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I know this doesn't apply to everyone at this site, but for those of you in states like California, Virginia, Maine, Texas, New Jersey, and probably a few other places...it's election day.




(This has been a rude public service announcement sponsored by Balta enterprises).

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 12:13 PM)
I know this doesn't apply to everyone at this site, but for those of you in states like California, Virginia, Maine, Texas, New Jersey, and probably a few other places...it's election day.




(This has been a rude public service announcement sponsored by Balta enterprises).

Vote in California?


You mean Arnold's time as governor is up?

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QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:03 AM)
Vote in California?


You mean Arnold's time as governor is up?

NO, that's next year. Arnold called a "Special Election" this year which is happening today. The fact that he called this election, which is wasting something like $50 million in taxpayer dollars on just a few statewide initiatives (all of which could have waited until next June and primary time) is one of the main reasons his poll numbers have dropped into the toilet. (He's basically at the same level as Bush nationwide).


The initiatives on the ballot out here:


Prop 73: Parental Notification law for abortions

Prop 74: Increase time needed for teachers to reach tenure from 2 to 5 years

Prop 75: Requires Unions to get specific permission from all of their members before giving funds to a political candidate

Prop 76: Gives the governor dictatorial power over budgeting decisions

Prop 77: Places redistricting in the hands of a panel of 3 retired judges, calls for an immediate redistricting in 2006, requires voter approval of congressional districts

Prop 78 & 79: Different packages of proposals regarding providing low cost prescription drugs. Prop 79 is supported by some unions, Prop 78 was created by pharmaceutical companies as a response to 79. Neither are very good.

Prop 80: Reforms California's energy market, undoes some parts of the deregulation in the 90's. Very poorly written, will likely lead to many lawsuits.

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I'm an ignorant and uneducated American who is too stuck on myself to vote. It doesn't matter anyway.


(brought to you by Kap's who gives a s*** enterprise)




I voted for everything except the damn gay marriage prop on our ballot. I wasn't going to vote for that because I don't feel like it's government's place to tell us whether or not they can be married or not legally.


The only other thing on the ballot was some local stuff.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 06:27 PM)

You know, it's funny because we have all these debates, and I would say I'm much more libertarian then conservative, according to the true "political scale". I can't stand government telling us what we can and can't do. I understand that part of it is societal and it has to be or anarchy will take over, but damn... stay out of our private lives! Note to the Christian Conservatives. WE DO NOT NEED A DAMN BAN ON GAY MARRAIGE.


Practice what you preach, and things will be fine.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 05:29 PM)
That's a problem?


I always think of the "Politics of Joy" when I think of Minnesota.  Just can't help it.



It's a problem if you have a reform candidate running who cannot get himself/herself the endorsement. If you can be savvy enough to get a deadlocked convention, then you still have a chance to win the election. It's a problem if you have a candidate who is so entrenched in power, both in his/her office and in the party structure, that he/she can get away with anything short of a felony and still get re-elected.

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QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 02:29 PM)
That's a problem?


I always think of the "Politics of Joy" when I think of Minnesota.  Just can't help it.

It's a problem any time you have people who are essentially unaccountable because of the fact that the office they hold is basically a "safe" office, in that it won't be switching officeholders any time soon. That's how you get people like Delay in power - they feel like they can get away with anything, no matter how bad it is. Both parties have the same problems - think about guys like Rostenkowski.

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I voted NO for clean lake


there was a sales tax increase proposal. the money would go to this Clean Lakes committee and they would clean the lake.


But, after looking at all the literature and whatnots, I felt it would be more of a beaurcracy instead of something that might help the lakes.


So I voted no

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 09:13 AM)
I know this doesn't apply to everyone at this site, but for those of you in states like California, Virginia, Maine, Texas, New Jersey, and probably a few other places...it's election day.




(This has been a rude public service announcement sponsored by Balta enterprises).

I got off my rocker and voted. I hope like hell Arnold's props pass, but I know they won't. I just hope that people are smart enough to change the probationary period for teachers. Its freaking ridiculous that essentially after 2 years they can never be fired (unless they touch there students).


That and I feel it is entirely fair to make sure that union's don't just donate all your money to a cause you have no support for. Technically they don't need a bill for this, because most times your in a union you have a spot to say I don't want to support this (or at least I read that in an article, but like all things political, who knows if its true) but I know most people are too lazy to do that and this makes it easier.


The last thing I want to see is 90% of the unions funding going to the democratic party when not 90% of the the union is comprised of democrats (I find that ridiculously unfair and if its a republican party that gets all the support from some specific union I would feel the same way).


Just because:

73: Yes


75: Yes

76: Yes (because I'd rather give a republican governor some of this control, but I will probably end up eating my hat for voting yes on this one). I'm not necessarily a huge proponent of the idea, but I'd rather give some power to the governator as opposed to the highly left state legislators. Plus I think in the long run it will curb spending and I'm always a fan of that.

77: Yes (really could care less about this initiative, to be honest, this was just me voting the party line)

78: No

79: No - Didn't really like either heath care reform bills . They were both trying like hell to smear the others and that type of stuff pisses me off. Plus I don't think either bill was really that good and they need to find a compromise between the two bills.

80: GOD NO (not again, lol). Not a good idea, imo.


Than there were quite a few measures, most of which were a bunch of BS trying to trick people into splitting up money from a certain issue that had been voted for a while back. This was an Orange County thing, but I'm guessing LA county had some measures up as well. I did end up supporting a measure that would put a little more money into rehabilitating minors who commit crimes simply because I think thats a good place to put some money (as opposed to giving it all to the prison system) cause a minor is going to be in society for a while and if you can by chance clean them up and get there head on straight it will pay off big time.

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