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I miss the days of...

Kid Gleason

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Sitting here getting the new version of Quicktime, as it took about 5 minutes, I realized how much I missed the days of these "Free programs" taking a second to download and knowing that they wouldn't have a million adwares attached to them, and a million files that wanted to attach to them. Then it got my mind rolling:


Video Stores: Back around 1986 when I first got my license, there was nothing better than driving to my local video store and renting videos. It was called Video Corner. I'm a DVD junky, but you those days, nothing was better than getting a video. It was almost better than the theater. The picture was worse, usually fuzzy and cropped, smaller than the Big Screen, but for some reason it was better. It caused me to lead a sheltered teenage life.


A Cell Phone-less World: Mine goes with me everywhere, I almost panick when I don't have it.


Sunday Dinners: As a kid dinner was in between 3:00-5:00 on Sundays. Especially during the cooler months. It was usually a big meal. Then around 6:30 was popcorn. Being an adult now, that has been forced to change due to work scheduals.


Mom and Pop Record Shops: Couple that with the "can I order it for you" and that actually meaning something. Now days, when a Best Buy Music Expert helping me in the aisle asks what I am looking for, and I say "the new Hanoi Rocks" and they search their system, and tell me they don't have it "but I can order it for you", I laugh and say "yup, so can I". Yes, it's easier to get things now...and maybe that is part of the problem.


Magazines actually having a purpose: Before the 'net, I would mever let a subscription slide. Now...no magazines come to my house anymore. Shame, as I still prefer 'zines.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 07:16 PM)
i found an awesome mom and pop record store that i have huge loyalties to.


I miss...good cartoons. Mid nineties nickelodean was the tits.



How bout Mid 80's Nickelodeon with Double Dare and You Can't Do That On TV. Now THAT was the tits.



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I can't think of anything I really miss, so I'll give my opinions on what YOU miss: :D


Video Stores: Never a huge video kid, but the local video store was always cooler than what Cocksucker Video is now. I really wish I lived closer to Facets Multimedia, they have a ton of s*** I'd love to rent but it's not feasible.


A Cell Phone-less World: Agree, but for a different reason - I hate the phone junkies who are yapping behind the wheel, in the grocery store, at CS Video, and everywhere in sight. Even worse when I catch an earful of the insipid s*** they're yapping about. Ugh. Cellphones are a great idea gone horribly wrong.


Sunday Dinners: This was never a major production in my family. My dad worked a lot, so we'd eat without him most of the time. We're trying to establish some sort of dinnertime "tradition", but with the wife working weekends that's tough to do for us too.


Mom and Pop Record Shops: Best Buy is to music shopping what Cocksucker Video is to video rental. Nothing I want in stock and everything I'd never want to buy splattered everywhere - on standalone racks in between aisles, on small racks at each end of the longer racks, aisles and aisles of nothing I want. I like Best Buy for other things - DVDs, recordable media, Walkmans ( Walkmen? ), etc. - but not for CDs. I loved Kroozin Music on Archer and there was this cooler-than-hell music store on 63rd Street way back when that carried all kinds of bootlegs. I picked up Kiss boots, Aerosmith, the Sex Pistols, all sorts of great s***. Not gonna find a Japanese Kiss bootleg LP at Best Buy, that's for goddamn sure.


Magazines actually having a purpose: I still prefer reading a zine to reading articles online. I'll pick up a mag or two at the Tower near work every now and again, along with all the free rags like IE, Reader, NewCity, and so on.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 6, 2005 -> 09:30 PM)
How bout Mid 80's Nickelodeon with Double Dare and You Can't Do That On TV.  Now THAT was the tits.



The adventures of Pete and Pete

Salute your shorts

Hey Dude

Rocko's modern life.

Are you afraid of the dark?



I'd kill to see some of these shows again.

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Critic, I hear you about the cell phone thing.


A friend of mine called me recently and was nearly wetting his pants laughing after hearing this girl's cell conversation while in line at a store. It went something like this:


Girl: "Mom, why do you f***ing do this? You always do something nice or say something nice and then follow it up with a huge let down and insult. It isn't cool, mother and I am getting f***ing sick of it. It is like you make a giant chocolate cake and then frost it in diarrhea!"


And SnB: How can you forget "Get the Picture", "Nick Arcade", "Guts" and "Legends of the Hidden Temple"?

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 07:01 AM)
They were awesome.  Mike O'Malley, "The Rick" on ESPN hosted it.  Nick Arcade was just every child's dream show.

greasy's uncle is marc summers.

i'm so jealous.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 09:11 AM)
Yeah, he never really knew what it was until he did this talkshow in the mid-to late 90s.

I think I've got a mild case myself, but he was talking about wking up in the middle of the night to vacuum because the lines weren't straight. Scary stuff. It's funny on Monk, but in real life it's got to be scary to live with.

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I don't know where you guys grew up, but I miss the ice cream trucks coming through the neighborhood in the summer. I'm talking about the ones that sold the soft serve, creamy ice cream that the machine dropped right onto the cone in a swirl. They only had 2 sizes and 2 flavors, vanilla and chocolate. I still see a few trucks here and there, but they sell the frozen popsicle, push up, crunch bar type of stuff.

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 09:37 AM)

So simple.....

wow, that's definitely a show that has slipped my mind when thinking about all these.

good job tony :headbang


Legends of the hidden temple was pretty solid as well........go silver snakes.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 09:30 AM)
I think I've got a mild case myself, but he was talking about wking up in the middle of the night to vacuum because the lines weren't straight. Scary stuff. It's funny on Monk, but in real life it's got to be scary to live with.


I watched a TV show on it one time and for some people it literally consumes them. It's not just obsessive cleaning either.


There are some people who cannot walk into a room and turn on the light unless they turn it on 10, 50, 100 times. Every single room they walk into.


I remember one guy who had an obsession with doing every single movement 100 times. And if he messed up, he'd start all over. It would literally take him hours to walk across a room.

Edited by Iwritecode
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