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The Dems on WMDs


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Right after Baghdad was seized my unit's mission was to clear out Iraqi Army installations just south of the city. It was pretty boring work as all the soldiers turned tail and ran when they heard we were coming so when we rolled in there our orders became to destroy as much of their equipment as we could.


It almost got to be a game for us. We would line up Iraqi T-72's side by side then have one of the Abrams tanks roll up and fire a sabot round into them. There was one shot that went completely through 3 of the Iraqi tanks before going wild and off into the distance. It was also kind of funny seeing their vehicles on the sides of the roads with the turrets popped off. Even when they did manage a shot on one of ours 9 times out of 10 it had no effect at all.


The old Soviet made equipment those middle eastern countries all have is crap.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:56 PM)
And what is to stop the Iranian army from adopting Iraqi insurgent tactics?



By sneaking terrorists across the border they already are. If they were going to do serious damage to our Army in Iraq like you talked about then they're gonna need a lot more than they have in their bag of tricks right now.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 11:58 AM)
By sneaking terrorists across the border they already are.  If they were going to do serious damage to our Army in Iraq like you talked about then they're gonna need a lot more than they have in their bag of tricks right now.

Do you actually have evidence of this, or is that just a claim? Iran has no reason to try to put insurgents into Iraq...by helping create a shia theocracy in Iraq, we've helped them more than they would have ever dreamed possible. They have no reason to try to undermine it.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:58 PM)
By sneaking terrorists across the border they already are.  If they were going to do serious damage to our Army in Iraq like you talked about then they're gonna need a lot more than they have in their bag of tricks right now.


They have time on their side. We get bored with things too quickly, whereas they will wait a hundred yrs for us to leave and then will take over again with another dictator like Hussein. They might not blow up our tanks and push us out of Iraq like we did to them, but they will continue to kill our soldiers 1 at a time. I guess that's not condidered serious damage to our Army, but it sure is a nice deterent from more kids joining in the future if we are still there 2 yrs from now.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 07:25 PM)
Just like our army when it went into Iraq.

OMG. Are you kidding me?


With that statement, do you think we're "losing the war"? I guess we should be chicken s***, turn tail, and come home, because after all, according to your thought process, it's all a lie, and we should never have gone.


That about sums up the "leftists" point of view, am I correct?


Now, when (not if, when) something else happens in this country, that'll be Bush's fault too because he fired them assholes up, right?


Have I about got the Democratic playcard down about right?


This is way bigger then that, but through the shortsightedness, let's see now. Blame Bush, we lie like motherf***ers, stay the hell out of anywhere but our own borders, take all that money, dismantle the military, and GIVE (key word) it to all the people who are less fortunate, because they can't help themselves.


That's the American spirit I love.


After I wake up from my nap trying to get rid of my headache, I'll give you the elitest point of view. As I always say, somewhere in the middle is usually the truth. Let's see if we can ever agree on any of this. :lol:


Edit: and to preview - it's all about warmongering and f*** the world because we own it anyway. ;)

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 03:09 PM)
That about sums up the "leftists" point of view, am I correct?

That's one snarky post tehre, Kap. :)


The "leftist" position is that the war was sold based on one set of claims – the "grave and gathering danger" Saddam and his stockpile of WMDs posed to the US. Having found out those claims were unfounded (I'm being nice) in the wake of the invasion, the administration and its aiders and abbeters have decided that it's fine and well to now state that the war is justified for an entirely different reason – a liberated and democratic (and hopefully not entirely killed off) Iraq.


The reality, the absolute reality, is that spreading freedom and democracy would never have been enough of a cause to get Congress and much of the public to back the war ambitions of the administration. We can all rattle of a number of countries in serious need of freedom and democracy and human rights, but their plights are met with a collective yawn by the western world.


The "leftist" position is that there was a rush to war that precluded weapons inspectors from finishing their job, made us more or a terror target than we were before, alienated many long-time allies, and showed the rest of the world that we really don't give a f*** what they think.


The "leftist" position is that the fact that our president is "not a big details guy" and doesn't like people to tell him bad news led to his isolation from reality and left Cheney and the WHIG free to call shots that are not in the long-term best interests of the country, in terms of national security, economics, and world standing.


The "leftist" position is that ethically and morally our soldiers are actually supposed to be better than the enemy, not just pretend that they are.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:58 PM)
If they were going to do serious damage to our Army in Iraq like you talked about then they're gonna need a lot more than they have in their bag of tricks right now.



Then Nuke are you saying the weapons that the average Iraqis have in their homes, isn't having much effect against the US Army? I am assuming they have the run of the mil hunting type rifles.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 06:24 PM)
Then Nuke are you saying the weapons that the average Iraqis have in their homes, isn't having much effect against the US Army? I am assuming they have the run of the mil hunting type rifles.



Kip is talking about Iran attacking the US in Iraq. Im assuming he meant an armed incursion by its army. Such an attack would be suicide.

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I was worried, because our founding fathers knew that our well regulated militia, which guarantees I can keep my rifles, would kick some army's ass. I'd be shocked if a bunch of citizens with rifles couldn't wreck havoc with any army. ;)


Note: I'm not for taking away guns, but for taking away the justification that we have a well regulated militia.


There isn't an army out there today that can stand toe to toe with the US for every long. China could wear us out with a war of attrition.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 01:02 AM)
I was worried, because  our founding fathers knew that our well regulated militia, which guarantees I can keep my rifles, would kick some army's ass. I'd be shocked if a bunch of citizens with rifles couldn't wreck havoc with any army.  ;)


Note: I'm not for taking away guns, but for taking away the justification that we have a well regulated militia.


There isn't an army out there today that can stand toe to toe with the US for every long. China could wear us out with a war of attrition.

C'mon, didn't you see Red Dawn? Our citizens wold kick ass! "Wolverines!!!!!!"

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 11:21 PM)
C'mon, didn't you see Red Dawn? Our citizens wold kick ass!  "Wolverines!!!!!!"


LOL!!! That movie was awesome.


That was the 80's however. Nowadays teenagers would be 10 times more vicious. Can you imagine the reaction of todays teens if you took away their cell phones internet and pot? Christ, the commies wouldn't stand a chance.




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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 11:25 PM)
LOL!!!  That movie was awesome.


That was the 80's however.  Nowadays teenagers would be 10 times more vicious.  Can you imagine the reaction of todays teens if you took away their cell phones internet and pot?  Christ, the commies wouldn't stand a chance.



:lolhitting :notworthy


First, 90% would have to learn that guns shoot actual bullets. "Hey, this is just like Half Life!"

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