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Cub fan sour grapes


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This person mentions the added attractions that go on IN BETWEEN innings as distractions. He fails to mention that the vast majority of eyes are attentive to the game while it is being played. Can the same be said at Wrigley?


As for which fans are worse patrons, all I can add to this is that I've been puked on at Wrigley in the bleachers. That's never happened at the Cell or the old Comiskey.

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QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 02:01 PM)
As for which fans are worse patrons, all I can add to this is that I've been puked on at Wrigley in the bleachers.  That's never happened at the Cell or the old Comiskey.


We may be drunks. We may attack first base coaches. We may attack Laz Diaz. But at least we can hold our liquor!!! :cheers

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Have a seat in the beautiful old ballpark and glance around at fathers and daughters taking in the game together; the 95-year-old ushers and hand-operated scoreboard; Ronnie Woo-Woo and the ballhawks; the decidedly unyuppie fans from points all over the Midwest and just up the block. And most of all, enjoy yourself ... and don't for a second think about the Sox.

nah i think ill just go to the cell and watch the ring ceremony instead

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I'm trying to stop paying attention to the Cubs and their crap, but someone always has to try to get them some attention regardless of what is going on. This sounds like a typical "Poor us. Look what we go through, please feel sorry for us," crap. Everything always has to be about the damn Cubs. That's probably why Sox fans hate them so much, while the typical Cub fan (I know they aren't all bad) is happy as long as he gets as much alcohol in him as possible. I've been to Cubs games on occasion (don't worry, I don't actually pay for tickets), and it never seems like anyone around me is paying attention to the game. Someone's always making food and beer runs, looking for hot women, or going to the bathroom and getting lost for 3 innings (this isn't exclusively a Wrigley thing either. I went on a bus trip to a game at Miluakee with a heavily Cub-fan group, and the attitude was the same). I know this happens everywhere, but never as much as at Wrigley. The place is more of a tourist trap and a beer garden than an actual ballpark. How many people at the game do you think would notice if they replaced the Cubs with a local high school team? I'm putting the over/under at 15,000. As for the crack about everything going on during the game, go to any park that has been built in the last 15 years (which is probably all of them but Wrigley, Fenway, Yankee Stadium, and the Twinkie Dome) and they have various things going on during the break. Go to any sporting event for that matter. And Wrigley is better because they don't have that stuff? Maybe if they didn't have an ancient piece of s*** stadium that was falling apart they'd have video boards to do the same thing. You can't tell me that stuff wouldn't go over well at Wrigley with a straight face.


I like the theory put forth in a Sporting News article I read: there are roughly the same number of die hard Cubs fans as there are die hard Sox fans, the difference is everyone in the middle leans towards the Cubs. Seriously, if you don't have the support from the casual observer, how are you going to have good attendance figures? Is every diehard fan supposed to attend every game? Guess what, they didn't even outdraw us that badly this year, and it's almost certainly going to be closer after our World Series win.


Edit- By the way, I had to throw this in. I was at the Northwestern-Iowa game, and Ronnie f***in Woo-Woo is walking down the aisles in full Cub gear, waving a Bears helmet above his head. What the f*** is up with that?! This job-less freak is supposed to be a benefit?! I wanted to tackle him so bad, but I couldn't afford to bail myself out of jail if I did.

Edited by ZoomSlowik
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QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 02:56 PM)
Seriously. Who effing cares. Paying attention to those asses warrents some cheese and whine for the Sox fans who are doing it..


All my close friends are Cub fans...so I always have to deal with this s***...I hear all the same crap from them about Wrigley...and the Cell. They all had to go to a Sox game this year...Helen had a surprise party for me in the patio area.

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That article was kind of creepy. It is the kind of article that you just know is going to make you mad the moment you begin to read it.


And I wanted to cheer for them, I really did. Insufferable Sox fans, however, made it impossible.


Its odd, feel the same way about Notre Dame football. But the thing is, the only reason Sox fans act like dicks to this guy is because he, like most Cub fans, always try to rub the "Sox can't draw fans, no one likes them" thing in Sox fans noses. So what do you expect? You think any fans would be nice a courteous to you when you act so arrogantly about being a Cub fan, and take shots at the percieved lack of interest in the Sox whenever possible. Sox fans don't hate the Cubs, in my opinion, we hate arrogant Cubs fans and it translates into many Sox fans wishing bad fortune on the Cubs.


This one is probably the most ludicrous. Are the people who pile off those buses--having traveled from Iowa, Wisconsin and Downstate Illinois--casual fans?


I find this statement something that he tried to slip by everyone. Oh, they are traveling so far to see the Cubs, must be diehard Cubs fans who love going to Wrigley for the baseball. Well having lived in Central Illinois in the past I would argue that the people on these buses are mostly casual fans. Group discounts are offered for trips to Chicago to see a baseball game. Some people set it up and then try to get a bunch of people to go. "Hey going to Chicago for a day and seeing a game at Wrigley would be a fun trip this weekend."


It would be the guy who drives up or drives down himself 15-20 times a year to see Cubs that isn't a casual fan. Or better yet, the guy who goes to ZERO GAMES, but watches them all on TV and follows the team like we all know a diehard team would. The thing is going to a baseball game doesn't make you somehow a diehard fan, going to a baseball game is fun and something that draws casual fans who may not really care if the team wins or loses.


I prefer watching games on TV, and to be honest I purposely try to not go to games often because I don't want going to a professional sporting event to become old hat for me. I like it to be a big deal to go to a Sox game or a Bulls game or a Bears game so I don't go a lot. But I guarentee I am more die hard then the people who come off buses at Wrigley. And I know for a fact that there are thousands of fans like me in every sport.


One contention is that Wrigley Field is a "playground" for the young and drunk where no one pays attention to the game. Of course, there is that element at Wrigley, more so than on the South Side, but if you take a look around Wrigley it's easily apparent they are a distinct minority.


It is easily apparent? Ever sit in the bleachers at Wrigley? I would argue that it is impossible to tell who at a game is there to be drunk in the sun yelling with a bunch of other people and who is there to just watch the Cubs because they might be drunk too. Looks like the writer is trying to make a point by saying something that is obviously impossible to prove either way is one way, and that it is obvious. This is very weak writing and a very weak point.


A New York Times writer said people on the North Side were ignoring the Sox, spending their time "indoors making lattes or banking online or whatever it is Cubs fans do in October." In an op-ed piece for the Times, Studs Terkel, who should know better than to make such generalizations, intimated that Cubs fans don't even follow the game and compared attending a game at Wrigley to "going to an air show or `Cats'--something tourists do."


I will, however, thank the author for sharing these two nuggets with the rest of Chicago. I might have to use these myself.

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I think it's funny that anybody would use Ronnie Woo Woo as a selling point! LOL!!!


I've also said this before, as far as the wild sell-out's happening on the Northside. Go back and look at tape of the Carrie Woulds strike-out fest, and tell me how many people are in those stands on that day...please...Cub fans...please...explain WHY those stands were pretty vacant on that day. :huh

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All die-hard White Sox fans know that if Jerry had never pulled them off free TV & kept Harry on, the Cubs would NOT even have attendance in their favor. That's why I've never taken that argument seriously. If the White Sox repeat as World Champions I fully expect they will outdraw the Cub the next year. When you add the parking revenue that will accompany that even against Cub pricing the White Sox will draw more revenue that year. That's the added benefit of the average White Sox fan spending more at the ball park than the average Cub fan when you exclude ticket prices.

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Whether we can grow to be America's team remains to be seen. Road attendance next year might mean even more than home attendance. We were not a good draw last year on the road. I expect us to be much better. I'm dreaming of a Top 10 finish.

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Someone at WSI gave a pretty interesting fact. The 2.4 million attendance at USCF this year would have been the 12th highest season attendance total ever at Wrigley.

So this whole "everyone goes to Wrigley" thing is not tradition, it's a very recent thing.


Still, when the attendance thing came up last week I just told the troll,

"YEP, numbers are fun! Here's my favorite number - 1908."

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QUOTE(Drew @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 02:28 PM)
Count me out of the Cub fan/Sox fan Holy War. It's stupid. From all sides.

I never fire the first shot, but the trolls at work are always sorry when they do.

I love to argue, I have a ton of excellent Sox celebration pictures to send them in emails, and now I have the ultimate debate-ender.

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I hate when the media (espec Kotex boy) trashes the Cell. I like the ball park more than Wrigley. If I had a choice between seeing the White Sox at the Cell or Wrigley I would still choose the Cell. I grew up with the exploding scoreboard & it's as much a part of the White Sox mystique as TD Jesus is for ND. I like a park that is both comfortable & appealing. But maybe that's just me. I don't need something to gripe about or a human flesh market atmosphere to enjoy a baseball game.


I can't wait for 2006 to open. Seeing the finished greening of the Cell is going to bring tears of joy to my eyes. I've been waiting for 15 yrs now.

I think it will instantly upgrade the appeal value of the park & bring back memories of old Comiskey. I hope they opt to do some brick facing & other contour work to give it more of a retro feel.


Just for the record, I've been to Camden Yards, Jacob's Field, the new Miller Park, & the one in Pitts. I like ours the best. Camden might be more appealing but it's not as comfortable. Pitts has the best skyline & it does cause me to think of what the Cell would be like if you just picked it up & plopped it down on the lakefront. But then getting there would be a chore. Much more difficult than it is today.


Even dating back to my cub scout days I never took a liking to Wrigley like I did Comiskey. I was born to root for the White Sox.

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My main problem with Cub fans is they are not baseball fans.


To prove my point I asked a supposed Cub fan to name five players on the Cubs this year - she got to four - nuff said!


By the way what to a brown bear wearing a condom and the world series have in common!!!!!!








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QUOTE(The Critic @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 02:22 PM)
Someone at WSI gave a pretty interesting fact. The 2.4 million attendance at USCF this year would have been the 12th highest season attendance total ever at Wrigley.

So this whole "everyone goes to Wrigley" thing is not tradition, it's a very recent thing.



That's why I mention the strike-out game. It took the Sosa/Mac home run chase and the strike out game to get things REALLY rolling on the Northside all the time. They had a bonafide SUPERSTAR in Sosa, and a pitching prospect that looked to be on par with Clemens and to replace their own boner with Maddux. The Sox had Thomas, who was wearing on people in this town at the time. We did bring in the fan favorite Belle though. :D He became loved on our side of town, but he was not a lovable player. Wrigley will sell more than the Cell, sure, but the difference is made up by not the team on the field, but the age and history of the field. I see t-shirts for the park as much as the team almost. I would bet if we still had the original Comiskey, and the Sox chose to push it as landmark instead of crumbling dive, our attendance would be closer still.

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QUOTE(J-MAN @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 03:57 PM)
My main problem with Cub fans is they are not baseball fans.


To prove my point I asked a supposed Cub fan to name five players on the Cubs this year - she got to four - nuff said!





Eh, you can't ask a girl its not fair. Girls that know anything about any team they supposedly are fans of are few and far between.

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QUOTE(TheHammer @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 04:08 PM)
Eh, you can't ask a girl its not fair.  Girls that know anything about any team they supposedly are fans of are few and far between.


Come on, my Mom can name more than 4 Sox players, and she's far from an avid baseball fan.

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