene. He stated he was having a hard time finding even one marine to help those ungrateful bastards out for a third time but thought that he could persuade a few women marines to do the job before they went on pregnancy leave.


President Bush asked Gen. Pace to get our marines out of there as soon as possible after order was restored. He also reminded Gen. Pace to make sure the marines did not take soap, razors, or deodorant with them. The least they stand out the better.

"No trees were killed in the making of this email......however, a large number of electrons were diverted from where they originally wanted to go."




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QUOTE(CubKilla @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 10:55 AM)
President Bush May Send Up To 5 Marines For French Assistance


President Bush has authorized the Joint Chiefs to begin drawing up a battle plan to pull France's ass out of the fire again.


Facing an apparent overwhelming force of up to 400 pissed off teenagers, Mr. Bush doubts France's ability to hold off the little pissants. "Hell, if the last two world wars are any indication, I would expect France to surrender any day now," said Bush.


Joint Chiefs head, Gen. Peter Pace, warned the President that it might be necessary to send up to 5 marines to get things under control. The general admitted that 5 marines may be overkill but he wanted to get this thing under control within 24 hours of arriving on scene. He stated he was having a hard time finding even one marine to help those ungrateful bastards out for a third time but thought that he could persuade a few women marines to do the job before they went on pregnancy leave.


President Bush asked Gen. Pace to get our marines out of there as soon as possible after order was restored. He also reminded Gen. Pace to make sure the marines did not take soap, razors, or deodorant with them. The least they stand out the better.

"No trees were killed in the making of this email......however, a large number of electrons were diverted from where they originally wanted to go."


That's "Onion" material right there! :lol:

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 10:56 AM)
Another prime example of failed socialist policies.


Today in Spain, and in the past in France, and elsewhere around the world there are parties that go by the name of 'Socialist.'


When the French Socialist Party was in government, it was called a 'Socialist government', and we were told France had 'gone socialist.' This was not true. When the Spanish Socialist Party was returned to power, because of its anti-war stance, it did not and will not bring about a socialist society.


In Germany and other countries, parties going by the name 'Social Democratic' were sometimes referred to as socialist.


But this was not true either.


These countries remained capitalist through and through.





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